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B4 - General Topic 2024 #21 (January)

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So Karma and Neytiri are spending quite some time

together lately. It's not to get close to Wolf,

that fling seems to have gone, just friends now.

And Sara, ok, some painting, but also just friends now.

And Aziza, well not really grown up enough, I guess.

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25 minutes ago, northguy said:

So Karma and Neytiri are spending quite some time

together lately. It's not to get close to Wolf,

that fling seems to have gone, just friends now.

And Sara, ok, some painting, but also just friends now.

And Aziza, well not really grown up enough, I guess.

well the thing karma ney wolf, i can hardly categorize it, the night when all 3 of them spent the night on the couch in b7, you could see karma's look when they were sitting on the other couch and wolf was petting ney that she was a little jealous. Like that night when wolf and ney went to b2 and when ney was sleeping she fucked nadja

I can't judge Sara and Karma in the same way, Karma says it's her decision if she gets involved with a certain person but I can't say if it's ok for her inside, I'm bad at judging people just from the cams.


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14 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

lol karma sitz gerade auf der couch wie al bundy in eine schrecklich nette familie :biggrin:


Hahaa…good one. Awesome tv show, it’s still on occasionally. I bet they have scrubbed some episodes now to keep the bubble wrap softies from pretending to be offended. 👍

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1 hour ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

Das Mädchen könnte man denken das sie die schwester war, hatte einige ähnlichkeiten im Gesicht, aber will jetzt auch nicht weiter über max und sara reden.

Ich genieß einfach die 3 Tage an den ich diese komische Beziehung ( The Munsters alte serie) nicht sehen muß, denn solange Sara ihre Rosa Rote Brille auf hat wird sie alles was er sagt und tut glauben bis es wieder zu spät ist


you can also leave the computer turn off 🤭

Happy Big Brother GIF by MOODMAN

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39 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

well the thing karma ney wolf, i can hardly categorize it, the night when all 3 of them spent the night on the couch in b7, you could see karma's look when they were sitting on the other couch and wolf was petting ney that she was a little jealous. Like that night when wolf and ney went to b2 and when ney was sleeping she fucked nadja

I can't judge Sara and Karma in the same way, Karma says it's her decision if she gets involved with a certain person but I can't say if it's ok for her inside, I'm bad at judging people just from the cams.


What would it be like if you don't judge people and their attitudes and just enjoy what is shown to you? maybe by starting like this you would finally have an adult attitude. 😉

Don Lemon People Are Stronger Than You Think They Are GIF by Red Table Talk

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30 minutes ago, MaxK said:

I'm excited to see what kind of guys Sara and Daytona will bring back (it's just an assumption)!

well if they are friends of daytona, you could almost assume that they are people (who are not averse to alcohol and drugs), the last ones daytona invited were also of that sort i'm just saying the max cut and the gay with the cap, the blond boy seemed to me to be the most sensible of the 3 and if he wasn't gay, i could imagine him with karma or sara. Because he didn't just seem to be working on getting the women into bed but also just talking to the girls not like another person who is a good guy on the inside according to sara

naja wenn es freunde von daytona sind, könnte man fast davon aus gehen das es Personen sind ( die dem Alkohol und Drogen nicht abgeneigt sind), die letzten die Daytona eingeladen hat waren ja auch von der sorte ich sage nur den max verschnitt und den schwulen mit der Mütze, der blonde Junge schien mir von den 3 noch am vernünftigstens gewesen zu sein und wenn er nicht schwul wäre, könnte ich mir den gut mit karma oder sara vorstellen. Denn er schien nicht nur daran zu arbeiten die Frauen ins Bett zu bekommen sondern einfach auch mal nur mit den Mädels zu reden nicht wie eine andere Person die im inneren ein guter Kerl ist laut sara


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