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B4 - General Topic 2023 #71 (November)

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1 hour ago, cupid30 said:

Daytona completely lacked form,Sara should've helped though.... I'm all for health and fitness (quit smoking 10 months ago when I broke my leg, started back two weeks ago 😢

Could use some appropriate clothing as well, and needs to be serious, I don’t think him/she is. But just anchored to Sara. 

OT but I think Daytona must also have some psychological issues. Beside gender confusion that has to fuck with your mind but being from Russia, not accepted by many or having role models. I suspect that a parent would have some difficulty with the whole thing too. And what sex does she want or is she asexual?

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10 minutes ago, SMETANA said:

KARMA vient de prendre sa température,elle n'a pas la grande forme .Possible refroidissement lors de la levrette au balcon,elle était si peu vêtue.

hey are probably both infected. Ney took the temp earlier today, when they returned

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6 hours ago, northguy said:

The tenants seems to have zero problems with Daytona.

CC is the exact opposite, an excuse for hate speech.

That might get people to think, but of course, 

never gonna happen.

If Daytona doesn't do anything sexual,

the spammers see that as bad investment.

She's bated once in the shower so far.  She has done something sexual.

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7 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Sara and Karma met in the kitchen after two days and between them there was only coldness, no emotional outpouring

You're a bit harsh. Karma is sick, I'm not sure Sara would be happy to get her microbes ^^.


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19 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Sara and Karma met in the kitchen after two days and between them there was only coldness, no emotional outpouring

Sara gave Karma a big hug, Karma is out of energy (sick),

no kisses because of risk of infection.

Don't worry, their open relationship remains for sure.

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il y a 20 minutes, poncherello a dit :

Sara and Karma met in the kitchen after two days and between them there was only coldness, no emotional outpouring

The kiss on the forehead and hug from behind would make me think otherwise, but I only briefly tuned in and on mute, so can't speak for what's said or the tone.

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2 minutes ago, amiya.ifrit013 said:

Il bacio sulla fronte e l'abbraccio da dietro mi farebbero pensare diversamente, ma mi sono sintonizzato solo brevemente e ho disattivato l'audio, quindi non posso parlare di ciò che viene detto o del tono.

You're right, this happened after my post, sorry. I would be sad for the story to end, I like these two as much as Kristy and Taylor

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5 minutes ago, Fennec said:

Du bist ein bisschen hart. Karma ist krank, ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob Sara sich über ihre Mikroben freuen würde ^^.


Es war schon ein unterkühltes Zusammentreffen. Es muß irgend etwas zwischen Karma und Sara vorgefallen sein. Was es ist wäre von meiner Seite rein spekulativ und ich lag mit meinen früheren Einschätzungen schon einmal falsch. Das möchte ich vermeiden. Wer aber das ganze Drama der letzten Tage aufmerksam verfolgt hat könnte zu gewissen Einschätzungen kommen. Es gibt schließlich unter den Forumsmitgliedern Menschen die Russisch bzw. Ukrainisch verstehen oder gar als Muttersprache haben, fundiertere psychologische Kenntnisse besitzen oder engere Verbindungen in diesen Mikrokosmos haben.. Ich würde es sehr schade finden wenn ein tieferes Zerwürfnis bestehen würde. 

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