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Apartment looks like crap!

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Marta and David should be ashamed of themselves having an apartment so messed up and trashed that even pigs would complain about how dirty it is.  I would be totally embarrassed if I were them knowing that everyone can see how they live.  Marta and David if you ever read this how about cleaning your mess up.

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is to ask how to rlc able to recruit such assholes band for a "premium" flat? !!!! :-\ :( :o ???

esstos dos perro flautas que hay ahora , follaron un vez en el cuarto de invitados , a ver si tenemos suerte hoy .

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is to ask how to rlc able to recruit such assholes band for a "premium" flat? !!!! :-\ :( :o ???

esstos dos perro flautas que hay ahora , follaron un vez en el cuarto de invitados , a ver si tenemos suerte hoy .

estan alucinando ellos mismos del desorden que hay y de la suciedad , sus mismos amigos estan criticandolos , dicen ( esta todo sucio ) jajaja

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Actually IMHO this peaks more about RLC allowing us to have to look at this that this couple who are obvious slobs.  Come on RLC ...

I certainly wouldn't want to be the janitor that has to clean this place after they vacate.

When the weather gets warmer, it's an invitiation to cockroaches.

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