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LOL I'm just making a comment!  I don't see how her job as a placement agent could demand as much time on the laptop or cell phone.  She as someone else has posted, should not have accepted this agreement with RLC if all she was going to do was be on either device or hide on the balcony or in the laundry room.  When she is on those devices, she might as well not be here at all!!  I'm glad you are smitten with her and I don't have a problem with that, as you should not have a problem that i'm not!!

No assumptions, please.  ??? I have asked only a question and have told my thoughts. ... I quit my account recently and just wait  until it expires. ... This apartment is not so important. 

I work with an PC for almost 8h a day. The rest are meetings at which also laptops are used. This could be quite normal. ... BTW, You do realize that even you just sitting at the computer, right?  ;)

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No assumptions, please.  ??? I have asked only a question and have told my thoughts. ... I quit my account recently and just wait  until it expires. ... This apartment is not so important. 

I work with an PC for almost 8h a day. The rest are meetings at which also laptops are used. This could be quite normal. ... BTW, You do realize that even you just sitting at the computer, right?  ;)

LOL just like you and everybody else!  Please, in the future just skip over my comments!!

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LOL just like you and everybody else!  Please, in the future just skip over my comments!!

No way.  :poke: ... I have my opinion and like to discuss. ...  :) .... Sorry.  :nana:  :welcome: ... BTW, I was not sure if you know this circumstance. ... Could be that you're rich and do not work. :)

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MrBox. Vous dites "cet appartement n'est pas important", sachez que par le passé, et encore aujourd'hui, c'est l'appartement qui rapporte le plus à RLC!! Et de loin!! Pourquoi? Parce que ce sont des filles seules, et nous sommes environs 80% de clients Hommes!! Le fantasme des hommes, en général, c'est de voir des filles comme (Kamila, Kristy, Ilona, etc...). Donc, pour RLC c'est l'appartement qui ne faut pas supprimer, d'ailleurs, il est revenu après le départ de Nora. Il faut intégrer des filles qui s'adaptent a 

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dfCcap, j'aimerai avoir ton avis développé s'il te plait.

I only have one opinion and it differs from most of everybody else's.  I believe RLC is a piss poor maintained and operated business.  I believe what you are paying for on the bottom line is porn.  Almost everybody else believes different and I don't have a problem with that.  What I do have problems with is excessive avoidance of cameras, way to much time on electronic devices, convenient maintenance outages, piss poor customer service, hiding in rooms that have no cameras for hours, or balconies/terraces for that matter etc. etc.  These tenants are being compensated to entertain us and that is not what we are getting in my opinion.  I'm not saying I want to see sexual acts going on every time I log into the site!  The cost for what you get is ridiculous!  I'm not hurting for money and the reason I'm not hurting for money is because I just don't go pissing it away!  I subscribed to voyeur-villa about a week ago and have already cancelled with them due to the way they are running their site.  I know there is allot of people who like VV and it could be great but it's just not for me anymore!!  Sorry to ramble on, please forgive me for that LOL.

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