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Just a thought, or more wild speculation really, but I haven't saw Lev back yet. Could it be that he is not coming back and Zoya has had a chat with RLC about staying in the apartment and what it would take to make that happen? As I said, wild speculation, so no need to bite my head off all you moaners!! :-\ :-\

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is it just me are has every female got alittle wilder lately. I wonder if RLC had a talk with them all saying they are losing money and if they don't put on a better show they will be replaced. or something

I was just thinking the same thing today

I've been watching RLC for awhile now and before Zoya went on holidays you would never think that she could put on a show like that

Good things happen when they're alone.
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is it just me are has every female got alittle wilder lately. I wonder if RLC had a talk with them all saying they are losing money and if they don't put on a better show they will be replaced. or something

The amount of viewers RLC would surprise you. There are lots that view RLC that don't even belong to forums such as Cam Caps. Last figures I had seen they were topping over 200,000 views a day.

The tenants get a base salary plus a free fully furnished apartment and likely a bonus of some kind for going over so many clicks.

beaucoup de "probablement", pour l'instant nous savons que rlc paye le loyer et les charges, rien d'autre!!! je ne suis pas sûr que rlc ai besoin de verser un salaire aux filles, simplement la peur de retourner dans leur trou suffit à les motivées pour faire de l'audience!!!! regarder simplement sur internet, les véritables logements de la jeunesse russe, et vous comprendrez la différence avec les appartements de rlc, qui vend du rêve!!! ;)

many "probably", we know that rlc pays the rent and expenses, nothing else !!! I'm not sure rlc I need to pay wages to girls, just the fear of returning to their hole enough to the motivation to make the audience !!!! just look on the internet, the true housing of Russian youth, and you will understand the difference with rlc apartments, which sells dreams !!! ;)

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