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When Baghdad Falls ....


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We can be certain Obama won't shed any tears.

It's time for some sick mofo to step forward and assassinate Obama.  Most Americans would never know he's gone.

Why does it have to be a sick mofo, or is that the only way you could justify it?

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Bagdad is a shit hole anyway. been there done that :)  it's pretty sad I could get you around bagdad better than I could say Obamaville I mean Chicago.  We have 3000 people in Bagdad and it is the U.S. largest embassy in the world.  I hope they get all my brothers and sisters out of there before it does fall.  This is the problem with us taking out Saddam, he was a tyrant yes he did have loads of nerve gas that were found (trust me on this) but he kept people in line, because if they didn't he would just off them.  that's why our govrn't put him in power in the first place.  I had a lot of friends lose there lives over there to watch this shit bag let it fall again.  I would go back in a heart beat don't get me wrong, but I say they let us do things right, fuck the hearts and minds make them fear us and they will fall into place.

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We can be certain Obama won't shed any tears.

It's time for some sick mofo to step forward and assassinate Obama.  Most Americans would never know he's gone.


Biden is the ONLY reason ObuttHole is still alive. He is 100 times worse. And 200 times worse is the 'Mr.Speaker'.

I think we can sweat out 2 more years of extreme Muslim domination.

Then we can shut them all down.

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We can be certain Obama won't shed any tears.

It's time for some sick mofo to step forward and assassinate Obama.  Most Americans would never know he's gone.


Biden is the ONLY reason ObuttHole is still alive. He is 100 times worse. And 200 times worse is the 'Mr.Speaker'.

I think we can sweat out 2 more years of extreme Muslim domination.

Then we can shut them all down.

Believe me, things will be different after this year's election.  Obama is set to become the Republican's lapdog.

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We can be certain Obama won't shed any tears.

It's time for some sick mofo to step forward and assassinate Obama.  Most Americans would never know he's gone.


Biden is the ONLY reason ObuttHole is still alive. He is 100 times worse. And 200 times worse is the 'Mr.Speaker'.

I think we can sweat out 2 more years of extreme Muslim domination.

Then we can shut them all down.

Believe me, things will be different after this year's election.  Obama is set to become the Republican's lapdog.

Not even close.  Obama will not be anybody's "lapdog."  No, it will veto everything that  comes across its desk, using the "pocket veto" more than any real President ever has.  It will fly all over the U.S. raising funds for nothing in particular, take a few bribes here and there to pardon some people who got caught fighting the good fight on its behalf, like Lois Lerner, or some drug gang lords and gun runners.  Who knows: maybe he will just throw open the gates at Gitmo and have all those guys show up in New York one day: Free at Last, Free at Last.  Yuck yuck yuck. 

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