Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 10, 2016 Author Posted January 10, 2016 Pax Americana is about tapped out. Nations with huge debt either die or steal money from others. Good luck to all of my friends in different nations. Learn how to build a navy to protect global commerce, and learn how to operate a firearm, because the US debt load and future liabilities are not sustainable. That's simple math: not opinion.
woodworker Posted January 14, 2016 Posted January 14, 2016 I like this kid, he's alright in my books. And it looks like he's got the prom queen and king pegged in our current cultural malaise. That's for sure.
Timewarp Posted January 14, 2016 Posted January 14, 2016 I like this kid, he's alright in my books. And it looks like he's got the prom queen and king pegged in our current cultural malaise. That's for sure. You do know that by the second line he is already full of baloney? Prayer has never been banned in any school. It is only unconstitutional to force any prayer in a school.
woodworker Posted January 14, 2016 Posted January 14, 2016 I'm not an expert on this subject, but I thought I heard only a few weeks back about some east coast public school where it was banned. Again, I'm not a hundred percent certain of this, as I caught that segment of the news near the end, and never heard it brought up again. But I know there have been college football athletes that were prohibited from doing this, and a certain coach in this same regards. And I do know that it is strongly frowned upon by the teachers union, as is nativity scenes during Christmas. However, I do agree that no one should be forced to pray. I think someone should tell that to those Muslims there that are cutting off Christians heads if they don't convert to Islam. Just what kind of a god do they worship anyway? What kind of a god would want you to come to him at the point of a sword?
Timewarp Posted January 14, 2016 Posted January 14, 2016 Maybe this god.
woodworker Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 You can't consider a handful of lunatics to the vast numbers of Islamic terrorist to be the same thing? You know that there will always be a few out of control imbeciles in every crowd. A few months back the son of Robert Kennedy said that if anyone doesn't believe in global warming they should be sent to prison! He's another wacko in my opinion. But I wouldn't put you or others in that same category, just because of his own asinine remarks.
Timewarp Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 You raise an interesting point when you talk about various situations in the news. One of the more high profile ones has been this issue of nativity scenes on government property. There are those that would like to paint this as just one aspect of a larger war on Christianity. The reality is that people like myself don't want ANY religious displays on the lawn of city hall. No Christian, Jewish,Hindu, Festivus. ----- nothing. What we would like is for government to remain secular and govern, public schools to educate and religion to remain where it belongs; in churches and in the home.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 16, 2016 Author Posted January 16, 2016 I hate to be late to the game, but a US citizen must support the law, and the law states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Just a reminder.
Linked Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 There are groups suing all over the United States for prayer in schools. Have you guys ever wondered why kids these days have no morals. I am a religious person, but I hate churches. Most local churches have the same set up as a lot of the government. The more money you give them or have the right last name, the more you are going to heaven in their eyes. I find this total bullshit. Now as for prayer, no one is forced to pray in school. Recently a coach was suspended for praying with his football teams before and after games. The kids even said that before the prayer the coach said if you do not wish to pray please step out. But, still someone sued the school. When I was deployed to Iraq we prayed before every mission outside the wire. The chaplain always asked for those who did not wish to participate to step outside, still someone threw a bitch fit because they were forced to pray claiming separation of church and state. So chaplains weren't allowed to say a prayer with us. Mind you it is the Chaplain's FUCKING JOB. atheist have taken shit to far. Just because there is a nativity seen doesn't mean you have to fucking look at it. Just because you walk up on a group of kids praying before a game doesn't mean you have to stop and pray with them. Just because you don't believe doesn't mean you can trample on my rights to pray to my God. This country was founded on Christian principles. The Bill of Right's was written as rights that were endowed by the creator (God) not something that our govern't let us have. There was not one "atheist" sitting on the continental congress. The separation of church and state was written as to mean that the Government cannot set one church or religion as the national religion i.e. the Church of England.
Maturin Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 Atheists don't seek to trample on anyone's rights but just like in religions there's atheists who are also dicks and their actions shouldn't be taken as an example of all atheists. For example I don't think that just because a huge number of Catholic priests are fucked in the head and like to abuse kids that all Catholics are that way. If you want to pray, you go ahead and pray but surely you see there is a difference between tolerating your right to do whateverthehell you want, praying or otherwise, and allowing government employees to dictate the law based on their own personal beliefs or taking a stand against those schools that want to teach that creationism shite instead of the actual scientific theory of evolution. To take it to lesser extremes, "In God We Trust" on your money goes against the First Ammendment, unless by God it means every god of all the faiths practiced in the US, which of course it doesn't, it means one sepcific God. The US was not founded on Christian principles, where did you get that from? It was founded by men of principle who although baptised Christian were anything but religious. The US consitution was the product of the thoughts of some of the best men of the age of enlightenment. The knew their history very well and saw the divisive role that religion had had in Europe and wanted to set up a republic free from those shackles. Indeed the Treaty of Tripoli explicitly states that the United States was "not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." Maybe one of the founding fathers was a practicing Christian, John Jay - nope, me neither. Maybe you mean the Pilgrim fathers gave America its Christian roots - but you do understand how fucked and horrible those guys were right? I'll leave you with a quote from John Adams: "The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."
Linked Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 "Whatever their beliefs, the Founders came from similar religious backgrounds. Most were Protestants. The largest number were raised in the three largest Christian traditions of colonial America—Anglicanism (as in the cases of John Jay, George Washington, and Edward Rutledge), Presbyterianism (as in the cases of Richard Stockton and the Rev. John Witherspoon), and Congregationalism (as in the cases of John Adams and Samuel Adams). Other Protestant groups included the Society of Friends (Quakers), the Lutherans, and the Dutch Reformed. Three Founders—Charles Carroll and Daniel Carroll of Maryland and Thomas Fitzsimmons of Pennsylvania—were of Roman Catholic heritage." I know we could go on about this forever so I'll just cover both sides of the argument with this debate forum The Pilgrims were not horrible people per say, you are thinking of Puritans who had no tolerance what so ever. Pilgrims also did include some Puritans but Pilgrims were just the people seeking freedom from the Church of England which was founded by King Henry VIII when they separated from the Roman Catholic Church so King Henry could get a divorce. This is apart of the reason for the First Amendment. The founders did not want one church running the show or the government. But, my argument is if you look how closely our laws mostly the initial laws of the U.S. follow the ten commandments and other teachings of the Christian bible you would be amazed. The "In God We Trust" actually does stand for whatever God you believe in. Most people do see it as a Christian God because that is what founded this country. The only schools that teach creationism over evolution are Christian private schools. I live in the Midwest in a heavy Christian community and evolution is taught in school and creationism is taught in Sunday school. Some schools even teach both sides of the argument.
woodworker Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 Well said. You might well be the missing Link around here. :)
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