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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #28


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3 minutes ago, Anode said:

Cela me donne l'impression de quelque chose ne va pas dans leur couple, ils ont l'air de ce faire la gueule ?

pour moi j'ai l'impression qui s'évite toujours un dort l'autre reste éveillé 

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il y a 17 minutes, RAME a dit :

c'est comme hier le mardi ménage la je ne regarde même plus mais la c'était encore plus nulle soirée ordinateur rien pour c'est abonnées soirée la plus ennuyeuse .

Dans tout les cas, il bride Leora de nous donner ce qu'ont payé qu'il dorme ou pas, il sait qu'elle heure elle débat !

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1 hour ago, RAME said:

c'est comme hier le mardi ménage la je ne regarde même plus mais la c'était encore plus nul soirée ordinateur rien pour c'est abonnées soirée la plus ennuyeuse .

It is what it is !! We have to accept that this couple is to an extent dysfunctional to many people, but perfectly normal to themselves, and it seems to work as they have been together apart for a couple of years separation for around a decade + . Even during the separation they stayed in constant touch with each other.

No ! Living like this would not suit the majority of people, including me, but for them it has become perfectly normal as they work their life around Leora's RLC "commitments" and his "business interests " enjoying each others company and interests outside of the apartment.

The majority of viewers have never really taken to Paul for whatever reason, myself included. Along with the the domestic violence of a few years back he often comes across as surly, pampered and lazy but could in reality and in Leora's eye's be the total opposite, along with the fact some viewers are actually jealous of him for having 24/7 access to their fantasy woman. He really doesn't have a chance of ever being the most popular guy in Prague unfortunately.

Leora knew what he was like before she invited him back, so she must be happy to commit her foreseeable future to living with him wherever life takes them ........You don't have to like it but you do have to accept It !! ...Or exercise your choices.....I do at times!

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It wasn't so long ago it would take Leora almost two hours to get herself ready to go out, what with showering, hair wash and dry, makeup to perfection, dress and change to something else, then checked and double checked.

She now from bed to leaving the apartment with Paul can achieve it in 15 minutes.:biggrin:

Perhaps he's not worth the effort, or he wouldn't realise the difference.::)

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leora  porte des tenues classique elle ne cherche pas a porter sexy pour sortir  ou paul ne veux pas je pense qui est très jaloux de peur que des hommes mate de trop très sa belle leora.

dans l'appartement quand leora porte des sous vêtements sexy ou collant , bas je trouve que paul sa ne l'excite pas plus que sa .

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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

C'est comme ça !! Nous devons accepter que ce couple est dans une certaine mesure dysfonctionnel pour beaucoup de gens, mais parfaitement normal pour eux-mêmes, et cela semble fonctionner car ils sont séparés depuis quelques années, séparés depuis environ une décennie +. Même pendant la séparation, ils sont restés en contact constant l'un avec l'autre.

Non ! Vivre comme ça ne conviendrait pas à la majorité des gens, y compris moi, mais pour eux, c'est devenu parfaitement normal car ils travaillent leur vie autour des "engagements" RLC de Leora et de ses "intérêts commerciaux" en profitant de la compagnie et des intérêts de chacun en dehors de l'appartement.

La majorité des téléspectateurs n'ont jamais vraiment pris Paul pour une raison quelconque, moi y compris. Parallèlement à la violence domestique d'il y a quelques années, il apparaît souvent comme hargneux, choyé et paresseux, mais pourrait en réalité et aux yeux de Leora être tout le contraire, ainsi que le fait que certains téléspectateurs sont en fait jaloux de lui pour avoir 24/7 accès à leur femme fantasmée. Malheureusement, il n'a vraiment aucune chance d'être le gars le plus populaire de Prague.

Leora savait comment il était avant de l'inviter à revenir, alors elle doit être heureuse d'engager son avenir prévisible à vivre avec lui partout où la vie les emmène ........ Vous n'avez pas à l'aimer mais vous avez l'accepter !! ...Ou exercez vos choix.....Je le fais parfois !

 pour l'invitation de paul je pense que se n'était pas  par plaisir de le rapprochait de leora mais c'était la seule solution pour récupéré son chien .

sa m'arrive de caché mon écran en deux pour voire que leora et non paul qui m'énerve souvent 

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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

It is what it is !! We have to accept that this couple is to an extent dysfunctional to many people, but perfectly normal to themselves, and it seems to work as they have been together apart for a couple of years separation for around a decade + . Even during the separation they stayed in constant touch with each other.

No ! Living like this would not suit the majority of people, including me, but for them it has become perfectly normal as they work their life around Leora's RLC "commitments" and his "business interests " enjoying each others company and interests outside of the apartment.

The majority of viewers have never really taken to Paul for whatever reason, myself included. Along with the the domestic violence of a few years back he often comes across as surly, pampered and lazy but could in reality and in Leora's eye's be the total opposite, along with the fact some viewers are actually jealous of him for having 24/7 access to their fantasy woman. He really doesn't have a chance of ever being the most popular guy in Prague unfortunately.

Leora knew what he was like before she invited him back, so she must be happy to commit her foreseeable future to living with him wherever life takes them ........You don't have to like it but you do have to accept It !! ...Or exercise your choices.....I do at times!

Sooner or later , the “ commitments “ will need to end , sooner or later there won’t be that “ certain / standard “ income .. sooner or later , the results of this apathy will surface … IT WON’T BE ANYONE knowing ( by seeing since there  won’t be any cameras recording 24/7 ) what really goes on and Leora will be even more lonely than she is now ( she has no friends since she has zero social life ) …


The sad thing is that EVERYONE who now supports , praises and whatsoever won’t have access to her life , which will make it soon to be forgotten ( apart from the video and the former past glory ) . LIKE EVERYONE IN LIFE that the time comes for the STAGE LIGHTS to turn off , it will come this for her as well . And all of us that we are trying to “ prevent “ this misery appearing and coming ( and that’s what make is negative and bad for the rest of the hardcore fans ) will be mentioned on “ yes you were right at that time , but … “ …. 

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