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Bitchin' bout windows 10


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I am bloody sick and tired of that flamin' nag screen, and the window in the bottom right-hand corner of my task bar. :headache:  Feel like taking my 'puter and  :trashcomputer:  I don't want Windows 10, never have wanted it, and never will.....so why do they want to push it on to us..... :bang head:  Cause they can then hit you with a bill at the end of the year...or whenever cause it certainly ain't a freebie....no sir! Not from Microshit!

So I did me some searchin' and found this proggy on the net.... :dwarf:

It's called GWX control panel.... :woohoo: Now most of the techy guy's on here will probably have heard of it already, most if not all will have used it aswell. But for the newbies out there, and there's probably still some....go get it now! If you do a google search, you'll find it.

Whammo, nag box and anything to do with Windows 10, gone for good.

By the way, it's all to do with a sneaky little update from windows.....(KB3035885)  or something like that. :doh:  They don't want you to know about it, but it's there, I promise you. :stirthepot:

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That "sneaky" update wasn't sneaky at all.  It was well publicized and, heck, you never had to run that update if you didn't want to.

Anyway, I'm glad you discovered how to get the nag stuff removed...however, you really should give Win10 a try.  It's better than Win7.

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I actually (even though it had it's share of problems) wish I still had windows XP.  They try to do way to much shit now days.  I like opening to a desktop, not some screen full of apps that I never use.  I want my computer to be just a computer not a phone made into a tablet and plugged into a laptop. I of course have the same bitch about game consoles.  If I wanted my gaming console to be a computer I would just buy a computer for gaming.  The good old day just being able to pop a game in and play are gone.  My wife got me the xbone for xmas and I do enjoy the graphics, but it is asinine I have to download a game onto the damn console before I play even if it is a disk.  Time to break out the NES and do some real gaming. (yes I still have one)

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I actually (even though it had it's share of problems) wish I still had windows XP.  They try to do way to much shit now days.  I like opening to a desktop, not some screen full of apps that I never use.  I want my computer to be just a computer not a phone made into a tablet and plugged into a laptop. I of course have the same bitch about game consoles.  If I wanted my gaming console to be a computer I would just buy a computer for gaming.  The good old day just being able to pop a game in and play are gone.  My wife got me the xbone for xmas and I do enjoy the graphics, but it is asinine I have to download a game onto the damn console before I play even if it is a disk.  Time to break out the NES and do some real gaming. (yes I still have one)

Perhaps you've never seen Win10 in action...or Win8.1, for that matter. 

Win10 has no screen full of apps, though the Start Menu has them.  You can remove some or all of them if you like. 

Win8.1 can be set to open straight to desktop and you don't ever have to see the Start Screen if you never press the Windows key.

As far as the rest goes...everyone has their own preferences.  That's the nice thing about Win10...you can do all those things you don't like...or you don't HAVE to do them.  You choose.

Now...if I had a Win10 Mobile phone, I don't think I would worry about docking it and using it as a low-powered desktop, so Continuum isn't useful to me...but if I were doing business stuff, it would be a real advantage being able to do that.

I also don't have a console...never had a console...never will have a console...so I can't relate at all to your complaints about the XBoxOne.  But...if you are so irritated by the way MS has set up that device that you are willing to fore go the improvements in graphics...well then, that's your choice as well.

One thing is for sure...with XP, you don't have any of those choices...none.

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I do have Win10, and like it more than 8, but I am the type of person that I just need a computer for browsing. Whether that be looking up information or just being a plain old dirty man looking at porn.  I just like bitching about the fact I don't have that option anymore you have to get everything else with it and most the time if you take that extra stuff off your system doesn't work right anymore. 

I know everyone likes using one system to do it all. I guess that I am just to old school for this modern crap and it makes my head hurt trying to figure it out.  Why won't you just let me bitch to bitch JoJo lol  :lmao: :headache:

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I do have Win10, and like it more than 8, but I am the type of person that I just need a computer for browsing. Whether that be looking up information or just being a plain old dirty man looking at porn.  I just like bitching about the fact I don't have that option anymore you have to get everything else with it and most the time if you take that extra stuff off your system doesn't work right anymore. 

I know everyone likes using one system to do it all. I guess that I am just to old school for this modern crap and it makes my head hurt trying to figure it out.  Why won't you just let me bitch to bitch JoJo lol  :lmao: :headache:


Okay...bitch on.

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When it comes to bitching one has to practice at it diligently every day in order to become truly proficient at it.  After many long years of such, it is now safe to say that I currently hold the equivalent of a 7th degree black belt in it.      :soapbox:

If you doubt my word at this, then I suggest that we open up a fresh discussion about 'Television'.  I am an Olympic gold metal winner on the discussion of television.  That ominous black box that holds the mystery to the devil's anus. 

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