Mauri Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 9 minutes ago, Alladino said: No, è il mix di diversi elementi che rende RLC interessante. Ad esempio, è altrettanto inutile avere nel progetto un attore porno che fa sesso ma è un fake o comunque non è mai presente. Ecco perché non guardo l'appartamento S&C, per esempio. Lo trovo solo noioso. RLC ha semplicemente troppe ragazze in cui quasi mai, o addirittura mai, succede qualcosa. Un RLC in cui le ragazze mantengono le loro vite sessuali fuori dalla telecamera, o riducono le loro vite al punto in cui praticamente non accade nulla, è inutile. È semplicemente irrealistico che le ragazze nel momento migliore della loro vita, con una quantità di tempo praticamente infinita, non abbiano mai niente da fare per mesi. Ciò di cui RLC ha bisogno sono ragazze che siano realmente coinvolte nel progetto e che non si limitino a fare il loro tempo come se fossero in prigione. Cosa dovrebbe succedere? E comunque, come vedi, parli ancora di sesso, dicendo che tengono le loro vite sessuali all’esterno.
JoeBitch Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 6 hours ago, cupid30 said: I'd rather watch a caterpillar build a cocoon and turn into a butterfly than watch Megan and her new guys boring sex. You are missing the point as usual…
Xarvaz Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 7 minutes ago, JoeBitch said: For real…the iq is really low…Esmi bates were 1000 times better 🤦♂️. People are losing brain cells here it drops back to the normal low level of hatefulness so this continues without me 1
Alladino Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 4 minutes ago, Mauri said: What is supposed to happen? And yet, as you see, you still talk about sex, saying that they keep their sex lives on the outside. Of course I am also talking about sex. It's ridiculous to pretend that on a voyeur site that usually has at least three cameras in every bedroom, it's not also about sex. That's exactly the point I want to make here. Why is a girl like Shantal in this project, who is clearly not ready to really live out her sex life in front of the camera, and therefore wastes the best room there? As I said, it's not about the fact that she hasn't had sex with this one guy, but that nothing ever happens.
Pete1960 Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 1 hour ago, thinga69 said: I guess you did watched Esmi's hole stay because I would say that both are about the same and Esmi did many uncovered bates. Took her a long time to get there though 1
Mauri Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 16 minutes ago, Alladino said: Ovviamente parlo anche di sesso. È ridicolo fingere che su un sito di voyeur che di solito ha almeno tre telecamere in ogni camera da letto, non si tratti anche di sesso. Questo è esattamente il punto che voglio sottolineare qui. Perché una ragazza come Shantal è in questo progetto, che chiaramente non è pronta a vivere davvero la sua vita sessuale davanti alla telecamera, e quindi spreca la stanza migliore lì? Come ho detto, non si tratta del fatto che non ha fatto sesso con questo ragazzo, ma che non succede mai niente. Perche’ Nella vita c’e’ chi non fa’ sesso neanche senza telecamere, puo’ essere una loro scelta, magari non sono tipi da rapporti occasionali come altre ragazze, magari voglio fare sesso solamente con la persona giusta in una relazione, e non per questo bisogna screditarli, e ancora una volta, cos’altro dovrebbe succedere se non ti riferisci solamente al sesso?
