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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #3

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i dont dislike neither of them i understand their married and we will have to deal with seeing him here.and sanper thank you for sharing.i dont hate on any couple i just wish he wasnt there all the time and they gave a chance for the girls to get to know eachother.

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I LOVE RITA!! :-* :-* :-*

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Kate Beckinsale is the best looking vampire in the movies! Hot, hot, hot!

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On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎09 at 8:23 AM, Prodog said:

Nora was having a good time watching a Chippindale show. Funny.

Probably watching "Magic Mike". One night recently Milana and Coco watched "Lovelace". I was unable to understand the Russian translation but it was funny to watch the girls' reaction when the move was at the part where the bells rang, the rockets launched and the fireworks exploded. If you saw the movie or saw "Deep throat" you know the part I mean.  ;)

By the way, in Magic Mike I would have loved to hear the voice used for Matthew McConaughey's character in the Russian translation,  ;D

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