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New girl Irma Split #2

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Irma's pissed off because she had changed into her reveal bra and unbuttoned her jeans. Her and Anna settled down on the settee and Anna was feeling Irma's tits and carressing her nipple. Then Ilona appeared and ruined the scene. Ilona started excercising Irma gave up and got changed into her glad rags. The Anna started excercising too. Irma sat with a 'Is nobody going to feel my tits look'

All Ilona's fault. She really can be very, very annoying. >:(

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All I can say is I wished that the girls each could have returned the favor and took Irma to her room and gave her a full body/Titty massage,Ilona seems to always wanna take and never give anything back to these girls in return,she acts like she is #1 and it's me me me,always wanna be at the center of everything,even today Irma was cleaning and Ilona wouldn't even help her because she was way too busy with Mr.Laptop...I don't hate Ilona but I dislike the way she treats Irma sometimes. :stirthepot: :stirthepot:

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Df (can I call you that I like shortening names), you are funny! My question is do you have the script and can you send it to me pleeeze? I often think in life I would like to have a script to figure things out. With women, I think sometimes we need the book they follow so we can understand them, lol!

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Upndown and euromike, I agree with you. Ilona wants Irma to only pay attention to her, not Anna, but yet when Irma tries to touch her she runs away like a scared little girl! Like I said, sometimes three is a crowd! You almost wish only two were there at a time, so each pair could fool around with one at a time without interference. Anna is smart, she doesn't even try with Ilona, knows she is a tease (I can't call her a cock tease though). Irma keeps trying Ilona, though I think she is starting to smarten up.

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Df (can I call you that I like shortening names), you are funny! My question is do you have the script and can you send it to me pleeeze? I often think in life I would like to have a script to figure things out. With women, I think sometimes we need the book they follow so we can understand them, lol!

No I don't have a script LOL, just trying to bring a smile to some of your faces that's all.  I "think" this apartment will always be like it is now which isn't a bad thing, it's just that I "think" others would like to see something a little bit more advanced.

PS  you can get the book from Nora :)

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No I don't have a script LOL, just trying to bring a smile to some of your faces that's all.  I "think" this apartment will always be like it is now which isn't a bad thing, it's just that I "think" others would like to see something a little bit more advanced.

PS  you can get the book from Nora :)

Hey you keep doing that Nora thing just to kid me are you?  :P But thats ok I can take it. I even like your post  :nana:

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