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Not sure if this would be the proper place to put this , but I just want to put it out there;

THANK YOU  :clap: to all the Vets and the family's of those who gave it all, this country wouldn't be the way it is today without your sacrifices. This is not said or expressed enough.

If you see a Vet or enlisted person, thank them, :clap: put out your hand :hi:, or just a nod and smile might do it, :yes: but be sure to let them know you care and appreciate what they've done or what they're doing!  :woohoo:


Not sure if this would be the proper place to put this , but I just want to put it out there;

THANK YOU  :clap: to all the Vets and the family's of those who gave it all, this country wouldn't be the way it is today without your sacrifices. This is not said or expressed enough.

If you see a Vet or enlisted person, thank them, :clap: put out your hand :hi:, or just a nod and smile might do it, :yes: but be sure to let them know you care and appreciate what they've done or what they're doing!  :woohoo:

Anywhere is the right place to post it mate.

Sadly, our countries are the way they are despite the sacrifices made and still being made. We are still spending millions in support and sending troops overseas fighting for countries that don't want or don't appreciate our help, while our governments continue to sell out our own countries from under our feet.

I would still go overseas if my government asked me to, that's what I signed up for, to serve. But the only reason I'd fight now is to protect my mates, nothing else is worth it.


The value of Trump (I'm a Libertarian, I won't have any dogs in this fight, no matter what) is that he had the guts to do what the politicians would never do: He brought up issues the politicians would have preferred to avoid at campaign season. Namely, our government's non-enforcement of border controls and our inability to administer any common sense in foreign or domestic policy.

Let's say Putin wants to control Syria, and he negotiates with Obama. Knock-out on the first punch. Boring fight. Already witnessed that.

Let's say Putin wants control of uranium deposits in North America, and works with Hillary on the deal. The Clinton Foundation gets a bit of grease, and it's a done deal. Boring. Already witnessed that.

Let's say Putin wants to buy a skyscraper in New York City and negotiates with Trump on the deal. Putin would, of course, get reamed. But the negotiations would be interesting as all hell to watch.  :D

Since most Americans have decided to vote themselves "gifts," the democratic-republic is dead, we have no leaders of merit stepping forward, and I think as long as we're all going down the toilet we might as well have an entertaining time. Hence, a Biden vs. Trump contest would have probably had the most sparkle.

Coming from Scotland, I am certainly not the most qualified to comment on USA politics.

However, there is one point that I'd like to make.

I've been watching Putin's strategic moves for some months now, and after years of media brainwashing telling us this guy is an egotistical asshole, I am quickly coming to the conclusion that this guy is one very, very, smart man.

He knows that the countries in Europe are some of the most democratic in the world. He has also realised that if he wins the hearts and minds of the citizens of these countries, their leaders will be hampered from acting against him.

The European social media is awash with support for the apparently decisive actions he is taking re ISIS.

Just like the USA, Europeans are sick of wishy-washy, non-commital politicians. They see Putin as a strong leader, and are willing to ignore, if not forgive his indiscretions.

He is playing a very clever game against the West, and at this moment, is clearly winning.

I doubt if Trump would ream this guy. In fact, I think he would love Trump to win.

I think our leaders all need to get a dose of reality, before we all end up as part of the new USSR! 

Guest Joeybaggs

( A word from a disable Marine)A little bit  :offtopic:

First of all, Trump does NOT give a rats ass about Putin, Russia was always good at raiding countries. Syria is vulnerable! The ONLY thing people are interested in here in the USA are Jobs and Security.

Trump is a business man with NO fear when it comes to making the decisions. I like the fact that he is going to close the borders. The fact that he is going to deport ANY illegals. I like the fact if any Company is willing to outsource, TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.

Unfortunately, most Americans do not care about what goes on in the world, especially the younger generation, they rather chew their bubble gum and play with their XBox and listen to their music, while their parents bust their butts to make ends meet.

