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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 20 (05/22/23)

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6 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Most of the crimes are committed by demon 😈 crats 

Don't want your packages stolen then be home when the courier service delivers the package. They do knock on doors and ring door bells.  

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On 5/23/2023 at 12:59 PM, StarLight28 said:


That is a fatal misjudgment with the rose-colored US glasses. Let's stay on the carpet. Little Bush's "rogue states" are misrepresented. Who has fought the most foreign wars in the world since 1945??? UNITED STATES !!! (Doesn't want to post these again - otherwise happyone will scold me again - look in the archive) Who has military bases all over the world??? UNITED STATES. Who used nuclear weapons alone against people ??? UNITED STATES. Who wants to rule our world as a policeman since 1945 and technological looting??? UNITED STATES. USA has clearly shown that the state is without scruples - and attacks countries with lies. 2003 Iraq - model for Russia to attack neighbors. IRAN was once a western-oriented country on the road to democracy. Islamization was not good, no question, but US policy against Iran was pure stupidity and only made the regime strong.

Fear of Iran's nuclear weapons ?? Why only Iran? India, Russia, Pakistan, UK, USA, North Korea, Israel are equally dangerous for our humanity. None of the countries mentioned are really "reliable".

Cards are reshuffled. US supremacy is coming to an end - usa is destroying itself. China, India - even bigger than China, Brazil - these are new players in the world. We don't know exactly what will happen in Russia yet. A nuclear weapons state like this USA in agony is "a fire hazard for our earth - compared to that, 12 years of crazy Nazis were shit! With the radical right-wing Reps, your USA is on the bad track of repeating a dark history of world politics. The pressure in the cauldron of internal USA problems are increasing daily. I'm just trying to warn you about the dangers again and again. And I'm not dreaming, believe me. Very sober analysis. I don't want to harm you - just make you think. 



Yes, liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats are in the process of destroying the U.S. from the inside. 

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23 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

The US Air Force has been supporting the fight against the IS militia in northern Iraq for several days. In a video, the extremists are now threatening the United States with attacks on US citizens. President Obama, meanwhile, continues...





And Trump killed the IS prick in that photo, and now "Judas Joe" Biden is allowing IS members to walk across our southern border into the U.S.:angry:

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23 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

According to Governor Ron DeSantis, former US President Donald Trump has no chance of winning against Joe Biden in the 2024 US election.


plain text !! 


Beginning to look like Desantis (Trump Lite) has no chance of winning against Trump.:tongue:

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50 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Trump is enthusiastic about Hitler, like this sick young man with the car and swastika flag. Trump's far-right fascist is "incendiary" for America. :biggrin:



Donald Trump shocks again and again with his statements. This time he is said to have praised Hitler during a trip abroad. What happened?


That's what happens when some Americans or anyone else reads the German Nazi propaganda.  They are converted to idolizing Hitler, Nazi's, and German left wing propaganda.  

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28 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Ja, liberale progressive sozialistische/marxistische Demokraten sind dabei, die USA von innen heraus zu zerstören. 


Du verstehst offensichtlich nicht viel von Politik, wie Trump. Mit seinem "MAGA-Credo" hat der konservative Trump versucht mit "Strafzöllen" und Subventionen für US-Firmen vom Weltmarkt abzukoppeln. Das klingt nur kurzfristig gut für Amerika. In Tatsache ist dies weder kapitalistische noch liberale "Freie Marktwirtschaft2 sondern "Sozialistisches Eingreifen in den Markt". Ich habe keine Idee warum sich eine (konservative) "Republikanische Partei" der USA das hat gefallen lassen. 

Deshalb und wegen der faschistischen, autokratischen Denkweise ist diese USA in Gefahr.  Biden hat nach Amtsantritt versucht das Schlimmste zu zu verhüten und Dummheiten von Trump wieder rückgängig zu machen damit Agmerika international wieder gesellschaftsfähig wird. Demokraten verfolgen wohl eine freie, liberale und progressive zeitgemäße Ordnung - aber mit Sicherheit weder eine sozialistische noch eine marxistische Ordnung. Ihr schreibt das hier immer wieder ist aber sachlich völliger Unsinn. Offensichtlich habt Ihr keine Spur von Ahnung was das ist.


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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

Don't want your packages stolen then be home when the courier service delivers the package. They do knock on doors and ring door bells.  

They may do that up there, but not here. They're lucky the parcel gets delivered in one piece. They almost throw it at the front door/porch, whatever and run back to their truck. No call out, no call, no doorbell.

Many delivery people are caught by many old people who need someone to talk too. The courier has 200 more stops at 5 in the afternoon. He can't stop to talk.

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

Das passiert, wenn einige Amerikaner oder sonst jemand die deutsche Nazi-Propaganda liest. Sie sind dazu bekehrt, Hitler, die Nazis und die deutsche linke Propaganda zu vergöttern .  


Sie haben schon bessere Texte geschrieben. Mir ist klar, dass ich geboren wurde, als es in Deutschland bereits keine Nazi-Partei mehr gab. In meiner gesamten Verwandtschaft war kein Einziger in der Nazi-Partei und auch keiner Soldat, da unsere Familie bereits in WK 1 ausgeblutet ist. Mein Vater war in der verfolgten SPD und ich auch 28 Jahre lang. Rechte Parteien wie diese CDU von Merkel oder noch weiter rechts hatten nie eine Chance bei mir.

NAZI-Propaganda betreibt hier permanent dieser   SPYING 1   , und versucht mir seine NAZI-Begeisterung in meine Schuhe zu schieben. Für mich war Hitler der gleiche kleine Verbrecher wie Trump heute – ungebildet, dumm, überheblich, brutal – eine sehr gefährliche Mischung. „NAZI und deutsche linke Propaganda“ ist in sich Blödsinn hoch 3     Und ich habe alles 3 nie getan . Das Thema hier ist USA .Ich habe nur gelegentlich aufgezeigt, dass unser Verhältnis-Wahlrecht ehrlicher ist und unsere Kombination aus „Privat-TV“ und „Freien öffentlichen rechtlichen TV“ (das ist KEIN Regierungs-TV) in der Summe offenkundig ehrlicher und besser funktioniert als nur „Privat finanziertes „ Sensations- und Lügen-TV , und wenn es der größte Kabel-TV-Sender ist - Lügen bleibt Lügen, und wenn für 788 Millionen USD.


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36 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

They may do that up there, but not here. They're lucky the parcel gets delivered in one piece. They almost throw it at the front door/porch, whatever and run back to their truck. No call out, no call, no doorbell.

Many delivery people are caught by many old people who need someone to talk too. The courier has 200 more stops at 5 in the afternoon. He can't stop to talk.

Over here they bring it right to the door. If they don't get a response then they leave a tag showing they'll be back the following day.  If no one is there then the package goes to a local pickup depot where one has to go and retrieve it. 

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