ddhm Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 3 hours ago, Alladino said: The problem is not that she hasn't had sex with this one specific guy, but that she is very camera shy in general. It just doesn't make much sense to keep a girl like that in the cast if nothing will ever happen, even after months in the project. Moreover, I really don't understand why RLC is awarding the best room in B1 to her of all the girls. The other two girls in B1 have regular visitors, and Magan in particular is much better integrated socially with the other girls, so it makes little sense for Shantal to keep a room like this. I don’t thinks she’s shy , I think she’s ( not ready ? ) not willing to do more than nudity on cameras .. for example , her masturbations aren’t fake or a show , she does it for her own personal woman needs ( relax and enjoy / cover her sex desires / feelings ) and that’s why she does it under the covers .. on the other hand ,when people sign in to take this job , they also know or is explained at least what is expected by them as well . If they do , it is fine and better for them , if not , life goes on . In any case , for me Shantal is fun to watch , beautiful and different girl , smiley and social and she’s not isolated , moody or a bad roommate or person in general for the rest .. we need also a bit of more chilled people , of course when Barcelona slowly loses even some of the ones that did more in cameras since the April’s restart ( Azura , Wendy , Gloria ,Aziza ) and the ones replacing are proving so far not capable of the same fun , then it is also affecting Shantal’s presence which is already a long one and has people wondering if and ever will do something more .. Still , EVERYONE needs to remember the difficulties she went through when she arrived in B1 and lived for some days with the 2 girls who were “ taking advantage “ of guys inside the cameras house which led them to their RLC departure .. Shantal is fine , there are others worse currently ( for example Milena the mama , Lubna the night worker , the new couple in B5 , Oks in B4 laying down mostly on her bed the whole day ) … The art of voyeurism is waiting for that very special moment , the forum exploded when Dylan approached her , she seemed to surrender but she wasn’t ( STILL ) ready to let all go .. let’s see . 1
Xarvaz Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 i don't think shantal is shy .. she just doesn't want sex with that ass hole, in the villa no one wants anything to do with dylan anymore so he brings hookers or tries somewhere else, his big fear of being alone becomes increasingly clear. Maybe he should just realize he has to go home and continue destroying football stadiums 1
Alladino Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 5 minutes ago, Mauri said: Because in life there are those who don't have sex even without a camera, it may be their choice, maybe they are not casual sex types like other girls, maybe they only want to have sex with the right person in a relationship, and they should not be discredited for that, and again, what else should happen if you don't just mean sex? Have you ever eaten a soup that was either over or under salted? You notice immediately that something is wrong, and no matter how good the rest of the ingredients are, the overall product is not right. For a voyeur site, realistic sex is something you can't just leave out. Even if everything else is right, one major element missing destroys the overall result. I think that's how best to describe Shantal in RLC. Also, in more general, for a concept like RLC to work, it needs the right people. They should at least be active, sympathetic, good-looking and involved in the project. None of this has to be perfect, but it is not enough to just get someone into the cast without to ask them a little bit about there personality and check for behaviour and looks. I have always said that especially for the vecation appartments, young party girls are probably best. It just doesn't make sense to have a nun in the cast. So if anyone has made the decision for their life not to have sex, they should probably not take part in a voyeur project. That should be clear to everyone.
zone51 Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 2 hours ago, Xarvaz said: yes Esmi was my favorite she masturbated 2 times without covering but overall Shantal shows more 2 open bates on 9 months heum very impressive and some people want see her again this is crazy I understand better now why RLC is still alive after 11 years... 1 2
