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Voronezh - Split 3


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i guess some people watched too long they start to believe this is their life, like to get involve in the life of the residents, i am not going to involve with that conversation.

i say this, for me it is simple it is a show of other people life i am just watching and i have the choice of watching or not . personally i am interested in them living their lives which means people have a lough, cry, have sex, sit and watching tv or on their phone for hours and also fight, argue and be mean to each other  that is how life is,this people livening their life i want to watch the good time and the bad time of their life that the full experience of the show(voyeur) if i see some thing i do not like i have a choice of watching something else. i do not get evolve my self in their life. just express an opinion of what i see, my life is not that perfect that i dictate how other people live their lives. 

to go to this voyeur sites watch  and think you are involved and live there, seems a bit sad .i think its called living in your fantasy as if it is your real life. :( :( :(

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That is what a fantasy is, Today. I fully respect your decision to look at these sites the way you do. It is probably healthier to look at it that way. However, also respect and understand those of us that look at it differently, look at it like a fantasy, try to live a bit vicariously with these people. It is a little like the difference between reading fiction or non-fiction books. I always liked fiction, but believable fiction. I read a lot of political and spy type fiction. It has to be believable or I can't get into it. But it has to be fiction so I can imagine myself as a lead spy/ special forces type person. I know I will never be that person, but it is fun to be that person in my mind for a little while. You may like non-fiction or to just be an observer of what happens. That's ok, too. To me and others, that is not enough. I have a full life but like to imagine and "experience" for a little while what it would be like to be different. But when it is over, I need not change much in my life. Maybe,  I learn something about myself and my thinking afterwards. Safe, harmless fantasy, no one is hurt.

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He is really enjoying her attempts to convince him for sex. He plays and enjoys that she is becoming almost upset and - even more horny


about 2 hours later: Messa is relieved, she got her period and rushed with a tampon to the shower.

So the next days are for Messa`s revovery and for us full of sex. The more are other people needed, normally sunday is travel day....

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