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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 22 (06/08/23)

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22 minutes ago, happyone said:

Here is today's match up in the US General Domestic Politics forum:


StarLight28----FUCK YOU Nazi US Rep Pigs

Us Open Sport GIF by Tennis ChannelGallery (the rest of the forum members)----This is so stupid

Nicolas--FUCK YOU sorry assed shit kraut propagandist

Spying1--Here -shove this Hitler picture of your family up your ass

Ridgerunner--You don't understand simple English-you loser politician

        Rather here is todays matchup, h.o.'s belief must be irrevelant or nothing more than b.s. since he tries to be passive to someone who has more than proven themself many, many times to be nothing more than a sorry assed, worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. Imagine that, and so many wonder what is not right or is actually wrong in the country nowadays.

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7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Stupid dirty US NAZI asshole with no brains - tail off !! Such unteachable intellectual waste as Nicholas's Pissing Pants must not be allowed to multiply.   😁


     🤣 You are obviously such an ignorant and poorly educated but highly indoctrinated worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. 

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10 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Answer from an idiot. About 10 words you uttered in American were phrases with no proven content. I asked you to explain and prove these phrases. What's coming ??? Hot air. Clear evidence that you have lied again and are unable to prove the facts. Only American rush without sense. You are an incompetent liar and agitator. Better stay in Trump's ass - independent thinking doesn't suit you.    :biggrin:  This includes intelligence - unfortunately you don't have it - go back to Vietnam.


 Like the Trump/Russia collusion hoax had so much proven content, right? You are a totally deranged lunatic.

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5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Donald Trump rumbles at a campaign event against the US judiciary. It was a "political campaign" and the charges against him were "one of the most horrible forms of...


That IDIOT never learns. He never makes anything better with unjustified criticism - on the contrary. Stupid stays STUPID. 😁

Unjustified criticism? The man has been attacked by the Washington, D.C. swamp and the news media ever since he announced for president in 2015.  You are the fucking stupid one.  You have no idea what is really going on in America. There is a revolution taking place right now. I just hope it does not become violent. Hopefully, the 2024 election will allow the American people to take control of their government again, and then there needs to be a massive cleansing of the career government bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.  Unelected people are running the government right now.

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4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Stupid dirty US NAZI asshole with no brains - tail off !! Such unteachable intellectual waste as Nicholas's pissing pants must not be allowed to multiply.   😁


Yes, only the superior Aryan German race should be allowed to multiply, right Adolf jr.?:tongue:

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4 hours ago, happyone said:

Here is today's match up in the US General Domestic Politics kiddies forum:


StarLight28----FUCK YOU Nazi US Rep Pigs

Us Open Sport GIF by Tennis ChannelGallery (the rest of the forum members)----This is so fucking stupid

Nicolas--FUCK YOU sorry assed shit kraut propagandist

Spying1--Here -shove this Hitler picture of your family up your ass

Ridgerunner--You don't understand simple English-you loser politician

At least I'm not stupid enough to live in California.:tongue:

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15 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Unjustified criticism? The man has been attacked by the Washington, D.C. swamp and the news media ever since he announced for president in 2015.  You are the fucking stupid one.  You have no idea what is really going on in America. There is a revolution taking place right now. I just hope it does not become violent. Hopefully, the 2024 election will allow the American people to take control of their government again, and then there needs to be a massive cleansing of the career government bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.  Unelected people are running the government right now.

A massive cleansing of Donald Trump and the GOP.   Jack Nicholson Lol GIF

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09.06.2023 - US-Präsident Joe Biden hat nach Angaben des Weißen Hauses aus den Medien von der erneuten Anklage gegen seinen Vorgänger Donald Trump erfahren. 'Der Präsident und seine...


In Demokratien ist es üblich das der Justizminister mit dem "Chef" über das operative Geschäft und Einzelfälle NICHT spricht. 


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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Yes, only the superior Aryan German race should be allowed to multiply, right Adolf jr.?:tongue:


Du wirst jeden Tag noch mehr albern. Diese 2 US-NAZI-Dummköpfe sind doch wirklich penetrant dumm ohne jede sachliche Kompetenz. Nur hetzen ohne Verstand - und keiner soll sich wehren ??


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