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B4 - General Topic 2024 #13 (January)

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9 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

Yeah a good possibility. Its also a question I would ask regardless of taking it with me. Not that the answer would change anything but I would want to know.

Too bad RLC gave us no Bio on the cat.

Squash is a vibrant and goal-oriented cat, full of positivity. Apart from having a degree in mouse psychology, he has served in the entertainment industry off and on for years....yadda yadda yadda.... 😉

Sorry  'groan' LOL

lmao  i'm glad you got that degree in there!

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Last week Karma told Neytiri that he was going out to visit the friends he lived with before joining the project and that he had to do some work around the house. Most likely, as someone said, the same thing happened this time too, this would explain that she was poorly equipped for the night because she will certainly have what she needs at her house

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22 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

Squash is a vibrant and goal-oriented cat, full of positivity. Apart from having a degree in mouse psychology, he has served in the entertainment industry off and on for years....yadda yadda yadda.... 😉

1) Failed hunting = mouse slip. 

2) Has more visitors than the Barcelona Zoo.


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3 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Last week Karma told Neytiri that he was going out to visit the friends he lived with before joining the project and that he had to do some work around the house. Most likely, as someone said, the same thing happened this time too, this would explain that she was poorly equipped for the night because she will certainly have what she needs at her house

That does make a lot more sense, I've always thought that she must own more than she has in B4. Its not a lot for someone who has lived in Barcelona since 2020. I would have expected more like what Seda had. So I've no doubt now that she has another place. 

The good thing is she doesn't abuse it like Cecilla often does.

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6 minutes ago, Sulzer said:

Questo ha molto più senso, ho sempre pensato che debba possedere più di quanto ha in B4. Non è molto per qualcuno che vive a Barcellona dal 2020. Mi sarei aspettato di più come quello che aveva Seda. Quindi ora non ho dubbi che abbia un altro posto. 

La cosa buona è che non ne abusa come fa spesso Cecilla.

I would like to add that Cecilia has a boyfriend, a nagging one, and it seems that Karma is free at the moment (excluding Sara and the idiot ED) so if it is not essential she prefers to stay in B4 - I would also like to say that if there were a choice to be made between Sara and the idiot AND the choice would certainly fall on the former

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""how is it going with karma and sara in their good friendship will be shown in poncherello when wolf returns and if karma will spend more time with wolf than with sara (but these are just thoughts that go through my head)""""To reply to who previously quoted me in a story between the idiot ED and Karma, I'm not interested in who takes Karma to bed, the important thing is that she wants it and doesn't have to give in to continuous and insistent harassment, sometimes even with force, by anyone

The post was from me, it wasn't about who Karma is sleeping with, but how the friendly relationship between Karma and Sara will continue when he is back.

Someone once wrote that Sara said that Karma gives her the rest she needs, which you could see in the last few days with positive success, I'm just afraid that the two will spend less time with each other and Sara might slip into the negative again

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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14 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

Il post era mio, non riguardava con chi va a letto Karma, ma come continuerà il rapporto amichevole tra Karma e Sara al suo ritorno.

Qualcuno una volta ha scritto che Sara ha detto che Karma le dà il riposo di cui ha bisogno, cosa che si è vista negli ultimi giorni con successo positivo, ho solo paura che i due passino meno tempo insieme e Sara possa scivolare nel negativo Ancora

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I understood that but I preferred to add my opinion. Thanks anyway for understanding that everyone has an opinion and that even if it isn't acceptable it should be respected. I won't dwell on the unmentionable M....le so as not to become boring but it reassures me to have confirmation that 98% of the forum participants think like me

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13 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

The post was from me, it wasn't about who Karma is sleeping with, but how the friendly relationship between Karma and Sara will continue when he is back.

Someone once wrote that Sara said that Karma gives her the rest she needs, which you could see in the last few days with positive success, I'm just afraid that the two will spend less time with each other and Sara might slip into the negative again

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Unfortunately Sara will only rest for so many days, she will drink again and worse if she is in the company of the people that do.

I don't know if Karma is enough to have so much of an effect on Sara for her to give it all up completely.

But the Sara we have seen this week is much more pleasant to watch. I hate to see her get into the States she does.

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5 minutes ago, Sulzer said:

Purtroppo Sara riposerà solo tanti giorni, berrà ancora e peggio se sarà in compagnia di gente che lo fa.

Non so se il Karma sia sufficiente ad avere un tale effetto su Sara da spingerla a rinunciare completamente a tutto.

Ma la Sara che abbiamo visto questa settimana è molto più piacevole da guardare. Odio vederla entrare negli Stati Uniti come fa.

Karma said she wasn't angry but was very disappointed about what happened on New Year's Eve. Karma knows how to find the right words and unfortunately we can't understand everything they say. I really hope that Karma will be able, in fact I'm convinced of it because she is deeply in love with Sara, to save her. That 9 minute kiss in the tub after the provocation to the unmentionable M... and!

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I am glad to be the first to have the good news about tonight!!

Yesterday just before Massi left he said to Sara: See you tomorrow..no I can't come tomorrow so I see you on Sunday!!

But I just saw that Wolf is back!!!!!!

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