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1 minute ago, SPYING 1 said:

Why would you let someone who breaks the rules back in, that's rewarding bad behavior 🤔 let him waste 🗑 his time slowing 🐌 down CC even if we're being treated as we're miserable users at least he won't get his way

I'll wait to see what admin/mods say if they see this. I get what you are saying obviously...and I'm sure you have read my entire comment, which I even had to change because of fucking autocorrect changing key words. 

38 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

I'll wait to see what admin/mods say if they see this. I get what you are saying obviously...and I'm sure you have read my entire comment, which I even had to change because of fucking autocorrect changing key words. 

Didn’t stncld say he could reveal tenants identity? I doubt he will ever be let in.

27 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

Didn’t stncld say he could reveal tenants identity? I doubt he will ever be let in.

He did indeed say that but what I am asking is has it gone too far to meet in the middle. Most of us know the tenants real names anyway from SM accounts and listening carefully to what some of then address eachother by, but as the rules on CC stipulate no revealing of tenants real names and other details then that's how it will remain. It's a fair rule and protects the privacy of the tenants and protects the chat forums. 

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2 hours ago, studev3131 said:

@Noldus any changes coming to B4 seems like we should be ready for some depatures and arrivals.  

Daytona seemingly did a runner a couple a days ago...needs at least one more to leave now, may be two. 

1 hour ago, TfiDeano said:

Daytona seemingly did a runner a couple a days ago...needs at least one more to leave now, may be two. 

The place needs a whole reset, honestly. The B4 dynamic has been pretty fragmented for a while. Everybody is perfectly courteous whenever bumping into each other in the kitchen, but there are clearly two 'groups' when it comes to spending extended time together. On one side you have Sara and Daytona, now joined by Massimo, and then Numi. On the other side is 'everybody else' defaulting into their own group: Karma and Aziza, Ney belonged here, as does Wolf whenever he wanders in. 

If everybody is home, this split (for lack of a better term) doesn't matter all that much, but the second members from one group are absent, the remaining members often chose not to join up with the other lot. For example, if Karma is away, Aziza goes to B2, or if Sara is away, Numi stays in her room.

Whoever moves in next is really important. If these new tenants are existing friends of any tenant already here, we can expect them to automatically align with a group and keep the split alive. B4 needs introduced tenants who don't know anybody, who will bridge the split - though there is a chance such tenants only end up defaulting into a third group of other leftover others. The closest B4 has to a bridge right now is a visiting Nadia or Dayana, who will interact with both 'sides'. The extreme solution would be total clear out - and that also won't guarantee 'one big family' of course, but at least the groups would be made up of new faces.

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3 minutes ago, illy said:

The place needs a whole reset, honestly. The B4 dynamic has been pretty fragmented for a while. Everybody is perfectly courteous whenever bumping into each other in the kitchen, but there are clearly two 'groups' when it comes to spending extended time together. On one side you have Sara and Daytona, now joined by Massimo, and then Numi. On the other side is 'everybody else' defaulting into their own group: Karma and Aziza, Ney belonged here, as does Wolf whenever he wanders in. 

If everybody is home, this split (for lack of a better term) doesn't matter all that much, but the second members from one group are absent, the remaining members often chose not to join up with the other lot. For example, if Karma is away, Aziza goes to B2, or if Sara is away, Numi stays in her room.

Whoever moves in next is really important. If these new tenants are existing friends of any tenant already here, we can expect them to automatically align with a group and keep the split alive. B4 needs introduced tenants who don't know anybody, who will bridge the split - though there is a chance such tenants only end up defaulting into a third group of other leftover others. The closest B4 has to a bridge right now is a visiting Nadia or Dayana, who will interact with both 'sides'. The extreme solution would be total clear out - and that also won't guarantee 'one big family' of course, but at least the groups would be made up of new faces.

