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Is this site taking a sick turn? Depends on what kind of content VV is trying to make.

This is a new site and they can't even keep the people they put in the apartments.

Some of the people I think got in over there head, didn't know what to expect etc.

I think from day one they wanted a collage dorm room type of experience for the site.

VV seems to want to have a party every night. In one or both apartments. The rules I

think are show some skin. Then go fuck. Also are the people living in the apartment living

there for free? What's their price for living there? I think everyone there is there because

they want to be. Some left because it's not what they thought they signed up for. Some

left because couldn't stand other people there. Some left because of the food. ETC.

You get the point. I think from just watching and reading the forum posts people that think

this site now sucks and the boys are taking advantage of the girls. Etc don't really realize

what kind of site this is going to be.

Mark my words if this site makes bank there will be more apartments and different type of

people. They will however all have one thing in common. They will all have to show skin on

the free cams and then fuck. Some will even do it on the free cams. Maybe that's part of the

requirement as well.

I know this Karen wasn't very attractive nor did he have good social skills. I think VV will get

better at casting in time. I think for the most part VV wants to have a party site. They can't

control who hooks up with who. Now should they care. Only if people get physically hurt. Russia

isn't the best place to live or work. These people are here to live for free. Probably eat for free.

The price is skin and sex. They all know that when they sign up.

Bottom line is they haven't gotten the best people yet for this site for what they want it to be.

Once they do it will be a collage dorm party. Skin and sex sells. More Apts will mean more people.

The people that watch this stuff will all wish we were apart of it.

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When there was a chance that Dizi was going to hook up with Tanya, everyone sat around with anticipation and had no complaints about that. When Tanya hooked up with Akira, everyone jumped on the "let's all talk shit about Karen" bandwagon. Now all of a sudden when Dizi hooks up with Ivorian, NOW is when the site is bad and taken some kind of sick turn and is scripted blah blah blah. Give me a fucking break. If it were Tanya in Dizi's bed instead of Ivorian I bet nobody would have anything to say about it. It's only scripted because she fucked someone you didn't want her to fuck.

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When there was a chance that Dizi was going to hook up with Tanya, everyone sat around with anticipation and had no complaints about that. When Tanya hooked up with Akira, everyone jumped on the "let's all talk shit about Karen" bandwagon. Now all of a sudden when Dizi hooks up with Ivorian, NOW is when the site is bad and scripted blah blah blah. Give me a fucking break.

Only because i dont like him. It was strang how it develops. Quite without warning. Only this brash attacks by Ivorian nothing else. The whole party dizi was into her mobile phone and nothing else. Especially not in Ivorian. To me it look like a script. But that is something i try to accepted now.

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Only because i dont like him. It was strang how it develops. Quite without warning. Only this brash attacks by Ivorian nothing else. The whole party dizi was into her mobile phone and nothing else. Especially not in Ivorian. To me it look like a script. But that is something i try to accepted now.

I don't care much for Ivorian either. I would have believed what you are saying here until I watched the video that someone posted of the party. She sent him a LOT of signals during the last parts of the party. She was nuzzling him and they were whispering to each other etc.

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MrBox I get how you feel. There are some guidelines they have to go by in order to stay there.

Weather its Organic or scripted who knows. I think its a bit of both. Other wise why wouldn't Tayna

be getting with Ivor?

She seems to have falling in love with Akira so that's probably organic. But you know what them two

having sex all the time going to get old. Lets say the paid members are tuning in to see who is screwing

who and all you see is them two having sex. If you've seen it 20 times your prob going to tune out.

I think the boys and petra are there to have sex with everyone including themselves to keep things fresh.

Hence why you've seen them go after the girls. Tanya put a wrench in that. lol. Put it this way. RLC is great if you're seeing for the first time. Hoping to catch people on the free cams having sex. Then you do and bam you get a membership. After a year you see there isn't a lot of affection between them. you'll notice that they all watch tv, sit on their phones, or use the computer. then you think this is boring. Then complain on the forums that RLC is going down hill. Not to mention you've see the same people having

sex for a year that gets boring too. 

