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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #40


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il y a 33 minutes, RAME a dit :

il est quand même incroyable se mec comment il est plongée dans son ordinateur.

leora tourne assez côté est même pas un regard il est complètement fiché quel pauvre type.

Bonjour Ramé ;

On ne comprend plus très bien ce qu'il fait maintenant , il ne va plus au sport ,il ne fait plus de skateboard, Baise pas  et maintenant ne sort plus pour promener Éva de plus en plus casanier ?

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8 hours ago, jimbo4 said:


Exactly. Some say if you complain about tenants but no one forces you to watch them so look elsewhere. Some just want to watch Leora without Paul around (GET IT?!!!). Works the same about posts/comments you don't like. Go follow other forums then or put us on your ignore list.

Why not complain about all the Leora lovers that rarely ever post anything here but only to complain about bad comments. Leora lovers are either embarassed to let others know about their dying love for Leora or feel safer hiding behind a keyboard or gutless when it come time for positive and negative friendly conversations.

Cams are for voyeuring. Forums are for topic discussions.

As pointed out many times - the Leora Fan Page is rarely used and mostly by Leora & Paul commenters. Think about it. Why is this?


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1 hour ago, RAME said:

il est quand même incroyable se mec comment il est plongée dans son ordinateur.

leora tourne assez côté est  même pas un regard il est complètement fiché  quelle pauvre type.

The only time when Paul isn't a total numbnut is when his balls are swollen and needs to be emptied by Leora. Other than that, his brain and body goes into sleep mode or lost mode.

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il y a 4 minutes, dougiestyle4u a dit :

Exactement. Certains disent que si vous vous plaignez des locataires mais que personne ne vous oblige à les surveiller, alors cherchez ailleurs. Certains veulent juste regarder Leora sans Paul (OBTENEZ-LE ?!!!). Fonctionne de la même manière pour les publications/commentaires que vous n'aimez pas. Allez alors suivre d'autres forums ou mettez-nous sur votre liste d'ignorés.

Pourquoi ne pas se plaindre de tous les amoureux de Leora qui publient rarement quoi que ce soit ici mais uniquement pour se plaindre des mauvais commentaires. Les amoureux de Leora sont soit gênés de faire savoir aux autres leur amour mourant pour Leora, soit se sentent plus en sécurité en se cachant derrière un clavier ou sans courage quand vient le temps de conversations amicales positives et négatives.

Les webcams sont faites pour le voyeur. Les forums sont destinés aux discussions thématiques.

Comme cela a été souligné à plusieurs reprises, la page des fans de Leora est rarement utilisée et principalement par les commentateurs de Leora et Paul . Pensez-y. Pourquoi est-ce ?


Bonjour Dougiestyle4 ;

Très bonne interprétation de mes pensées ,mais je crains que cela ne serve a rien ,ils ne comprennent jamais ndre,il n'y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre !!

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12 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

Exactly. Some say if you complain about tenants but no one forces you to watch them so look elsewhere. Some just want to watch Leora without Paul around (GET IT?!!!). Works the same about posts/comments you don't like. Go follow other forums then or put us on your ignore list.

Why not complain about all the Leora lovers that rarely ever post anything here but only to complain about bad comments. Leora lovers are either embarassed to let others know about their dying love for Leora or feel safer hiding behind a keyboard or gutless when it come time for positive and negative friendly conversations.

Cams are for voyeuring. Forums are for topic discussions.

As pointed out many times - the Leora Fan Page is rarely used and mostly by Leora & Paul commenters. Think about it. Why is this?


RE: Cams are for voyeuring. Forums are for topic discussions.

That is a great comment.

I have trouble understanding the knee-jerk defense of a woman whose job is to be watched for better or worse for all of her life in her apartment as a condition of employment. A woman who they have never met and who quite honestly doesn't give a rat's ass about our personal lives.

If any of us were being watched everyday of our lives on 14 cameras being broadcast internationally and simultaneously a related person-specific forum existed you'd have to expect comments being all over the map. Who in their right mind would expect solely glowing praise of what goes on?

As we say, 'if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.'

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6 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

The only time when Paul isn't a total numbnut is when his balls are swollen and needs to be emptied by Leora. Other than that, his brain and body goes into sleep mode or lost mode.

He's intelligent, quiet, lacking table manners, totally unromantic and without any need to interact socially with others, not even his own family (who doesn't like Leora). Leora accepts him the way he is.  None of us can figure out why a feisty babe like her is satisfied with him.

I project we never will.

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