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Where are the girls-what are they doing?

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I think Kristy. She is always the one starting the cuddlesessions. So she will miss these intimate moments with Kammi the most.

I feel the same way to be honest with you, I do think Kristy will suffer the most for the next 10 days plus it isn't like she can pack her non-existent suitcase and leave if she wanted to LOL

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Based off of their personalities, who do you think it will be a longer 10 days for?

Kamila without a doubt, she has gotten used to getting attention from Kristy, she's already feeling it, sitting kind of depressed on the couch. Kristy also has more the ability to create happiness from within as opposed to Kamila who depends more on the interaction with others to put a smile on her face.

This is what can happen when you put two stubborn Russian women together  ;)

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