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Voronezh - Split 2


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Guest sanspseudo5999

I had said higher that Phil was more and more disappointing many on his telephone at the beginning of the evening but there I have to say that he not amazed bravo boy  :clap:

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Nastya in my opinion has a very low self-image, she needs reassurance and she isn’t getting it from Messa. He seems like someone who is always looking for something new and jealous when someone else gets the new girl. He spent most of the time Phil and Christy were having sex in the bathroom smoking.  Maybe she isn’t good fit for VV, not a real stable environment.

I think both Nastya and Messa need to leave. They need to get a stable couple who actually get along.

I am glad that they seem to have separated the two apartments. Keep Tver as a professional sex show (porn) and let Voronezh be a couple of couples who are open to exhibition and couple sex. This will draw a much larger audience than both being porn.

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:clap:i agree with u cassy i think some girls

I have some video material. somehow I'm not willing to share and give them any kind of support except here i will make some post. Simple reason for my decision is :they are extremely unfer to the user who actually paid for this show and get very bad video and sound material. UTTERLY USELESS I'll rather die in shame than charge someone for that kind of quality.

And I have some moral concerns. Watching and following some events from past make me to thing that some girls were actually abused. For sure i don't want to be part of that


Here is link to my video (bit.ly links not permitted) First and and I'm truly sorry the last one i shared .

i agree with u cassy i think some girls were abused
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Phil and Cristy are in a real good place. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy than Phil. But, what's with Nastya and Messa? They went out late again. Cristy talked with Nastya before Cristy went to bed with Phil. Ironically, Nastya, who I really like, who seemed to almost take Cristy under her wing tonight and help loosen her up, seemed almost to need Cristy to talk to about Messa. Maybe things are not all good with Nastya and Messa. I hope they work it out. The couples got along so well during the evening with all their games. I never saw strip Jenga played before. By the way, Cristy drank a lot and was funnily clumsy at times, still was able to have sex with Phil for a long time without problems. I guess the alcohol loosened her up a bit. If things work out, Voronezh will be left alone by Tver. Tver is such a scripted apartment, except for Akira and Charlie, that the sex otherwise is all staged for maximum effect. Voronezh is real and not scripted. And Cristy is a better fuck than Sonia, honestly.

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Very funny. Did he like leave? Nastya is sleeping on the couch. If they don't work out, keep Nastya, not Messa. At least Messa didn't flirt with or look much at Cristy, who was stripped naked for a while. So I don't know what the problem is this time. Cristy and Nastya got along very well. Cristy wasn't sure what to make of Messa. He can be creepy at times, disappearing, etc.

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