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new couple Lucas and Veronica

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Yeah! We are back on topic. The apartment is now under maintenance again. I believe the man with the steam cleaner didn't want to be on camera. He could easily be there for days simply working on the couch.

Incidentally, the thread for discussion of languages is here, and has been there for months. Use it:



Ouais! Nous sommes de retour sur le sujet. L'appartement est actuellement en cours de maintenance à nouveau. Je crois que l'homme avec le nettoyeur à vapeur ne voulait pas être à la caméra. Il pourrait facilement être là pendant des jours de travail tout simplement sur ​​le canapé.

Par ailleurs, le fil de discussion sur les langues est ici, et il a été pendant des mois. Utilisez-le:

http://camcaps.net/the vieux-mecs-board/the-éternel-langue-question-thread/


Sí! Estem de tornada en el tema. L'apartament es troba ara sota el manteniment de nou. Crec que l'home amb el netejador de vapor no volia aparèixer davant càmeres. Ell fàcilment podria ser-hi durant dies simplement està treballant en el sofà.

Per cert, el fil de discussió d'idiomes és aquí, i ha estat allà des de fa mesos. Fes-lo servir:

http://camcaps.net/the d'antiguitat-dubtis-board / the-eterna-language-tema-thread / [/ url]

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putine  ça dure moins longtemps que paul on dirai !!!

it's not possible. It lasted less than 1 minutes last time they had sex ...... (And he can't last more)

It's understandable.  He was raised by rabbits.

Ha...he got up this morning, went to the bathroom, then got back in bed and mounted her from behind (under the blankets, of course). My thoughts were that he looked like a rabbit in heat or a dog dry humping someones leg. She just laid there as if she was still sleeping. 3 minutes max.

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I beg to differ. I'd say the majority of the guys in the apts DON'T deserve the abuse they get. But so many guys here are so blind to their own bias towards the women that they can't help themselves. I can't even tell you how close I was to laying people out for the unjustified abuse Ruslan got, especially since not a single fucking person was able to provide any shred of proof. At the end I just decided against it because honestly the majority of people here are clueless.

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I beg to differ. I'd say the majority of the guys in the apts DON'T deserve the abuse they get. But so many guys here are so blind to their own bias towards the women that they can't help themselves. I can't even tell you how close I was to laying people out for the unjustified abuse Ruslan got, especially since not a single fucking person was able to provide any shred of proof. At the end I just decided against it because honestly the majority of people here are clueless.

Let me refine my statement, because I know we are in agreement. I have constantly tried to defend the RLC men against the "My penis is bigger and better than his" statements. I defended Stefan for quite some time, but I lost faith in him when he became obviously so hurtful to Alma's feelings. I personally feel that Ruslan had a medical issue. Marcello was, well, odd, but so was his woman. Some of the other guys simply have no goals in life: at least they didn't or don't exhibit it. These gentlemen later earned their some of their derisive comments, but to judge any of them INSTANTLY when they first appear is what you mean by "clueless."

For example: Paul has suffered extreme abuse; none of it is justified. Kiko suffered abuse; none of it was justified. Even Stepan, Efim, and Anton got abuse from the moment they first arrived. All of these were intelligent, kind to their women (despite the fact that most of the women are problematic as well), intelligent, and trying to make something of their lives.

Little Squirrel is the last to judge people immediately: the best we can do here is to observe and hope that some of the couples are here as a stepping stone to a better life: others seem to have simply parked on RLC for the rent. We cannot really know their full stories, and certainly can't figure out who they are when they first appear at CamCaps. Accordingly, I will let Lucas and Veronica go about their business. As long as walls don't get punched in and knives drawn and medics called...

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I beg to differ. I'd say the majority of the guys in the apts DON'T deserve the abuse they get. But so many guys here are so blind to their own bias towards the women that they can't help themselves. I can't even tell you how close I was to laying people out for the unjustified abuse Ruslan got, especially since not a single fucking person was able to provide any shred of proof. At the end I just decided against it because honestly the majority of people here are clueless.

Pour une fois je suis entièrement d'accord avec toi  ;)

cordialement Océane  ;) :-*

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