chogdad Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 On 3/24/2024 at 10:47 AM, philo said: I don't think that Frisky is trying to break up the relationship between Caroline and Park. When someone is fucking someone else' wife, that's the last thing they want unless the interloper has the financial where-with-all to improve the financial condition of the cheater. Expand Let me clarify that. I didn't mean Frisky is setting out to deliberately split them up, what i meant was this - If a three way thing gets going, then at some point one side will no longer be willing to share and put their foot down, and if Frisky is genuinely falling for Caroline, then eventually Park could be seen as being 'In the way'. So a decision would have to be made. Caroline chooses Park and loses one of her best friends, Caroline choses Frisky and loses her potential future husband, Frisky loses one of her best friends who she has also fallen for. That's what i meant. This deal can only go so far before someone says 'enough is enough'. What started off as possibly 'Fun' and great for cam views suddenly has Real World ramifications. And i doubt Frisky will just drop out the picture like that.
philo Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 Read this as "soap" only provides us the relief from the pain of knowing this is happening in our own lives. This situation as neither novel, unique or bizarre. The notion that one should be having sex with only one person is a modern western idea that not many people actually adhere to. Some people work out arrangements to get beyond there Caroline, Park and Frisky find themselves now. Some of the arrangements actually work. We all may know people where someone has a regularly scheduled "night out with the girls" and the arrangement is respected not only by the cuckhold spouse, but by family and friends. Out of respect, no one even asks the woman to explain where she went or what she did with the other women. Did Eve ever get her night out? She obviously did and many have followed her example. LOL
Gerald Knauft Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 On 3/24/2024 at 11:12 AM, chogdad said: Lassen Sie mich das klarstellen. Ich meinte nicht, dass Frisky absichtlich, sie absichtlich aufzuspalten, was ich damit meinte: Wenn eine Dreier-Sache in Gang kommt, wird eine Seite irgendwann nicht mehr bereit sein, etwas zu teilen und ein Wort zu sagen, und wenn Frisky sich wirklich verliebt in Caroline, und schließlich könnte Park als „im Weg“ angesehen werden. Es müsste auch eine Entscheidung getroffen werden. Caroline entscheidet sich für Park und verliert eine ihrer besten Freundinnen, Caroline entscheidet sich für Frisky und verliert ihren potenziellen zukünftigen Ehemann, Frisky verliert eine ihrer besten Freundinnen, in die sie sich ebenfalls verliebt hat. Das ist es, was ich meinte. Dieser Deal kann nur so weit gehen, dass jemand sagt: „Genug ist genug.“ Expand Real gesehen sind solche Mehrfach-Beziehungen für niemanden der beteiligten Personen gut und nehmen immer für mindestens eine Person ein schlimmes Ende. Aber Gefühle sind so mächtig weil sie sich dem Rationalen entziehen. Mächtige Gefühle haben in der Geschichte schon ganze Weltreiche vernichtet. 2
chogdad Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 On 3/24/2024 at 11:18 AM, Gerald Knauft said: In reality, such multiple relationships are not good for any of the people involved and always end badly for at least one person. But feelings are so powerful because they defy rationality. Powerful emotions have destroyed entire empires throughout history. Expand Totally agree. When you have (What looks like to me) Park who is a scared, defensive guy who doesn't look comfortable, Caroline who seems blinded by lust and attention, and Frisky who doesn't take no for an answer and gets what she wants, then you have massive problems ahead. If Frisky starts blubbing like a baby and leaves just because Caroline went to her own bed with her own partner, that isn't a good sign for harmony is it! 1
Lasse Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 It is time to add Gabby into the drama! Gabby could take care of Park when Caroline and Frisky wants to be intimate. Gabby is just a little bit into girls so being with a guy wouldn't be an issue for her! It would save Parks face!
philo Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 On 3/24/2024 at 11:18 AM, Gerald Knauft said: Real gesehen sind solche Mehrfach-Beziehungen für niemanden der beteiligten Personen gut und nehmen immer für mindestens eine Person ein schlimmes Ende. Aber Gefühle sind so mächtig weil sie sich dem Rationalen entziehen. Mächtige Gefühle haben in der Geschichte schon ganze Weltreiche vernichtet. Expand One of those relationships that ended badly was in a family that I am very familiar with. When the cheater passed away, we were all consoling the surviving spouse and were curious about how they could have spent a life with someone that everyone knew had a lover on the side. The surviving spouse, without hesitation, said: In hindsight, if I could have done anything differently, "I would have driven them to the rendezvous location and picked them up when they were finished".
philo Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 What we know is that Caroline is not trying to hide this relationship from Park. We also know that Frisky is not trying to hide this relationship from Park. So at some point we have to drop the notion of "Cheating" and we are compelled to see this as Parks' Problem (with obvious implication for others involved). That line of thought compels the only remaining question...the nuclear question: "Whose pussy is it anyway?".
Lasse Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 On 3/24/2024 at 11:38 AM, ShowMe90 said: I hope to see frisky again 😊 Expand You/we will soon I hope!
philo Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 A childhood friend and I often talk about situations like this one with Caroline, prompted by his stories of life in another country doing his military service. He told me that he was forced to get use to his wife fucking someone else due to an annual cultural celebration where they were free to fuck someone else without any guilt of recrimination. He said it was something like what happens at Carnival or Mardi-gras or Freaknik, except that it is more widespread and everyone does it. I never believed his story but I suspect it may be true.
maxfactor Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 On 3/24/2024 at 11:48 AM, philo said: A childhood friend and I often talk about situations like this one with Caroline, prompted by his stories of life in another country doing his military service. He told me that he was forced to get use to his wife fucking someone else due to an annual cultural celebration where they were free to fuck someone else without any guilt of recrimination. He said it was something like what happens at Carnival or Mardi-gras or Freaknik, except that it is more widespread and everyone does it. I never believed his story but I suspect it may be true. Expand
Lasse Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 I think Carro should invite Frisky over TODAY so they all can talk things over without alcohole in a mature manner! I'm shure they could find some compromises to the benifit of all three of them.
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