The true villains in this world are Big Pharma and those with real deep pockets. I will not be surprised if those highly rich people are funding terrorist for capital gain thinking they are making a difference. If I own a company making Trillions, why would I want any type of cure.

Fact: 3% survival rate in over 100 years for any major disease - Wow that along should tell you something, they know the Avg person will never research or find out the truth. The point is Trump appeals to a lot of us; the focus is to make sure America and it`s people will prosper once again. Military leaders and educated politician who are qualified to take care of the rest while Trump, tries his BEST to un f**k  all the damage our past Presidents bestow a pound us.


( A word from a disable Marine)A little bit  :offtopic:

First of all, Trump does NOT give a rats ass about Putin, Russia was always good at raiding countries. Syria is vulnerable! The ONLY thing people are interested in here in the USA are Jobs and Security.

Trump is a business man with NO fear when it comes to making the decisions. I like the fact that he is going to close the borders. The fact that he is going to deport ANY illegals. I like the fact if any Company is willing to outsource, TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.

Unfortunately, most Americans do not care about what goes on in the world, especially the younger generation, they rather chew their bubble gum and play with their XBox and listen to their music, while their parents bust their butts to make ends meet.

The true villains in this world are Big Pharma and those with real deep pockets. I will not be surprised if those highly rich people are funding terrorist for capital gain thinking they are making a difference. If I own a company making Trillions, why would I want any type of cure.

Fact: 3% survival rate in over 100 years for any major disease - Wow that along should tell you something, they know the Avg person will never research or find out the truth. The point is Trump appeals to a lot of us; the focus is to make sure America and it`s people will prosper once again. Military leaders and educated politician who are qualified to take care of the rest while Trump, tries his BEST to un f**k  all the damage our past Presidents bestow a pound us.

:clap: :clap: :clap:  America is screaming for change. The change that they can see in THEIR country's economy, not the change that the past 4 Presidents have left jingling in their pockets.

Get manufacturing here again, shut off welfare and all of the free entitlement that these bums receive. If you have jobs, people will work when there is no other way to get food. Get the  country cleaned up of the scum and take care of our past and present Military.

But you will never prosper as a country when 51% of the people are supported by the other 49%.


@ Joeybaggs: Active, disabled, or dead, you shall always be a US Marine worthy of my utmost respect and the respect of others. Thank you for your service to our Republic.


je n'ose même pas répondre ce soir devant tant d'inepties et de débilité!!!! je préfère m'abstenir jusqu'à demain!!! :D :D :D :doh:

Reposez-vous bien, mon ami. Parce que demain, et dans les jours, semaines, mois et années suivantes, il ya beaucoup de travail qui doit être fait. Vive la France, et à long civilisation occidentale en direct.

Damn, I hope that translates properly.  :-\

Guest TxFeller

I enlisted in August '74. All our guys were coming back from Nam. I was spared having to go over there. So, when someone thanks me, I tell them to save it for the real heroes -- our guys and gals who went to Afghanistan and Iraq. They went in knowing they were going to walk into a shitstorm.

As for our policy regarding ISIS, I would not lift a finger to stop them taking however much of the middle east they want. For about 5 years. Then, I would casually saunter over and create the largest sheet of glass humanity has ever seen.

  :bye: :lmao:

When I was a kid, we had more A-bomb drills in grade school than we did fire-drills. God bless the kid who was given the "honorable" job of being the curtain monitor, while we ducked and covered under our desks. We grew up with a certain knowledge that "Boy and His Dog" by Harlan Ellison was a very real possibility should the Soviets launch. Now days, I do not worry about my Russian friends. We have other common enemies, none of which hold human life as valuable.

Guest TxFeller

I remember those drills, too. They herded all of us into the hallways and told us to tuck our heads between our knees. I think they intended for us all to kiss our sweet lil butts goodbye, but my lips would never reach far enough back.  :lmao:

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