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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 14 (04/13/23)

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39 minutes ago, pulo filipe said:

Supermarkets in the US are getting empty and robbed 


Not in Florida. The employees in the store are packing heat and the city dwelling Demoncrats know it and stay away. 

Like the local Sheriffs say around here. We give our citizens permission to blow your asses right back out through the door that you came in through. An armed society is a polite society. You fuck with the wrong person and you are dead where you stand. Unless you live in Demoncrat controlled South Florida. You may only get bitch slapped by some sick tranny.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, Carlson was just pointing out the truth that most of the people involved in the Jan.6 protest were not violent. Tucker many times said that anyone who was violent should be prosecuted and punished, but that those who peacefully protested should not be locked away in prison for years just for trespassing. 

I'm trying to figure out where I said anything about Jan 6?  ...and what his support for Putin has to do with that is beyond me.

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Ohne Angabe von Gründen setzt US-Sender Fox News seinen berühmtesten Moderatoren vor die Tür. Das heizt die Gemüter nicht nur in den USA an.


Moskau freut sich über jeden Demagogen welchen sie erhalten können. Dafür haben sie Geld genug. Fragt Trump, der weiß was ich meine.  😁


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2 hours ago, TBG 150 said:


Not in Florida. The employees in the store are packing heat and the city dwelling Demoncrats know it and stay away. 

Like the local Sheriffs say around here. We give our citizens permission to blow your asses right back out through the door that you came in through. An armed society is a polite society. You fuck with the wrong person and you are dead where you stand. Unless you live in Demoncrat controlled South Florida. You may only get bitch slapped by some sick tranny.


Mit stumpfer Gewalt und Waffen lässt sich nicht jedes Problem lösen. Da ist Amerika wohl doch noch ziemlich rückständig und immer noch auf "Wildwest-Niveau". Ein gutes System von Erziehung und Bildung in der Breite der Gesellschaft ist für eine friedliche Zukunft erfolgreicher. Diese Erkenntnis hat über den großen Teich offenbar noch nicht herumgesprochen. Schade.  😁


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37 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Mit stumpfer Gewalt und Waffen lässt sich nicht jedes Problem lösen. Da ist Amerika wohl doch noch ziemlich rückständig und immer noch auf "Wildwest-Niveau". Ein gutes System von Erziehung und Bildung in der Breite der Gesellschaft ist für eine friedliche Zukunft erfolgreicher. Diese Erkenntnis hat über den großen Teich offenbar noch nicht herumgesprochen. Schade.  😁



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16 hours ago, Nicholas said:

       That is a typical response from someone with a leftist ideological mindset. So are you in fact a leftist who claims to be an independent, or not. Me thinks by the majority of your posts, has revealed who you actually are and so would most likely indicate you to be a leftist supporter no matter what the issue might actually be.

And you would be totally wrong that I am a leftist---you do not have rose colored glasses.  The majority of my posts only seem that way to you because you are far right--which if someone is not in the same camp as you--then they are left in your thought process.

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Not every problem can be solved with blunt force and weapons. America is probably still quite backward and still on "Wild West level". A good system of upbringing and education across society is more successful for a peaceful future. Apparently, word of this knowledge hasn't spread across the pond yet. A pity.  😁


There is where the problem starts. There IS NO system of upbringing and education in the U.S. The more kids you squeeze out, the more the government gives you in the example of money and other entitlements. Education is a joke. It's more about whether you know what you have in your pants. They still can't figure out that if you have a dick, you're a male, you have a vagina, you are a female. They allow biological males in women's toilets. They allow biological males to compete in women's sports and take away the glory that the real female has worked hard to obtain. They want to tell the females whether they can have an abortion safely. Education in the U.S. is a class in which you are taught to hate. If you aren't Right, you are Left. There are no more Americans anymore that can think for themselves. A few hundred think for millions and they are called influencers. All social media should be shut down.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Isolation from the rest of the world is necessary. There is NOTHING, that we can't invent, construct, compose or make happen within the USA. From microchips for phones, to refining oil to not being an asshole in a restaurant. All that has to be done is take away the free money. When the idiots get hungry enough and tired of being shot for stealing, they will get that job that is being offered by the tens of thousands and make their own way in life.  Until that happens, this country is on its way to becoming a third world shithole just like the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America and much of Asia. 

Bring back to our country our equipment, our technology and our people and let the rest of them fight for themselves. No more weapons, no more aide, no more military. Stand on your own two feet and fight for your own country. The strong will survive and the weak will die. 

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