ddhm Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 56 minutes ago, Xarvaz said: i don't think shantal is shy .. she just doesn't want sex with that ass hole, in the villa no one wants anything to do with dylan anymore so he brings hookers or tries somewhere else, his big fear of being alone becomes increasingly clear. Maybe he should just realize he has to go home and continue destroying football stadiums Yes .. you have convinced the WHOLE forum that Dylan is the source of all evil in the villas … Bogdan and Nelly appear nowhere else except living like King and Queen in a place that doesn’t belong to them , yet , they have the best room , isolated and the POWER to cut off the power generator and bring nearby villa in darkness 😂🤣 The one night stands are called “ hookers “ by you when you aren’t in a position to explain why Dylan will need a hooker to fuck like he’s missing sex and needs to pay 😂🤣 ( i still don’t know of course if you know what ONS means … ) .. Shantal covers while masturbating but for you this isn’t called “ SHY “ .. ok … a guy was with her on Ashley’s bed a couple of months ago and she wasn’t surrendering but for you this isn’t called “SHY “ … ok … she was doing showers not facing the cameras , this for you isn’t called “ SHY “… ok .. No one wants to do things with Dylan anymore 😂🤣😂 when just 5 or so days ago it was Aya , Aziza , Tani and Lacrim having fun saying farewell to Aziza . YOU NEED TO SEE THAT NOBODY wants to do or stay anymore in B7 ( in comparison to B4 ) , Ashley she visits often B2 , Lacrim is around and about either at Harley’s or attending personal issues in Barcelona . Dylan is welcomed repeatedly , last week in B5 party , then for two days in a row in B1 and last night as well … for you , nobody wants to do things with him when YOU CAN’T see that with Bogdan and Nelly having claimed B7 as their own palace. , the place is sinking . Even Ashley the wild and crazy has lost passion and luckily she had that one time event some days ago . Dylan seemed to arrange to bring Megan’s boyfriend in Barcelona , BUT , for you , he is still The asshole 😂🤣 The only guy ( Dylan ) that because HE LOVES SOCIALIZING , you present it like afraid being alone 😂 this is one of the most “ sick “ comments I have read here , people who go out , they participate daily as much as possible with others and interact , you say THAT HE AFRAIDS TO BE ALONE .. god helps us all 😂 And the last one , go home and destroy football stadiums .. please , go and visit Napoli , the things you will see there can ( MAYBE ) if you are smart enough make you understand what passion runs Napoli , the maradona effect , the Vesuvius volcano , Pompei , piazza plebiscito , the Napoli port and the famous pizza Napolitana , then maybe we can talk again about ASSHOLE Dylan and going back to destroy football stadiums 😂🤣😂🤣 Unluckily for you , Dylan and Sambuka are currently the two and only reasons to watch the Barcelona apartments ( followed by glances of Harley , Fiora , Aya and unfolding Nadia ) . 1 1
Mauri Posted August 2, 2023 Posted August 2, 2023 30 minutes ago, Alladino said: Hai mai mangiato una zuppa troppo o poco salata? Ti accorgi subito che qualcosa non va e non importa quanto siano buoni gli altri ingredienti, il prodotto complessivo non va bene. Per un sito di voyeur, il sesso realistico è qualcosa che non puoi semplicemente tralasciare. Anche se tutto il resto è giusto, un elemento importante mancante distrugge il risultato complessivo. Penso che sia il modo migliore per descrivere Shantal in RLC. Inoltre, più in generale, affinché un concetto come RLC funzioni, ha bisogno delle persone giuste. Dovrebbero almeno essere attivi, comprensivi, di bell'aspetto e coinvolti nel progetto. Niente di tutto questo deve essere perfetto, ma non è sufficiente inserire qualcuno nel cast senza chiedere loro un po' della personalità e controllare il comportamento e l'aspetto. Ho sempre detto che, soprattutto per gli appartamenti in vacanza, le ragazze giovani sono probabilmente le migliori. Non ha senso avere una suora nel cast. Quindi, se qualcuno ha deciso per la propria vita di non fare sesso, probabilmente non dovrebbe prendere parte a un progetto di voyeur. Dovrebbe essere chiaro a tutti. Questo post ha confermato per l’ennesima volta che cerchi solamente io sesso, RLC e’ un sito voyeur, e gli inquilini fanno esattamente cio’ per cui sono pagati, loro decidono cosa fare o cosa non fare, RLC non centra nulla, se lo slogan fosse la vita sessuale di altre persone, allora ti darei ragione, ma qui stiamo parlano di vita privata, di Voyeur, ovvero di “spiare” questo e’ il concetto. Il sesso fa’ parte del voyeur, ma non e’ l’unica priorita’, se RLC dicesse loro prima di entrare nel progetto, che devono fare sesso, nessuna accetterebbe, e se si basasse soltanto su quelle, RLC manderebbe via chi non lo fa’. Ma il concetto di RLC e fare una normale vita di tutti giorni, il resto sta’ a loro decidere cosa fare. 1
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