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Politically Incorrect Jokes

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Any and all are fair game.  I'll start with this one:

A Muslim father is taking a shower with his young son when the son asks, "Dad, when will I have a bigger penis like that?"  The dad replies, "When you get older, son."  The next day the father was taking a shower with his young daughter when she asked, “Dad, when do I get a big penis like that?" He responds, "As soon as your mother leaves to do the shopping."

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A Muslim walks into his local mosque with a big grin on his face.  "What are you so happy about, Abdul?" Asks the Imam.  "Well, I'll tell you," replies Abdul. "I live by the railroad tracks and on my way home last night, I noticed a young woman tied to the rails, like in the American movies. I cut her free and took her back to my humble abode. Allah be praised - we made love all night, all around the tent. We did everything, me on top, sometimes her on top, every position permitted by Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him!"  "By the most Merciful," exclaimed the Imam, "you have been blessed. Was she as beautiful as a desert flower?"  Abdul grimaced, " I do not know - I never found her head."

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I'd fucking join in a second if you and your cronies weren't posting your hate filled shit on a daily basis - I'm certain that that puts a lot of other potential subscribers off too.  They thought they were signing up to talk about what goes on in the world of RLC and the other sites but in actually the majority of the posts are white supremacist witterings of narrow minded cretins. 

You know that you can start your own forum or site or whatever for free nowadays so why don't you start one and take your neo-nazis with you? I bet subscriptions would rocket up here  on CC from normal good people if you did.  You could call it www.woodysnaziwankshed.co.ck

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You proved your a hypocrite.  You want to participate, but your not willing to pay or help support the forum.  And then, just like any good liberal, you want to blame someone else.

How pathetic you fucking Anti-American liberals really are.    You don't believe in the Constitution, or the freedom of speech, or the right to bare arms to protect oneself or their family.  And you don't believe in personal responsibility.  And of course you don't support our military which keeps a Muslim from hacking your liberal head off. 

Your nothing but mindless scum, nothing more than that.

Seriously? You replies are never worth responding to Woody. Once again I don't know where to start - not because you make a crushing case with so many salient points backing up your position, it's just that what you is full of shit, there's literally nothing in the above that is worth a response.

P.S I certainly do believe in the right to bare arms, t-shirts are a basic human right.

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C'mon guys, can't we all just get along?  Now, Mr. Wood, you needn't hold another's political views against him.  After all, it's his choice to vote for a monkey and support overseas cockroaches, right?  I love the fact that this Audrey person has appointed itself the conscience and morality cop of the peeping-tom discussion board.  That's like being the medic at the Christian Science convention. 

Meanwhile, I would agree with His Impotence and some of its pretentious remarks were my posts in the regular RLC discussion threads.  My comments would be trollish and off-topic.  Trollish and off-topic hijacking of threads shows disrespect for the Admin, the website, the starter of the thread, and the other people posting to it.  That's why this thread is a subset of a subset WAY OFF the normal voyeuristic theme threads, and is designed to be exactly what it is: A place to discuss something besides Alina's fat ass and Ruslan's Asperger's while, at the same time, not hijacking the Couples and Apartments threads. 

But you see, Sir Soft-One really is the consummate troll.  It's not interested in enjoying a joke or two.  No, it's trolling the waters looking for a fight.  It's all pissed off that its Lord and Savior turned out to be a bumbling fool and traitor.  When Iran gets a nuke, this stupid fuck will tell us that it's Bush's fault, right?  Or maybe the CIA's fault.  Rather than step up and admit that "Yes We Can Made Me Cum," it prefers to skulk about picking fights with others.  Nevertheless, I certainly hope it has a super sparkly day!!!!

Yo!  Miss Audrey, Cupcake.  This one's for you.

A muslim woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: “That’s the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. Ugh!”  The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: “The driver just insulted me!”  The man says: “You go right up there and tell him off – go ahead, I’ll hold your monkey for you.”

Anyway, I'm concerned that some may think that, just because we don't trust Muslims, we are "white supremacists."  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  It's not that we think white folks are better than others; it's that we can identify who the cockroaches are.  The fact that we don't pretend, like Mr. Limper would like us to, that ALL people and ALL ideas are EQUAL, does not suggest that we think our own race is better than all others.  We just know that the gutter folks, the beheaders this asshole loves so much, are scum.  We don't have to claim to be superior to all others to correctly identify those unworthy to live.  They self-identify to everybody except that commie cock sucker who has the nerve to come here and soil my thread, no offense intended.

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Thank you.

I hope I'm not stirring the fat in the fire too much.

Meanwhile:  I have been trying to join and to make a financial contribution for about a week now.  I tried through PayPal but the Admin said it was negative function. 

I have no idea what this square whatever is about.  There's no place to just send a check or something, right?

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Insert the "trying to find the joke" Sherlock Holmes' spyglass meme here.

Nearly 50 views and no replies, says it all really.

  Yuk yuk, muk-tuk

Aubrey dies and finds himself in front of St Peter at the gates of heaven.  "Hey, what's going on here? Where am I?" he asks St Peter.  "Welcome to the afterlife," St Peter replies.  "No, no this isn't right. I want to speak to the prophet Mohammed, right away."

"Would you like a cappuccino?" asks St Peter.  "No! I want to speak to the prophet Mohammed," replies Aubrey.

"Well, you can talk to Jesus if you want," says St Peter, and goes off to find him.

"Jesus, I don't understand what's going on here," Aubrey says. "I want to speak to the prophet Mohammed."

"Would you like a cappuccino?"  "No, I want to speak to the prophet! Now."

"Well, you can talk to God if you like", says Jesus.

This appears to be acceptable to Aubrey and off they go.  Jesus lets Aubrey into a big room and leaves him. After a few moments there is a puff of smoke and God appears.

"Yes, what seems to be the problem here?" booms God.

Aubrey is very worked up by now. "Look, I don't get what's happened here, I want to talk to the prophet Mohammed!"

"Would you like a cappuccino?"

"Okay, okay," says Aubrey, "I'll have a fucking cappuccino - now will someone please let me speak to the prophet Mohammed."

"Two cappuccinos, Mohammed," says God.

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