darkman Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 esta claro que la morena es la chica ( recoge el piso , lava , cocina ) y la rubia es el chico ( se rasca los huevos )
oceane17 Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 esta claro que la morena es la chica ( recoge el piso , lava , cocina ) y la rubia es el chico ( se rasca los huevos ) c'est clair ! tu as absolument raison
Guest bobbyjoe Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 la brune est déjà au lit,on va bien se faire chier dans cette appart et la blonde qui se met à chanter,heureusement qu'on peut coupé le son,elle ferait mieux de se laver. faut s'attendre à la même vie que sofia/roman ici mais au feminin,je vous le dit,j'en ai assez vu en 3 jours.
Cho Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 Chaude ambiance ! On va presque applaudir que RLC ait supprimé une caméra. -- Warm atmosphere! we almost applaud that RLC has removed a camera. :)
Guest bobbyjoe Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 blond go sleep with again no shower and no washed teeth,we have maybe here a katya number 2
serg69 Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 So far all I have seen is a lot of drama. Not that it would have matter because by the time I get home from work they already asleep and when they get up all they do is fight and then leave for the rest of the day. This apartment must really be cursed because I have seen more action from Roman and Sofia than these 2 and that's saying a lot. Looks to me like they were in a hurry to fill this place after abrupt departure and decided to do something different which is a genius strategy to get bunch of new subscribers to pony up $30 to watch lesbians in action. Hope they didn't pull TATU on us and they are actual lesbians. I believe they are, but they sure don't act like it, that's for sure. Looks like they are comfortable with being naked but the lack of shower or any kind of affection in the bedroom makes me wonder if it will ever happen. This was a great strategy on paper but so far I have been very dissapointed. Maybe Roman can get the permission from Sofia to come watch lesbians. Then again he would have to use his imagination because there is nothing to get excited about so far. They might have to tart looking for other candidates very soon. I vote for the guests who stayed at Dasha and Demid for the weekend. We can all dream in a fantasy world.
Guest observer1 Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 So far all I have seen is a lot of drama. Not that it would have matter because by the time I get home from work they already asleep and when they get up all they do is fight and then leave for the rest of the day. This apartment must really be cursed because I have seen more action from Roman and Sofia than these 2 and that's saying a lot. Looks to me like they were in a hurry to fill this place after abrupt departure and decided to do something different which is a genius strategy to get bunch of new subscribers to pony up $30 to watch lesbians in action. Hope they didn't pull TATU on us and they are actual lesbians. I believe they are, but they sure don't act like it, that's for sure. Looks like they are comfortable with being naked but the lack of shower or any kind of affection in the bedroom makes me wonder if it will ever happen. This was a great strategy on paper but so far I have been very dissapointed. Maybe Roman can get the permission from Sofia to come watch lesbians. Then again he would have to use his imagination because there is nothing to get excited about so far. They might have to tart looking for other candidates very soon. I vote for the guests who stayed at Dasha and Demid for the weekend. We can all dream in a fantasy world. Personally, these two fascinate me more than all of the others put together - their relationship is obviously a complex one and its going to to interesting to watch the interaction between the two of them. As for the sex, RLC is not a 24 hour porn channel. If that is what you want, save your $30 and use Xhamster - its free. As RLC tell you, they are normal people living normal lives, except that there is nothing normal about having a few hundred thousand people scrutinising your every move. They need time to get used to the idea of living in a goldfish bowl. Maybe they don't have a physical relationship at all, just like Sofia and Roman. We don't yet know but its going to be fascinating to watch and see how it pans out. As for the fascination of this forum in how often the participants shower - well we don't see the whole of their lives, do we? We haven't seen them have a square meal yet but that doesn't mean they don't eat, just that they don't eat much at home. Similarly we don't know what they do for a living and whether shower facilities exist where they work. The conclusions that those on this forum jump to with the flimsiest of evidence is just amazing. You need to bear in mind just how difficult it is being gay or lesbian in Russia. Besides, they've been in the flat two days - for crying out loud cut them some slack
serg69 Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 First of all I was the one who brought up how difficult life for gays in Russia so you don't need to tell me that. I was born there and lived in Soviet Union almost half of my life. Gays have it made in America comparing to Russia. Second of all I know all about xhamster. Visit the site on a daily basis. I have yet to watch a video of "REAL" russian lesbians there having sex in real time. Also I know what RLC is about. I am a paid member and the reason 99% of the guys are following these cams because they want to watch couples get busy in the badroom and the other 1% are the ones who read Playboy for the articles. All relationships are complicated. If it was easy they would be called one night stands. That said I try to avoid drama in my own personal life so I don't have any interest in watching them fight for 3 hrs yelling and screaming and having a hard time talking because they get so worked up one can barely breath. I enjoy watching couples having fun with the guests and enjoying themselves. Doesn't have to be all about sex. But it's not normal when someone doesn't shower for long time and don't have any physical contact. We already seen that in Ruslan and the previous tennants here. Wonder how come they left the project. This lesbian couple will not last long because they are heading in the wrong direction. I would love to see them last a long time so hope they really love each other and it changes for the better soon. Time will tell.
Guest observer1 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Time will tell. It will indeed - and we need to give them time. Lots of it.
serg69 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Not sure if they have lots of time to improve. Even when I was upset that Adriana and Daniel were hiding from cameras I knew they have a lot of potential once they get comfortable because I have never seen a couple be so in love with each other and it reflects in their lovemaking which is important. Diana and Efim were comfortable from Day 1 and so is Dasha and Demid. Just wish she was alone more often so that she can masturbate and actually orgasm which is a common theme here with partners caring only about themselves with very few exceptions. This lesbian couple need a lot of help and even though I think they love each other it doesn't seem like one trusts another to open up and be completely honest and tell how they feel. Holding things inside will only make matters worse. We shall see. Let's stay tuned.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Yes, time will tell, as it has with all the other couples that have shuffled through the St. Petersburg area. Most have done so with a very brief visit. It's a new territory for RLC; it's isn't like Siberia or Barcelona where all the tenants knew or know one another as friends or family. It's a more affluent area; RLC needs to groom their tenant network so that it grows naturally, with friends signing up friends, and supporting one another while they experience this rather odd psychological experiment together. I hope they stay a while so we can get to know them as distant acquaintances, and as people just trying to survive.
SpikedCoffee Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Not sure if they're still arguing, but there is so much tension I'm actually finding them very hard to watch. maybe it's just the cameras, but hopefully they get settled soon.
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