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The group's "black hussars" hit the positions of the Nazis with mortars Fire on enemy units is conducted from a 2B9 "Cornflower" mortar



4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


 Much ado about nothing - 5 pages of forum wasted.


Five? Are you serious? How about 500+ pages of wasted bandwidth!


StarLight28---You have relinquished your title as top propagandist (at least in this topic)

amandafan now gets that top position---Russian propaganda this time

20 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

Five? Are you serious? How about 500+ pages of wasted bandwidth!


Als Mensch, der gerne beim Thema bleibt, habe ich diese Info allein auf dieses Thema beschränkt. Du generalisierst wieder und äußerst Frust auf alle Themenbereiche hier, welche nicht zum Thema gehören. Ich mag keine Verallgemeinerungen, doch das ist in USA ewohl üblich - wenn auch nicht intelligent.

Wenn Dir Nachrichten nicht gefallen, welche Themenfremd sind, dann beschwere Dich bei dem Narren von SPYING und bei Polu Filipe, was DU bereits getan hast  -  doch Dir fehlt jede Autorität um etwas zu ändern.

Hier wird von SPYING mit Schwachsinn-Adlatus Nicholas und Ridge nur Pro-Trump und Anti-Demokraten-Hetze verbreitet. Unwidersprochen. Ich bin wohl der Einzige hier der auch neutrale Nachrichten aus Deutschland postet welche nicht Trump in den Arsch kriechen sondern der "neuen" Biden-Regierung ihre Chance geben.  Und sofort bin ich Propagandist, NAZI, Sozialist, Marxist, Kommunist. Alles passt nicht zusammen und ist für Amerikaner wohl egal. Hauptsache das Gehirn bleibt schön schlank.

Über Indianermord und Sklaven hätte ich nie gesprochen, wenn Idiot von SPYING nicht permanent über Deutsche NAZI, Mord und so weiter hetzen Würde, ohne Scherben in seinem Glashaus zu sehen. IDIOT SPYING wird immer dummer LOOSER sein.


33 minutes ago, happyone said:

StarLight28---You have relinquished your title as top propagandist (at least in this topic)

amandafan now gets that top position---Russian propaganda this time


Unter US-Verhältnissen habe ich Sie unter dem Angebot hier im Forum bisher für einigermaßen intelligent gehalten.  Mich als Propagandist zu bezeichnen ist eine Frechheit. Ich berichte nur neutral gegenüber so US-Deppen, welche nur den Dummen Faschisten von Trump hofieren und alle anderen, wie Demokraten verteufeln und generell beleidigen. Da bin ich in Neutralität wohl der einzige Gegenpol hier - aber kein "Propagandist" - etwas haben Sie von dem Dummkopf von "SPYING / Nicholas" wohl übernommen. Ich schäme mich für Sie.

Mit dem Russen-Unsinn habe ich nichts zu tun. ich mag Russen, doch nicht das Arschloch von Faschist Putin. Und Ukrainer sind in der Mehrheit heute Demokraten und keine NAZIs, das ist PUTIN-Propaganda auf welche nur Idioten hereinfallen.


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And I have NO position of authority on these boards. I was the Admin 10 years ago. What I know about computers, you could fit on the head of a pin. @StnCld316wields all the power now, not me. I'm just as lowly as you are. I pay the USD $20 just so I can help the Mods if I have to. Once in a while I catch a spammer or two.

But the entertainment value alone in these political threads is priceless. A bunch of 70+ year old children calling each other names. Where are you going to get that for $0.05 1/2 cents per day? 

You, that thinks you know everything there is to know about US politics and those around you that are trying to educate you with the facts, Rep & Dem, and you, refusing to accept the real truth. You really are indoctrinated. I never thought I would say that about anyone but an extreme left-winger. But, you have more than proven yourself to be one of those people just by the propagandist garbage that you post here day after day.

Seriously, get educated on the subject that you wish to speak upon before posting nonsense and making yourself look like a US Public Education student. 

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1 hour ago, TBG 150 said:

And I have NO position of authority on these boards. I was the Admin 10 years ago. What I know about computers, you could fit on the head of a pin. @StnCld316wields all the power now, not me. I'm just as lowly as you are. I pay the USD $20 just so I can help the Mods if I have to. Once in a while I catch a spammer or two.

But the entertainment value alone in these political threads is priceless. A bunch of 70+ year old children calling each other names. Where are you going to get that for $0.05 1/2 cents per day? 

You, that thinks you know everything there is to know about US politics and those around you that are trying to educate you with the facts, Rep & Dem, and you, refusing to accept the real truth. You really are indoctrinated. I never thought I would say that about anyone but an extreme left-winger. But, you have more than proven yourself to be one of those people just by the propagandist garbage that you post here day after day.

Seriously, get educated on the subject that you wish to speak upon before posting nonsense and making yourself look like a US Public Education student. 

      Make no mistake about it TGB-150, he won't because he has proven himself to be nothing more than a disgruntled kraut propagandist since most of what he has posted has been unproven, unreliable, and unverified commentary and conjecture so that much of it has been considered propaganda. He like hitler and his minions, is nothing more than a highly disgruntled kraut, who tries his best to perpetuate propagandism that best suits such individuals causes or beliefs. In the case of the individual being referred to, he promotes leftist propagandism because he has noticed that it has had more of a negative affect on the overall conditions of the U.S.'s population in recent decades. He thinks by promoting propaganda of such ideologies or beliefs otherwise, he is contributing to the decline of the U.S., although he would have been doing so also by promoting ideologies of the opposite causes or beliefs if he thought by doing so it would contribute to an overall decline of the U.S., because he has proven himself to be nothing more than a disgruntled kraut propagandist which is exactly what hitler and his minions were when they first were believed enough by the population of that country that ever allowed such mentally fucked up people to be accepted into postions of so called leadership and power.

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Absoluter Unsinn !

Andere posten hier nur den Lügen-Müll von FOX NEWS und NEW YORK POST und haben mit ihrem schmalen Gehirn nur Einheits-Brei im Kopf.    Ich kontrolliere diverse europäische Medien aus Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich und andere und sehe völlig andere Darstellungen als den US-Lügen-Mist. Wenn ich davon etwas poste so ist das Alternative und weder indoktrinär noch Propaganda, sondern sollte zur Abrundung des Wissens von intelligenten Menschen beitragen.

Da gibt es hier offenbar ein Problem. US-Information ist so ähnlich wie Information in Russland  -  viele Sender aber uniformierte Verbreitung von Dummheiten.  Und da störe ich mit alternativen Wahrheiten.   USA ist weit entfernt ein Staat der Wahrheit zu sein oder wichtig zu sein. Bis ihr das merkt ist das vielleicht schon zu spät.



I never went to college, but that would make me possibly believe his BS. Colleges indoctrinate, not educate. PhD means "Permanent Head Disorder". Maybe that's what they taught in school when he was growing up, I don't know. 

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