When Karen and Tanya got into a fight and she left him for that night. I was thinking good for her. I noticed wright away he didn't have very good social skills when it came to even getting Tanya to have

sex with him. I know she wasn't very attracted to him. But also don't think she thought she was good

enough for a good looking dude either. So when Akira started talking to her he was building her up

to have sex with her. ( his job ) What he didn't count on was her being so clingy. lol. Now they have sex

at least once a day. At first I was like anyone else trying to get a peek at it. Now I'm sorta over it.

If they had a threesome ( real one ) or a foursome I'd be back into it. But I don't think Tanya is going to let him have sex with anyone else. If he did there would be to much drama.

Petra know this can't count on him to break the new girls out of there shells to get them to have sex with

the guys. Ivor is going to be a busy man..... Why is this important. its because VV knows that if the content isn't fresh people will say its boring and cancel memberships. ( look at RLC forums lol ) They aren't

trying to make a RLC site. They are trying to put 8 people in 2 apts to see the dynamic of what happens.

If this like any other site is going to work the content has to remain fresh. When Ivor was hooking up

with Dizi the ones that were on last night got a treat. We all wanted to see her get some dick. Karen was

cock blocking it. We got what we wanted. Maybe not with Akira but Tanya wasn't going to let him screw her. So Ivor it was. It was a magical Fuck too. I think at some point there will be problems between

Akira and Tanya.

Hope this helps some what with were I think VV is heading. Lets just enjoy the site for what it is.

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also i'm going to be gone tonight I think. so I won't get to see the action. Someone write up

a summery for me. Got to keep up with my soap.

wright now Tanya is getting to know the new guy. Ivor has his head on Petra's lap on

the couch and Tanya and Akira are in there room. All looks good. lol

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also i'm going to be gone tonight I think. so I won't get to see the action. Someone write up

a summery for me. Got to keep up with my soap.

wright now Tanya is getting to know the new guy. Ivor has his head on Petra's lap on

the couch and Tanya and Akira are in there room. All looks good. lol

you mean Dizi, for sure

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opps yeah I meant Dizi. Also Ivor is bonking Petra already. 1747 their time.

Funny thing is Tanya and Akira are in their room with the door open. lol.

Like I said Ivor is going to be busy.... Taking care of Petra now so he can

take care of Dizi latter tonight if he has too.

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When there was a chance that Dizi was going to hook up with Tanya, everyone sat around with anticipation and had no complaints about that. When Tanya hooked up with Akira, everyone jumped on the "let's all talk shit about Karen" bandwagon. Now all of a sudden when Dizi hooks up with Ivorian, NOW is when the site is bad and taken some kind of sick turn and is scripted blah blah blah. Give me a fucking break. If it were Tanya in Dizi's bed instead of Ivorian I bet nobody would have anything to say about it. It's only scripted because she fucked someone you didn't want her to fuck.

If you have seen Dizi and Tanya together you would have noticed that they had chemistry from day one. They liked eachother very much. They did everything together, even showering. And when they had sex (unfortunately interrupted by Akira) it looked genuine. They had fun. They laughed and giggeld. That's why everyone would have enjoyed it.

The whole part with  Ivorian and Dizi screamed creepiness to me. Okay, maybe she is'nt as innocent as I thought she was, and maybe she even enjoyed it. At this point I don't know what to believe and to expect anymore. But the whole 'let's fuck Dizi' came out of nowhere. The girl ignored him the whole evening and never gave the impression that she is in to him. She just wanted to sleep after another (scripted) party. And even if she was acting it was weird to watch.

The same with Tanya and Akira. Did anyone expect them to hook up and become a couple? Not me. There is absolutely no development between the tenants. It's just cheap sex for the viewers. But if that is the way they want to do it, it's fine by me. But I'm not paying for a simple pornsite. If they want to make a Dorm room kind of site, excellent, but then they have to cast other people. People who really enjoy the parties and the sex. Not the way it is happening now.

It's too bad, because just a week ago everything looked promising and interesting. 

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