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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 11 (04/03/23)

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

Are you referring to my weak attempt at humor?


No. I was trying to put a little education in the old German's mind. A futile attempt at best. I need a diamond tipped bit to even scratch the surface.

Republicans are assholes, Democrats are gods. It's the same rhetoric day after day after day after day. It's sickening that you can't teach people to open their eyes. 

Winning an argument with a smart person is hard. Winning an argument with a stupid person is impossible. They always THINK they are right, when in fact, they aren't even close.

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1 hour ago, TBG 150 said:

No. I was trying to put a little education in the old German's mind. A futile attempt at best. I need a diamond tipped bit to even scratch the surface.

Republicans are assholes, Democrats are gods. It's the same rhetoric day after day after day after day. It's sickening that you can't teach people to open their eyes. 

Winning an argument with a smart person is hard. Winning an argument with a stupid person is impossible. They always THINK they are right, when in fact, they aren't even close.


Du hast leider nichts verstanden  -  was irgendwie zu erwarten war. ☹️


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Clarence Thomas nahm wohl jahrelang teure Geschenke von einem republikanischen Milliardär an. Die Rechtfertigungen des Verfassungsrichters sind wenig überzeugend.


Korrupte Republikaner in hohen Ämtern - das gibt es auch. 😁



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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Clarence Thomas nahm wohl jahrelang teure Geschenke von einem republikanischen Milliardär an. Die Rechtfertigungen des Verfassungsrichters sind wenig überzeugend.


Korrupte Republikaner in hohen Ämtern - das gibt es auch. 😁



       Aa many times previously mentioned, you prove that you are nothing more than a socaialist/marxist leftist indoctrinated kraut who obviously promotes leftist bullshit ideologies because of being indoctrinated into such ideologies rather than actually being educated as to what has actually occurred since mankinds existence since another kind of radically indoctrinated generation known as the nazis which were defeated in two world wars and  overwhelmingly defeated in the 2nd world war. You are nothing than someone who was obviously brainwashed by the communust influence that controlled over half of the country where you were spawned since then and has since tried to infilct your own harm to humanity you worthless brainwashed indoctrinated kraut.

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Erneut hat ein psychisch gestörter Täter an einer US-Schule Kinder erschossen. Das Land lebt seit Jahren mit diesen Nachrichten, es ändert sich nichts. Wie konnte es so weit kommen? Ein verurteilter...


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23 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



Once again, a mentally disturbed perpetrator shot children at a US school. The country has been living with this news for years, nothing changes. How could it come to this? A convicted...


          It happened because of the first statement indicated in the article which stated 'a mentally disturbed individual' which was not a lifeless mechanically manufactured firearm which the mentally disturbed individual used to commit the heinous and unfortunate crime. It certainly had nothing to do with the firearm that the mentally disturbed individual used, but it definited had to do with the phsychotic nutjob who was not satisfied how they were born and who had been highly influenced that the individual's psychotic unnormal behavoir had been becoming more acceptable but to the nutjob him or herself, was not enough. Perhaps it may be similar to why you have continously revealed yourself to be nothing more than a  socialist/marxist and certainly leftist propaganda promoting propagandist kraut in forum threads initially and continously created for and related to another country that has very little in common in relation to the history proven mentally disturbed country where you are and are from. 

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Der Streit um Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in den USA spitzt sich zu. Ein erzkonservativer Richter ordnet an, das Abtreibungsmedikament Mifepriston aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen. Die Demokraten zeigen sich...


Ein weiterer Schritt nach rechts in Richtung US-NS-Staat. 😁


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