slywinkle Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 There's no need to boycott. Just write RLC, and demand more footage of girls playing with their phones!
Gudari Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 There's no need to boycott. Just write RLC, and demand more footage of girls playing with their phones! Esto es a lo que yo me refería, alguien a quien le sobra el dinero y no le importa tirar a la basura 45$. Caballlero, esto no es un boicot, boicot se lo haría directamente a RLC, es una simple opinión respaldada por la mayoría de la gente, usted haga lo que quiera que RLC se seguirá riendo de usted en su cara!
gipfler Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 Also I have written a long letter ten days ago. The only answer, \"Danke for her feedback\". Then I have discontinued my premium. Rita wanted only her lengthening, now you are for them only more the payers. This is a deception, but this makes no difference to her. Milana know I only from free cams , but what I read, I have missed nothing. It will change nothing and hope of month by month is only one selfdeception.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 No one is forced to buy a subscription to RLC. Don't like it? Explain to them why in a logically constructed email and then halt your subscription or see if they listen. As for abusing RLC tenants, that's just plain immature behavior. As for flooding a website with a DNS or other raid, expect a CC ban from any and all of the CC mods. That's /b shit, and neither the CC County Sheriff or the wrathful Squirrel will tolerate such behavior emanating from CamCaps. >:( Got the picture?
catalonia Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 No entiendo la discusión. Si algo no me gusta, simplemente no lo compro. Si lo hago, el problema no es de nadie más que mío.
cortes43 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 No one is forced to buy a subscription to RLC. Don't like it? Explain to them why in a logically constructed email and then halt your subscription or see if they listen. As for abusing RLC tenants, that's just plain immature behavior. As for flooding a website with a DNS or other raid, expect a CC ban from any and all of the CC mods. That's /b shit, and neither the CC County Sheriff or the wrathful Squirrel will tolerate such behavior emanating from CamCaps. >:( Got the picture? with all due respect Mr. Foamy: I think that you have no reason why? RLC customers do not pay to see a constant forced show they pay to see real life, this is the slogan of RLC and this is what they offer? will be that no because this is far from the advertised product which is misleading but the joke is that it is a premium apartment where a higher amount to be paid Finally I think that you splitting of where splitting will have to have a claim and require that real life announced so to my respects only the veteran couples meet invasion of e-mail making them know that this is a joke close membership? each one that values what you want but immediate protest con todo el respeto Sr Foamy: creo que usted no tiene razòn, ¿porquè? los clientes de RLC no pagan por ver un show obligado constante pagan por ver vida real,este es el slogan de RLC ¿y esto es lo que ofrecen? va a ser que no porque esto està lejos del producto anunciado con lo cual es publicidad engañosa pero la broma es que es un apartamento premium donde debe abonarse una cantidad superior finalmente creo que parta de donde parta tendrà que haber una reclamaciòn y exijir esa vida real anunciada por lo que a mi respeta sòlo la cumplen las parejas veteranas invasiòn de e-mail haciendoles saber que esto es una tomadura de pelo
botika216 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 Dear Rodney_X. Are you really as thick as you make out to be? What does it say at the top left hand corner of RLC? It says: "The Private live of real people 24/7" It does not say this is a porn site where everyone is running round naked or constantly fucking each other. If you want porn, then I suggest you look at any of the thousands of sites offering such viewing. If you do not like what you see in any of the apartments, nobody is forcing you to look at them. Asking other viewers to boycott them just because you do not like what you see is a not only presumptuous but it also sounds like a spoilt child who, just because he does not get what he wants has a tantrum. Talking of children.. may I remind you that this is an adult website. >:( >:(Tu perteneces a RLC-ESTAFADORES? Estas en nomina de ellos? Eres un mal nacido infiltrado aqui? Por la defensa que haces de esta ESTAFA parece ser que si.La gente paga por ver "la vida real 24/7" y cuando nota que le estan tomando el pelo se enfada.
