Max Ragnar Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 1 hour ago, thinga69 said: Ok, she took her jeans off. 😁 Doing a Leora
thinga69 Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 2 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said: Doing a Leora And doing better.
Max Ragnar Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 Just a comment but how do these people in the group apartments tolerate living with other people? Strangers living together sharing space. It would drive me nuts even when young. 1
ddhm Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 35 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said: Just a comment but how do these people in the group apartments tolerate living with other people? Strangers living together sharing space. It would drive me nuts even when young. It is very common , at least here in Europe . Sharing an apartment to reduce and split the monthly rent and standards expenses , very very very popular .. a good chemistry with a roommate also can lead to some really wonderful times . It is just strangers in the beginning but one-two nice chats and possible common habits , doesn’t need more to make or a great coexistence .. Of course this is another example with the apartments in Barcelona , the tenants don’t need to pay anything , they are even getting paid 😁 .. we have seen through the years some great friendships being created , even more , what a better example that Holly and Thor when two complete strangers met in the same common grounds area and started a relationship which now seems really serious and they have gone to the next level of living together in the USA .. it might of course don’t work and they can any time break up , but it is just an example how many things can happen . Side note , nice to see you participating in other topics of the forum , finally you managed realizing that elsewhere the “ real life “ is happening and not a boring coexistence of two people in front of cameras .. we can see people elsewhere who have friends , relatives , they participate in social events , THEY LIVE .. and elsewhere , 2 lonely people that only have the company of one another so as not to feel alone due to their zero social engagement with society . No matter for cameras or not , WE SEE things happening , real life situations , drama , backstabbings , tears , smiles , REAL LIFE .. not always and of course stupidities happen but at least , THINGS HAPPEN . 1
Max Ragnar Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 10 minutes ago, ddhm said: It is very common , at least here in Europe . Sharing an apartment to reduce and split the monthly rent and standards expenses , very very very popular .. a good chemistry with a roommate also can lead to some really wonderful times . Side note , nice to see you participating in other topics of the forum , finally you managed realizing that elsewhere the “ real life “ is happening and not a boring coexistence of two people in front of cameras .. Interesting I had no idea. Yes i am/have grown weary of Leora and Paul. I honestly couldn't live like that. I enjoy my privacy. Not unsociable but having other people around at home would drive me insane. I want my food, my dishes, my furniture, my rules and no distractions unless we have company. But company leaves my stuff alone. Hands off. As we have discussed I need a house, fenced acreage property and yard trimmed like a golf course. Living in an apartment to me is no different than a jail cell.
Max Ragnar Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 19 minutes ago, ddhm said: It is very common , at least here in Europe . Sharing an apartment to reduce and split the monthly rent and standards expenses , very very very popular .. Been giving a lot of thought to your comment. The Russian Revolution in 1917 got rid of private property and forced people into manageable cities. In Europe the two wars decimated homes and society. Post war housing, even in Britain was solved by group living projects. In America we have always had the carrot of the American Dream of having a home and no war damage on our soil. I know only 4 people that live in an apartment in my state, everyone else has a house. Different mindset due to different circumstances. I can't begin to imagine having Serafima take a dump on the pot wipe her butt (like she did an hour ago) and not wash her hands then show up in the kitchen and touch things I'd be eating off of. Fuck that. 1
daerjohn2015 Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 1 hour ago, ddhm said: Het is heel gewoon, althans hier in Europa. Een appartement delen om de maandelijkse huur en standaardkosten te verlagen en te splitsen, heel erg populair.. een goede chemie met een huisgenoot kan ook leiden tot echt geweldige tijden. In het begin zijn het gewoon vreemden, maar een-tweetje leuke chats en mogelijk gemeenschappelijke gewoonten, heeft niet meer nodig om een goed samenleven te maken.. Natuurlijk is dit een ander voorbeeld met de appartementen in Barcelona , de huurders hoeven niets te betalen , ze worden zelfs betaald 😁 .. we hebben door de jaren heen een aantal geweldige vriendschappen zien ontstaan , sterker nog , wat een beter voorbeeld dat Holly en Thor toen twee volslagen vreemden elkaar ontmoetten in dezelfde gemeenschappelijke ruimte en een relatie begonnen die nu echt serieus lijkt en ze naar het volgende niveau van samenleven in de VS zijn gegaan .. het kan natuurlijk niet werken en ze kunnen elk moment uit elkaar gaan, maar het is slechts een voorbeeld van hoeveel dingen er kunnen gebeuren. Kanttekening , leuk om te zien dat je deelneemt aan andere onderwerpen van het forum , eindelijk ben je erin geslaagd te beseffen dat elders het " echte leven " plaatsvindt en niet een saai samenleven van twee mensen voor camera 's .. we kunnen elders mensen zien die vrienden hebben , familieleden , ze nemen deel aan sociale evenementen , ZE LEVEN .. en elders , 2 eenzame mensen die alleen het gezelschap van elkaar hebben om zich niet alleen te voelen vanwege hun nul sociale betrokkenheid bij de samenleving . Ongeacht of er camera's zijn of niet, WIJ ZIEN dingen gebeuren, situaties uit het echte leven, drama, achterbaksheid, tranen, glimlachen, HET ECHTE LEVEN.. niet altijd en natuurlijk gebeuren er stommiteiten, maar er GEBEUREN tenminste DINGEN. Mooi uitgelegd, top hoe jij dit kan verwoorden.
mark t Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 1 hour ago, Max Ragnar said: Been giving a lot of thought to your comment. The Russian Revolution in 1917 got rid of private property and forced people into manageable cities. In Europe the two wars decimated homes and society. Post war housing, even in Britain was solved by group living projects. In America we have always had the carrot of the American Dream of having a home and no war damage on our soil. I know only 4 people that live in an apartment in my state, everyone else has a house. Different mindset due to different circumstances. I can't begin to imagine having Serafima take a dump on the pot wipe her butt (like she did an hour ago) and not wash her hands then show up in the kitchen and touch things I'd be eating off of. Fuck that. so licking her asshole is out of the question.... ? 1
Max Ragnar Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 41 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said: so licking her asshole is out of the question.... ? If you don't want A, hepatitis E, cholera, adenovirus, and E. coli
peking Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 3 hours ago, Max Ragnar said: In America we have always had the carrot of the American Dream lol, hope you won't mind but I will be borrowing that phrase pretty darn nifty
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