Lirik Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 I bet if Kamila were to stick around for a while she would start giving shows like Leora.
Guest bobbyjoe Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 personaly,j start be tired see always the same scenario with her,always under the blanket or under the water,no more for me,j return see sabrina for the some days left j have before my suscription finish,we will see nothing more with kamila
Gudari Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 Kamila with her laptop and her bottle :P :P I got one question though,has anyone ever seen her wash that bottle? If she hasn't then that's just plain nasty,that bottle probably got all type of bacteria and smells like a fish market that's next to a sewage treatment plant. I really hope that she washed it and I just simply missed her doing it. You can always tell when she's about to masturbate,first she starts biting her lips then licking her lips,then it's on to grab the headphones so that way she can turn the volume up without us or her roommates hearing what she's watching(lesbian porn), and then last but not least the trusty beer bottle slightly used,you know kamila if you need a new bottle I could ship you cases of them,I wonder what those other girls think when they see that bottle still sitting on the floor in her room? wow she is one horny ass chick though,I just wish that she would satisfy that urge with the beautiful girl in the next room. And Kamila if you're reading this for god sakes get rid of that damn sheet thank you lol. Sí, limpio la botella el primer dia a conciencia en la cocina, por dentro y por fuera con agua y papel, es más, yo diría que dejo papel dentro de la botella. Me parecio raro, aunque no saqué fotos de ello, si hubiera sabido que iba a pasar después con esa cuestión es que no la ha vuelto a limpiar, tiene que tener bien de flujos y con todo lo que has dicho sobre ella, amigo, no puedo estar más de acuerdo en todo, en otro post ya dije lo de morderse el labio y cojer los auriculares para el ordenador o para el móvil, aparte de hechar jabon al suelo de la bañera para darse un baño y algo más. Esta chica es muy previsible, se la vé venir, solo espero que cometa algun fallo o mejor todavía que se suelte y no le importe que le vean las cámaras. Para eso hace falta tiempo y me da la sensación que no nos quedan mucho de ellas.
Gudari Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 Por cierto, lesbiana no creo que sea, aunque le pique la curiosidad y seguro que lo ha probado como muchas mujeres, puede ser que incluso haya probado a Monika también, casi seguro después de la noche maldita, pero de lo que estoy seguro es de que el otro dia estaba hablando de forma muy cariñosa por teléfono con un hombre que seguramente será su novio y le enseña fotos y whatsapp a Monika que es lo que la revienta. Lo sé porque se podía oir una voz masculina detrás de esa llamada y la forma de actuar de Kamila era de una chica enamorada. Aunque de vez en cuando se coma algun coño (perdón por la palabra).
Gudari Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 Sí segunda ronda con el teléfono mejor que la primera, esta tia está cachondísima, si yo la pillara...
snaky Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 she did it again, she must be in a horny mood when is she not?
Daryalok Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 she did it again, she must be in a horny mood when is she not? Yes I agree. She does seem to be one of the more sexually active girls. Nora is also semi-active with quite a few bating sessions but Monica seems to be quite the opposite. I have onle seen her rub one out once.
HarleyFatboy Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 she did it again, she must be in a horny mood when is she not? Yes I agree. She does seem to be one of the more sexually active girls. Nora is also semi-active with quite a few bating sessions but Monica seems to be quite the opposite. I have onle seen her rub one out once. I've only seen her rub one out one as well!
euromike69 Posted March 23, 2015 Author Posted March 23, 2015 She is on her phone and biting her lips guys get ready!!!
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