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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #11

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Yea, I guess all of you are correct - she is or was a model !!  But I predict after this stint on RLC, she

May become famous ( or else end up in porno films.....LOL ).

RLC is not going to make any of the participants famous!  I could see her doing adult film at some point or another.  Adult films would make her more famous than RLC ever could!!

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RLC is not going to make any of the participants famous!  I could see her doing adult film at some point or another.  Adult films would make her more famous than RLC ever could!!

Or after having this free summer break in a great location and been an aspiring model for 5 years (but not quite worked out) she could get an office job back home working 9-5 for a few years, settle down get married to the man of her dreams, have two kids, live in a trendy upcoming suburb of Moscow. Leave work and when the kids are 5 and in school most of the day return to work. Become the office manager followed by the department head followed by the regional head. Support her kids through University, in winter go skiing in summer go to the best beaches all over the world etc etc.

It doesn’t have to be at the one end Supper model/actress and at the other end Porn star – there are other ways to go in life.  Just Saying.

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Anyone notice she picked the coffee cup up and sat it back in the exact same place and direction.  Watch the cup when she goes back into the kitchen and the picture resets, the cup never flinches.

The cup is in the same spot but if you watch the handle of the cup just before she picks it up the handle shows a slight turn before her finger touches it.
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The cup is in the same spot but if you watch the handle of the cup just before she picks it up the handle shows a slight turn before her finger touches it.

very hard to give an opinion on a gif would require the original video ... and then look at the clock ... when girls turn on their phone or computer face the camera, they are well on the hour. ....

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I see it more as the whole cup scooting slightly to the right, but it moves for sure. Literally a blink and you'd miss it situation.

Also where the hell does the watch come from, she's not holding it when she comes out the kitchen but it's on the table when she stands up to leave.

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Or after having this free summer break in a great location and been an aspiring model for 5 years (but not quite worked out) she could get an office job back home working 9-5 for a few years, settle down get married to the man of her dreams, have two kids, live in a trendy upcoming suburb of Moscow. Leave work and when the kids are 5 and in school most of the day return to work. Become the office manager followed by the department head followed by the regional head. Support her kids through University, in winter go skiing in summer go to the best beaches all over the world etc etc.

It doesn’t have to be at the one end Supper model/actress and at the other end Porn star – there are other ways to go in life.  Just Saying.

Yeah, you're right. The girl is still very young and relatively unexperienced in life. She is clearly in a phase where she doesn't quite know what she wants. Of course she enjoys the 'glamour and glitter' in sunny Barcelona. And of course she enjoys the attention she obviously get from the people she meets. She is looking for prince charming (Sergio) but at the same time 'working' on her career (with our photographer). And yes, she will make mistakes and will get hurt. But that's all in the game she is playing right now.

But that doesn't mean things will end up badly for her. 

I would love to see her when she is older, say 35 or so. Just to find out what's become of her.   

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RLC is not going to make any of the participants famous!  I could see her doing adult film at some point or another.  Adult films would make her more famous than RLC ever could!!

I would think she would have more sense than to get involved in something like Adult Films.

If she plays her cards right Modelling can be quite a lucrative career in such a short amount of time.

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I would think she would have more sense than to get involved in something like Adult Films.

If she plays her cards right Modelling can be quite a lucrative career in such a short amount of time.

même si il est vrai, que lorsque l'on est une jeune et belle fille russe ou d'Europe de l'est, les 2 principaux choix sont le mannequinat ou le porno..... :-\ :-\ ou une bon mariage pour celle qui ont de la chance!!! ???

although it is true that when one is a young and beautiful Russian girl or Eastern Europe, the two main choices are modeling or Porn .....: - \: - \ or a good marriage for her who are lucky !!! ::)

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LOL you are assuming the gif starts at the repeat point. It actually starts just before she reached for the cup. Watch it. The cup slides to the right before she picks it up. Not magic it is just a mental assumption you know where the gif starts.

You are correct, I missed that.  :D
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