I couldn't have put it better myself, but just to add...B4 has also divided users on here in the chat forum with the relentless dislike and name calling of the two guys Massi and Wolf who are, let's face it not brilliant, but are often seen at B4 which personally I have no problem with...but neither are the majority of the girls in B4...least to say B7. I think the only relaxed and chilled out girls are Aziza, Numi and the sisters M&M in B7. Sara and Karma are something else and both on different levels to the other girls. B4 is currently going through I'd say it's worst period in years with the weird shit that goes on there and the house itself having different divisions of people.   

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28 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

Ich hätte es selbst nicht besser ausdrücken können, aber nur um hinzuzufügen ... B4 hat auch die Benutzer hier im Chat-Forum mit der unerbittlichen Abneigung und Beschimpfung der beiden Jungs Massi und Wolf gespalten, die, seien wir ehrlich, nicht gerade brillant sind , werden aber oft bei B4 gesehen, womit ich persönlich kein Problem habe ... aber die Mehrheit der Mädchen in B4 ist das auch nicht ... geschweige denn B7. Ich denke, die einzigen entspannten und entspannten Mädchen sind Aziza, Numi und die Schwestern M&M in B7. Sara und Karma sind etwas anderes und liegen beide auf einem anderen Niveau als die anderen Mädchen. B4 durchlebt derzeit, ich würde sagen, die schlimmste Zeit seit Jahren, mit der seltsamen Scheiße, die dort vor sich geht und dem Haus selbst, in dem die Menschen unterschiedlich aufgeteilt sind.   

Stimmt alles und auch wieder nur zum Teil. Die " Scheiße " in den Villen nahm ihren Anfang als RLC um die Dynamik zu erhöhen , die vorhersehbaren Komplikationen  nicht beachtend, und  um des Zeitgeistes Willen Männer hereinnahm, die eigentlich ungeeignet waren und zum Teil außer gefühllosem mechanischem Sex und Zwietracht unter den Mieterinnen ( Gruppenbildung von da an ) nichts brachten. Und wenn dann ein Mädchen begann echte Gefühle zu entwickeln wurden diese gnadenlos fallen gelassen. Wie wir sehen mußten wären einige daran fast zerbrochen.  Entgegen der Meinung einiger Foristen hat in diesem Zusammenhang die Erwähnung des zweifelhaften Gebarens einiger Männer nichts mit " gnadenlosem Bashing " derselben zu tun. Und mal ganz nebenbei : Gruppenbildung in Kollektiven von auf engem Raum und unter extremen Bedingungen ( ständige Beobachtung des Verhaltens durch die Kameras ) zusammen lebenden Menschen ist etwas ganz normales. Die ständigen Wechsel der Mieter und Mieterinnen und der oft damit einhergehende Verlust von Bezugspersonen tun ein übriges. Deshalb und aus einigen anderen Gründen ist das Konzept von RLC etwas sehr spezifisches und verlangt daher nach besonders sorgfältiger Auswahl und Zusammenstellung der neuen Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen. Auch wer in welche Villa und in welches Zimmer kommt ist oft schon entscheidend für das spätere " Klima " zwischen den Jungs und Mädchen. Ich hoffe daß die bevorstehenden Wechsel der Belegung in RLC eine wirkliche und wirksame Verbesserung der momentanen Situation bringen werden. Aber " nichts Genaues weiß man nicht " 

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13 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

It's not the server.  It's a DDoS attack.



Ddos attacken sind echt die niedrigste version um jemanden zu schaden, da reicht schon aus wenn du 100bots oder wie du schon sagtest haufen pakete an den server schickst. denn außer den server zu überlasten passiert nix und wer auch immer die person ist scheint echt ein Kind zu sein den man den Lutscher weg genommen hat

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9 hours ago, studev3131 said:

@Noldus any changes coming to B4 seems like we should be ready for some depatures and arrivals.  

It is common for replacements around Easter time. Easter is early this year, so maybe not until April. Don't know of any as of today.

6 hours ago, TfiDeano said:

Daytona seemingly did a runner a couple a days ago...needs at least one more to leave now, may be two. 

RLC still hasn't updated her/his status. So I guess I'll have to remind them again

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