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Where are the girls-what are they doing?

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I was wondering that yesterday that all she did was put a shirt on without any bra and a little shorts,could it be for easy access lol ;D ;D ;D,We will never know,I hope that she had fun with whatever, wherever or whomever she was with last night,my only problem is when she gets back to this apartment she is on our time,and she needs to give the damn phone a rest and entertain us a little bit,the person that she is seeing can wait a little,and I don't mean she has to do anything sexual,I'm just saying come up with some kind of activity to entertain the people that pay for her to live for free and enjoy Barcelona,pull out the twister game when Kristy comes back,or even charades,or strip poker anything other than us watching her stare at the phone talking to the same person that she was already gone all night with,he/she had their time and fun with her it's our time now damn it ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Same clothes-no bra.  And whoever she was out with didn't feed her-she is scarfing food down!!LOL

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i think all she is going to be doing is like she did last night is sit on the couch and be from the couch to the balcony to the bathroom,from the couch to the balcony to the bathroom,

                        And maybe get a phone call at 2:30 am and go out again at 2:45 am.

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sorry but ask to see the girls for who they are or want a show ..... then maybe this is not the right site.

We have to accept the good times and less attractive if it relates to real people.

Then everyone is free to confirm whether or not the subscription if what he sees is not to his liking.

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