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B4 - General Topic 2024 #35 (March)

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Just now, Lasse said:

This took place at the same time that Caroline and Frisky were socialising. Could explain the lack of interest in B4!!

Many reasons for lack of interest in B4, not just because something else is going on lol. 

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33 minutes ago, Lasse said:

I feel I have to write about last night as it seems nobody noticed !

22:14 Sara left the house. 22:34 Massi arrives trying to get in touch with Sara on his phone. Then he sits waiting on the balcony for a long time, he moves to the bed continuing to wait. Finally he gives up 00:16. All the time Sara was with Nadia in B2 and spent the night and today there. This my be a sign that the relation - open or not - has gone sour!

Nobody cares.

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1 hour ago, maxfactor said:

Let me help RLC with any texting that they might be doing with these two recent arrivals who insist on hiding in their room like it is the bat cave...

Подними свою задницу и выйди из этой чертовой кровати.

another great RLC casting....



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2 minutes ago, Lasse said:

Non hai visto Massi massificarsi sul balcone?

He hoped he had convinced her to come back with his charm, his lies and, of course, his cock. She also filled the tub and waited, then he emptied everything and went to her house, to her place at B7.

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4 minutes ago, Lasse said:

Perché Massi era nella stanza di Sara se sapeva che sarebbe stata via tutta la notte?

Comunque se hai il Replay, puoi vedere da momento in cui Massimo finisce di lavorare e si veste, prese un preservativo e lo mise in tasa, poi va’ in cucina a mangiare,, e in quel momento arriva Sara per salutarlo, e lui chiese se potesse andare a cagare nel suo bagno per avere un po’ di relax. Arrivato in B4 dalla porta della cucina come se fosse un ladro, nessuna delle ragazze si e’ accorta che lui era entrato, poi fumo’ uno spinello in balcone

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