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Does anybody truly understand what is going on with Zoya? She is obviously gifted with many artistic abilities, dance, voice, and seems to be involved with a future which we hope doesn't involve him. She also has to know the other female and Lev are involved in some way. There has been times the other female will walk around in front Lev and change her shirt in front of him and other noticeable promiscuous activity. The so called guest is a low life pig and so is he. Maybe this will be the way Zoya rids herself of Lev. Only speculating but if they get together which seems to already have happened somewhere but not where all can see then Zoya could have a better life with a real man. Zoya was amazing by herself when Lev was gone.

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Does anybody truly understand what is going on with Zoya? She is obviously gifted with many artistic abilities, dance, voice, and seems to be involved with a future which we hope doesn't involve him. She also has to know the other female and Lev are involved in some way. There has been times the other female will walk around in front Lev and change her shirt in front of him and other noticeable promiscuous activity. The so called guest is a low life pig and so is he. Maybe this will be the way Zoya rids herself of Lev. Only speculating but if they get together which seems to already have happened somewhere but not where all can see then Zoya could have a better life with a real man. Zoya was amazing by herself when Lev was gone.

il y a une autre possibilité, que beaucoup ici ne veulent pas entendre!!! zoya est attirée par les couples à 3, cela ne la dérange pas que lev et la guest aillent plus loin, elle n'en a rien a faire!!! je sais, cela n'est pas évident à accepter, lorsque l'on ne voit que rlc, mais son vk est explicite sur ce sujet!!!! désolé de casser le fantasme, mais zoya est adorable, mais a un coté noir, très noir, que seuls quelques initiés peuvent connaître!!!! n'oublier pas que zoya est comédienne, et une très bonne comédienne!!

there is another possibility that many here will not listen !!! zoya is attracted couples to 3, it does not mind that the lev and the guest go further, it has nothing to do !!! I know it is not easy to accept, when we see only rlc, but his vk is explicit on this subject !!!! sorry to break the fantasy, but zoya is adorable, but has a dark side, very dark, that only a few insiders can know !!!! do not forget that zoya is an actress and a very good actress !! ;) ;)

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Only one problem with your scenario, the guest and Lev haven't done anything at all. They just have no problem with physical closeness without more. I still think it is because, bizarre as it sounds, the guest is Lev's sister! That is why Zoya doesn't worry, nothing will ever happen. They must just have been ok with physical closeness as children. If two sisters were close like that no one would think anything of it. Now, as to Zoya, why does she put up with Lev not sleeping with her, having sex with her? I think she gave into Lev a long time ago with his ipad and all and is basically submissive at this point and gives into everything. She should boot them both to the curb, but then she'll lose the apartment.

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Very good points mr1010. They very well could be brother and sister. I guess we ruled that out when we seen her changing in front of him. Maybe it's different in Europe. We do understand the closeness of a brother and sister and are happy if they have a bond but there still is boundaries that should never be crossed. I wouldn't ever tolerate my sister's dressing in front of me but also know they wouldn't anyway. Thanks mr1010.

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Only one problem with your scenario, the guest and Lev haven't done anything at all. They just have no problem with physical closeness without more. I still think it is because, bizarre as it sounds, the guest is Lev's sister! That is why Zoya doesn't worry, nothing will ever happen. They must just have been ok with physical closeness as children. If two sisters were close like that no one would think anything of it. Now, as to Zoya, why does she put up with Lev not sleeping with her, having sex with her? I think she gave into Lev a long time ago with his ipad and all and is basically submissive at this point and gives into everything. She should boot them both to the curb, but then she'll lose the apartment.

très cher, si vous ne m'aviez pas "INTERDIT" de message privés, vous en sauriez beaucoup plus!! pour interdire un membre, pour qu'il ne vous emmerde pas avec des mp, c'est que vous êtes un ancien membre viré, qui revient sous une appellation "newbie"!!! la sœur du frère de la mère de l'oncle du père du fils!!! voilà ou vous en êtes!!! misérable en train de se demander qui, ou quoi, comment, hallo , pardon!!! lamentable!!!

very expensive, if you did not have me "FORBIDDEN" private message you would know much more !! to prohibit a member, so he will not fuck you with mp is that you are a former member fired, which comes under a name "newbie" !!! the sister of the mother's brother's uncle on the father's son !!! that's where you are !!! miserable in the process to ask who, or what, how, hallo, sorry !!! pathetic !!! :doh: :headache: :poke:

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Are you American? I am and americans still have a big prudish streak. Europeans are much different. Nudity doesn't bother them as much. But from our perspective, it seems crazy. Brother and sister entwining their legs, lying on each other and sort of undressing in front of each other, maybe even playing around (one time he pulled down her pants, embarrassing her). She has also teased him as well. What bothers me more is that Lev pays more attention to his sister than his girl friend. But then he is a schmuck!

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Are you American? I am and americans still have a big prudish streak. Europeans are much different. Nudity doesn't bother them as much. But from our perspective, it seems crazy. Brother and sister entwining their legs, lying on each other and sort of undressing in front of each other, maybe even playing around (one time he pulled down her pants, embarrassing her). She has also teased him as well. What bothers me more is that Lev pays more attention to his sister than his girl friend. But then he is a schmuck!

si j'avais pu vous parler en privé, je vous aurait dis combien vous êtes un con, en privé, vous ne me le permettez pas, donc, non, je ne suis pas américain, c'est cela la différence!!! il est trop facile de bloquer une personne, surtout quand elle ne vous connais pas, ou peut-être êtes vous un ancien, banni pour être imbécile, et qui revient en pensant être un cador?!!! le seul fait d'interdire, surtout un gars comme moi, qui ne pense qu'à l'échange et le partage, vous classe dans l'ensemble des cons!!! changez de pseudo pour revenir!!! personne ne m'a jamais interdit sauf toi!! tu dois être vraiment isolé dans ta vie!! mon pauvre...

if I could speak to you in private, I would tell you how much you are an idiot, in private, you will not let me, so, no, I'm not American, that's the difference !!! it is too easy to block someone, especially when she does not know you, or maybe you're an old, banned for being stupid, and returns a Cador be thinking? !!! the only banning, especially a guy like me who thinks only exchange and share, you across class idiots !!! change your nickname to return !!! never did prohibited unless you !! you must be really isolated in your life !! my poor...

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