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B4 - General Topic 2024 #30 (February)

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1 minute ago, TfiDeano said:

So, say happy stuff like that in the first place, Karma is the best I agree...at shutting cats in her room and forcing them to piss and shit on her bed LMFAO. 

Sorry.. It was Numi who shut the cat in last time !  ( I always defend Karma when possible ! )

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2 minutes ago, Xarvaz said:

I also think it is an empty show but the knights' arguments always consist of pointing to someone else to prove their point, I no longer bother to respond to that.. they have a hard enough time as it is.

Nobody on here would ever consider watching tantric sex, but because they like Karma then fair enough, they watch it...they have to and choose to. It's a scientific FACT that 'MOST' women cannot climax/reach orgasm through natural penetrative cock to vagina sex...completely natural, so I don't get why unless they are besotted by a person, they would say SHE reached one naturally, but another girl aided it by using an inanimate object. So what, who cares...99.99.99% of the postings here are negative. 

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1 minute ago, Lasse said:

Sorry.. It was Numi who shut the cat in last time !  ( I always defend Karma when possible ! )

Karma needs to learn to shut her bedroom door ensuring the cat is not inside and tell the others not to go into her room, problem solved so she is still to be partially blamed. 

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25 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

Karma needs to learn to shut her bedroom door ensuring the cat is not inside and tell the others not to go into her room, problem solved so she is still to be partially blamed. 

And we can blame Trump and the Pope !

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53 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

Alors, dites des trucs joyeux comme ça en premier lieu, Karma est le meilleur, je suis d'accord... pour enfermer les chats dans sa chambre et les forcer à pisser et à chier sur son lit LMFAO. 

petite rectification:se n'est pas KARMA qui a fermé la porte ,mais bien numi ,le 22/2 a23h57 cam3.5 regarde et tu verra,?

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56 minutes ago, Borbora said:

Why did Sara speak to the Tantra-guy in English in the bathroom? Sometimes I see glimpses of Karma and her boyfriend, but I never heard them talk. It must be just me.

Karma spoke English to tantra guy in bed this morning

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