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c'est quoi c'est serveur de merde que vous avez .sa recommence a déconnais comme aven sa fais des blocage de 10 cc est des saut de 15 cc . ça vient pas de ma ligne je les refait faire a neuf ils on même changer le boitier de chez orange mon db 11968 

Here is the translation of the above. Does it make any sense to anyone?

What is this server is shit you. begins his adventure was kidding as its doing the blocking is 10 cc 15 cc of jump. it's not just my line I again make a new one they even change the case of orange in my db 11968

Nope, but I laughed like hell...

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bon si vous voulez rien faire pour que ça marche mieux c'est plus la paine que je paye . entre c'est coupure sans arrêt est Nastya qui se cache de plus en plus . et qu'il baise plus depuis que kiko travail je vais passer en mode gratuit  >:( good if you want nothing make so that its walking better it is more the paine that I pay between  it is cut-off without stop and Nastya which to hiding of more in more. and which fuck more since that kiko working I'll go in mode Free

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bon si vous voulez rien faire pour que ça marche mieux c'est plus la paine que je paye . entre c'est coupure sans arrêt est Nastya qui se cache de plus en plus . et qu'il baise plus depuis que kiko travail je vais passer en mode gratuit  >:( good if you want nothing make so that its walking better it is more the paine that I pay between  it is cut-off without stop and Nastya which to hiding of more in more. and which fuck more since that kiko working I'll go in mode Free

Yes, "free mode" is good because it's gratuit.  ???  ;D

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Well, this thread gets fucked up as well...

But anyway, I want to aal you guys something.

Is it ok with you guys if I delete "new" thread with "look they are fucking but I dont have a password "threads"

We need to get things organised, and now its just sh*t!

Tell me what you guys think About it.

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Well, this thread gets fucked up as well...

But anyway, I want to aal you guys something.

Is it ok with you guys if I delete "new" thread with "look they are fucking but I dont have a password "threads"

We need to get things organised, and now its just sh*t!

Tell me what you guys think About it.

Do it.

And while you are at it, establish some rules about creating threads.  Something that will help to keep them organized going forward.  If people don't want to follow the rules...ban their asses.

Tough love, my friend.

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Guest NullBurner

I agree. Close those stupid threads and ban them, when they do it again.

Nij30's idea with sticky threads sounds good.

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I have a suggestion.  While I appreciate the rules that has been posted to not just start a thread "having sex" and leave it at one comment.  I do think that there a fair number of users that would appreciate a dedicated "having sex" thread.  That way we can subscribe to the thread to be notified when it is updated, and then it will also be out of the way for users that don't want it.

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This is my first post here and I have no intention of sounding like a know-it-all type of bloke, but I think that this forum should be an english-speaking forum, with separate threads for other languages. I find it incredibly frustrating to follow a thread and then someone posts something in German, or French, or Turkish (I think), and then there is a line of posts in that language, and then somebody else posts in English and so on and so forth. I don't wish to offend anybody, after all English is not my first language either, but I think that it would make the threads more coherent.

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For someone that says English isn't their primary language, you're better than 70% of the rest that claim that it is.

Yeah, it's hard to follow, but I don't expect the whole world to know English, as I'm ignorant enough not to learn their language. I live a few miles north of the Miami-Dade county line in South Florida. I should be able to speak Spanish fluently, but I only know enough to just get by.

Yes, this is America and you should be expected to speak the language native to the country in which you reside. Let me move to Cuba, South America, Mexico, Russia, China and see how long I make not reading, writing, or speaking the language native to that country. Not long.

But the Libs here just change the rules as they go along. Just like any scumbag Politician.

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