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27 minutes ago, Xarvaz said:

ear infection, she has been in a lot of pain all night

Earbuds will cause ear infections if they are not cleaned properly. Same goes with hearing aids.  

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Il y a 2 heures, BourseMolle a dit :

Hier seter Medusa qui pleurait la c'est katarina quel qun connais la raison ou pas ?

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KARMA en B5 invitée par le couple diabolique ! Connaissant AMELIA et MATI dans leurs précédentes prestations ,nous pouvont déjà imaginer ce que pourra être la soirée.Lors de la fête  SARA ,MATI en a bien profité pour palper les seins de KARMA .

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5 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

karma in b5 is as fake as the rest of rlc!

I don't know that yet, that tantra man doesn't seem to play a role anymore, only that long Karma with that little dwarf doesn't seem like much to me lol... we'll see, he was looking forward to it last week so

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