komptreyes Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Just the fact that they are lesbians means that they are sexually dysfunctional. They have probably never been with a man, or have been abused and never want to be with a man. They are exploring an unnatural relationship, and there is likely to be lots of awkwardness.
StnCld316 Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Just the fact that they are lesbians means that they are sexually dysfunctional. The have probably never been with a man, or have been abused and never want to be with a man. They are exploring an unnatural relationship, and there is likely to be lots of awkwardness. I think they are both first time lesbians and are trying to tread the waters first. The brunette was finger fucking the blonde on the couch pretty good yesterday. Haven't seen them go down on each other yet but hopefully that'll come soon.
darkman Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Just the fact that they are lesbians means that they are sexually dysfunctional. The have probably never been with a man, or have been abused and never want to be with a man. They are exploring an unnatural relationship, and there is likely to be lots of awkwardness. suena muy machista , pero es la verdad
Cho Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Just the fact that they are lesbians means that they are sexually dysfunctional. They have probably never been with a man, or have been abused and never want to be with a man. They are exploring an unnatural relationship, and there is likely to be lots of awkwardness. Je suis désolé d'intervenir avec des propos aussi virulents mais vos écrits sont affligeants. Lire un tel tissu de conneries issu d'idées moyennageuses au 21ème siècle... Sortez un peu de vos idées reçues et lisez les publications médicales relatant du sujet depuis les 10 dernières années. Ne vous contentez pas d'écouter Monsieur le curé. Vous apprendrez que l'homosexualité n'est ni une maladie honteuse, ni une relation contre nature, encore moins un dysfonctionnement sexuel. De plus, les homos, hommes ou femmes n'ont pas tous été violés par leurs parents, qu'ils ont souvent expérimenté une relation que vous qualifiez de "normale" et que ça ne leur a pas plu ! -- I am sorry to take part with virulent words but your writings are distressing ! :o Read such a fabric of crap coming from Middle Ages ideas in the 21st Century ... Quash your received wisdom about Gays and Lesbians and read the medical literature relating to the subject for the past 10 years. Don't content yourself listening Catholic social teaching. You will learn that homosexuality is not a shameful disease, or a "unnatural relationship", a "sexual dysfunction". In addition, gay or lesbians do not all have been abused by their fathers, they often experienced a relationship that you describe as "normal" and they don't like it ! :o
Guest bobbyjoe Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 damn,finaly she's not virgin,that was great sex session,j'm surprise
serg69 Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 She just lost her virginity. lol Looked like blonde gave her pretty good orgasm. It was time to return favor.
botika216 Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 Bobbyjoe la morena tiene de virgen lo que yo tengo de cura.No escribras mas tonterias y duerme un poco.
darkman Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 yo la verdad pasados los primeros momentos de hoooo hooo dos lesbianas , no me producen mucho morbo , prefiero una pareja normal y ver una buena follada por el culo con una buena polla y que la tia grite como una loca , estas dos refregandose el coño tienen que subir mucho el liston , para igualar a dasha masturbandose , ¿ ustedes que verian ? ¿a dasha masturbandose a plena luz camara 10? ¿o a la morena masturbandose a plena luz camara 8 ? solo una por fabor.
KarenKraft Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 Just the fact that they are lesbians means that they are sexually dysfunctional. They have probably never been with a man, or have been abused and never want to be with a man. They are exploring an unnatural relationship, and there is likely to be lots of awkwardness. Wow. Let's do the time warp again. Your post must have been lost in the cosmos and gone through a worm hole of some sort. It appears to have been crafted in 1950. Just saying....
See Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 Virgin or not, but at least they consumed a lot of lubricant ;)
oceane17 Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 damn,finaly she's not virgin,that was great sex session,j'm surprise putine j'ai rien vu lol ;D ;D ;D ;D bon se sera pour la prochaine !
Guest bobbyjoe Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 damn,finaly she's not virgin,that was great sex session,j'm surprise putine j'ai rien vu lol ;D ;D ;D ;D bon se sera pour la prochaine ! dommage que tu ai loupé çà oceanne,on a bien vu la chatte de la brune se faire doigté et se faire lecher par la blonde,bon maintenant au moins on sait que la brune est pas vierge et que çà commençe à devenir interessant,j'attends la prochaine fois mais avec la lumière allumé,le week-end prochain surement.
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