Frankster Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 just a ? does any 1 notice a different look in Ilona's face as as she and the girl's r in the kitchen something changed in her looks . Noticed that myself.
otep43 Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 When i see ilona in the living room the first thing that comes to mind is "she must be waiting for her laptop to charge " .. Guess it is better than an empty apartment. :) Anna was looking good laying on her bed and she really has a great bottom on her. Think some of the girls leave this month if they don't sign for another month.. Edit; And i really hope ilona leaves cause it sure gets boring seeing her on the laptop everytime.. Would like a more exciting girl that is single since it appears ilona is the way she is now cause of her possibly have an interest in a guy so she tamed herself down and doesn't dance around anymore... she sure went down hill fast.
canito Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 for me ilona can leave and anna and irma can stay we need a replacement for her thank goodness she only has a few more days left.cant wait til shes gone.
canito Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 i thought this was real life cam but they should switch the name to "The Real Life of Ilona", Laptop, phone, and eating. Such a great Real Life.
otep43 Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 i thought this was real life cam but they should switch the name to "The Real Life of Ilona", Laptop, phone, and eating. Such a great Real Life. Good thing she has to sleep or else she would be on that laptop 24 hours a day, and i almost like to think that she probably dreams of her laptop.
rtom35 Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 The macbook girl is still on her macbook and you must know; the macbook is her life. Some day when she lost her macbook she must dies immediately, cause a life without macbook for her, is like a life without to breathe for an normal human. Please, please leave - you and your macbook.
makrohard Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Stop complaining all of you! Ilona has brought much more fun than some other appartment from their start till now. And btw, you want she to leave? Then say goodbye to the other two girls too. Maybe you don't know but they are freinds before their stay in RLC... Also she was the one who called Irma to come and then they both called Anna.
clivebb Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 j'arrive pas à comprendre que ilona soit constament la camera la plus populaire, y-a vraiment plus interessant à regarder en ce moment chez masha par exemple au lieu de rester à voir ilona cacher dans son sapin de noêl des heures sur son portable, les gens sont obnubilés par cet appartement et on mettrais un poisson mort au milieu de la pièce qu'ils continueraient à regarder l'appart,je comprend vraiment pas en tout cas j'en ai trop marre de voir tout les temps 2 ou 3 cameras dans les plus populaires quand on est abonné,çà prend de la place inutilement à mon gout dans les petites fenetres prevew en bas
canito Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 who are you to tell me to stop complaining what fun has she brought irma and anna start all the fun and then when she realizes they are having fun she joins in so really what fun has she brought?
Timewarp Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Some people claim that the participants read these boards. What I can never understand is this. If that is true, would you not want to have kind words and compliments for them, particularly if you want them to consider your requests and suggestions?
phantomcapsnet Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 j'arrive pas à comprendre que ilona soit constament la camera la plus populaire, y-a vraiment plus interessant à regarder en ce moment chez masha par exemple au lieu de rester à voir ilona cacher dans son sapin de noêl des heures sur son portable, les gens sont obnubilés par cet appartement et on mettrais un poisson mort au milieu de la pièce qu'ils continueraient à regarder l'appart,je comprend vraiment pas en tout cas j'en ai trop marre de voir tout les temps 2 ou 3 cameras dans les plus populaires quand on est abonné,çà prend de la place inutilement à mon gout dans les petites fenetres prevew en bas Je suis d'accord. Mais durant ces vacances de Noël, il n y a que 3 appartement ou il se passe quelque chose. Cet appartement, Nelly et Bogdan, et Dasha et son repère de sans domicile fixe
makrohard Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 who are you to tell me to stop complaining what fun has she brought irma and anna start all the fun and then when she realizes they are having fun she joins in so really what fun has she brought? yeah right, whatever :no:
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