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Where are the girls-what are they doing?

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If I had a hammer was originally Peter Paul and Mary-Trini may have sung it later-but don't know

          First recorded 1950--------------The Weavers

                              1962--------------Peter Paul and Mary

                              1963--------------Trini Lopez

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If you love Why Do not tell this lady euromike69 To stop the deployment of non-moral Images

la seule morale ici est de ne pas dévoiler l'identitée des participantes!! cela n'a pas l'air de te gêner, puisque tu es l'un des premier à avoir posté l'identité de kamila!!!! je suis d'ailleurs étonné que tu puisse encore être ici!!!!

the only moral here is to not reveal the identity of the participating !! it did not seem to bother you, since you are one of the first to have posted the identity of kamila !!!! I'm actually surprised you can still be here !!!! ;) ;) ;) :-\

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