corboblanc Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 sorry to give my opinion, but rlc is not a site dedicated to porn and sex! It is a site that allows to watch people in their daily lives, and this may include nudity and sex, but is not compulsory... even if it is sometimes frustrating, girls do not have the obligation to show their pussy at all times! at the risk of surprise a few, nudity interests me, but the rest also! nora apartment is special, because they are daughters of passage... we ask them more, but they have no obligations! ;)
Gudari Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 Desgraciadamente las dos opciones son correctas, ellas no estan obligadas a mostrar nada y nosotros estamos en nuestro derecho a ver algo que mostrar de ellas...el problema es RLC en este caso...los contratos hacia las inquilinas y hacia nosotros al suscribirnos no estan bien redactados o no se exponen términos de acuerdo correctos. Creo que RLC debería actuar de forma correcta hacia sus suscriptores que al fin y al cabo somos los que mantenemos vivo este sitio web.
cortes43 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 sorry to give my opinion, but rlc is not a site dedicated to porn and sex! It is a site that allows to watch people in their daily lives, and this may include nudity and sex, but is not compulsory... even if it is sometimes frustrating, girls do not have the obligation to show their pussy at all times! at the risk of surprise a few, nudity interests me, but the rest also! nora apartment is special, because they are daughters of passage... we ask them more, but they have no obligations! ;) bien està bien, pero al menos reconozcame que si usted fuese una chica que estuviese en su casa seguramente no actuaria asì. Nadie sale marcha atràs de una ducha,el componente sexual de una persona es el que es, y aqui se paga tambièn por esa parte ìntima como ya dije,aqui no se paga por show constante porque eso tampoco es vida real,eso es porno y en la red hay lo que sea. la gente de RLC paga por un conjunto de cosas que se llama vida,no sòlo por ver actos sexuales,pero no olviden que somos voyeurs,y estos actos forman parte del "contrato" RLC si fuera un sitio serio de verdad cuando se anuncia,debiera de especificar: 1º que no son responsables de lo que hacen las parejas A mi con eso de entrada ya me bastaria para callarme pero no, el slogan es la vida real de la gente,esto¿que nos sugiere? Usted compra un producto, que despuès de utilizarlo no le convence,por que no cumple con la espectativa lo devuelve¿ y ya està? Puès yo no,me voy a la oficina del consumidor y denuncio el producto en cuestiòn,para que nadie màs tenga que sentirse engañado
tripod2 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 sorry to give my opinion, but rlc is not a site dedicated to porn and sex! It is a site that allows to watch people in their daily lives, and this may include nudity and sex, but is not compulsory... even if it is sometimes frustrating, girls do not have the obligation to show their pussy at all times! at the risk of surprise a few, nudity interests me, but the rest also! nora apartment is special, because they are daughters of passage... we ask them more, but they have no obligations! ;) I agree corboblanc, but what frustrates a lot of people is not that they don't have sex, but that they intentionally hide from the cameras. It is either "real life cam" or it's not; RLC can't have it both ways. If the tenants are intentionally hiding, then RLC is not living up to their side of the bargain, which is what they self-describe as a real life voyeur site.
bookmaster8 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 sorry to give my opinion, but rlc is not a site dedicated to porn and sex! It is a site that allows to watch people in their daily lives, and this may include nudity and sex, but is not compulsory... even if it is sometimes frustrating, girls do not have the obligation to show their pussy at all times! at the risk of surprise a few, nudity interests me, but the rest also! nora apartment is special, because they are daughters of passage... we ask them more, but they have no obligations! ;) I agree corboblanc, but what frustrates a lot of people is not that they don't have sex, but that they intentionally hide from the cameras. It is either "real life cam" or it's not; RLC can't have it both ways. If the tenants are intentionally hiding, then RLC is not living up to their side of the bargain, which is what they self-describe as a real life voyeur site. I completely agree. I don't need anybody to have more sex or put on any kind of nudity *show", but I really dislike seeing the girls intentionally hiding when changing and showering. It is like a slap in the face to paying members and it is not normal or "real" people behavior in any way, shape or form.
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