Barry Elephant Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 I think sometimes people cover or divert attention from their own inadequacies by pointing at those of others whatever your opinion of Paul, if it is as negative as some I have read, it isn't going to improve your RLC experience by spouting it on here, and will probably have the opposite effect. so what's the motivation for all the studs on here constantly criticising his performance? The malicious glee with which it is practiced, the care with which these criticisms are constructed, does nobody any credit, it's just schoolyard nasty, and might just say more than is intended.
Mister Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Is that what you hear when you listen to their conversations? As we speak they are getting along great and both smiling and laughing. Admittedly without my husband here I only pick up so much of the conversation yet I hear normal couple conversation with no lack of affection from either side. Maybe you can understand them. Maybe I'm wrong and you're not taking an easy road of attacking someone because their relationship doesn't match the one you dream about (but in all reality probably do not have yourself, and possibly never have) We make it easy without a long back and forth, and who has right who is not. Create a poll we see which of us is right for Paul. Bin keep sure that more than 50% Paul for not quite normal. If the results turn out as I mean it, then please Think about why you have such a thought. If you get right, I'm going to teach your mindset. : - D Good luck
Barry Elephant Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 We make it easy without a long back and forth, and who has right who is not. Create a poll we see which of us is right for Paul. Bin keep sure that more than 50% Paul for not quite normal. If the results turn out as I mean it, then please Think about why you have such a thought. If you get right, I'm going to teach your mindset. : - D Good luck Paul may not be normal (I doubt many people are) what is seriously abnormal is the rush to criticise him, when that can only degrade your RLC experience
Mister Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Paul may not be normal (I doubt many people are) what is seriously abnormal is the rush to criticise him, when that can only degrade your RLC experience To criticize, he must also be at the forum. That what you mean is criticizing imaginary. Or are you his deputy. Please RLC not take as seriously.
Barry Elephant Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 To criticize, he must also be at the forum. That what you mean is criticizing imaginary. Or are you his deputy. Please RLC not take as seriously. this forum is filled with speculation about whether he (and others) read it I think that the general consensus is that they do. wouldn't you? - it's obvious really
Mister Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 this forum is filled with speculation about whether he (and others) read it I think that the general consensus is that they do. wouldn't you? - it's obvious really My truth, your truth or the right. You have an opinion, and I also. The view of Paul etc can be extremely deceiving. But I am sure that my attitude to Paul is the only one not here. Do not be annoyed by my opinion. Would like to continue but earn with you should discuss money and keep working Greetings and let me not too bad in love :nana: Mister
Guest Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 this forum is filled with speculation about whether he (and others) read it I think that the general consensus is that they do. wouldn't you? - it's obvious really When I joined CC, it was very difficult to join as the site owners had for some reason Payza as middleman, and Payza did its best to keep out members from outside the U.S. Finally I found a trick how to get in, and now I have noticed that it is possible to pay directly with a credit card - the only sensible way. I don´t know when Payza was thrown out, now it seems that Paul and other RLC tenants can easily join CC and get access to all material (if they have a valid credit card). I don´t know if that access makes them happy though.
StnCld316 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 When I joined CC, it was very difficult to join as the site owners had for some reason Payza as middleman, and Payza did its best to keep out members from outside the U.S. Finally I found a trick how to get in, and now I have noticed that it is possible to pay directly with a credit card - the only sensible way. I don´t know when Payza was thrown out, now it seems that Paul and other RLC tenants can easily join CC and get access to all material (if they have a valid credit card). I don´t know if that access makes them happy though. Payza has been gone from here for quite some time now. The method now in place for payment works great.
Yalche Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Paul may not be normal (I doubt many people are) what is seriously abnormal is the rush to criticise him, when that can only degrade your RLC experience RLC "experience". You speak like a marketing man !! I know you are not Paul, of course, not really but you could be good friends :clap: Watching RLC and this Forum is special, no ?! Like many other things, but maybe it's not too disturbing for others who don't watch. If you doubt many people are normal, could you simply think your friend or twin brother Paul could be in the same case, not very normal. The question is : are you so normal, yourself or just try to find some explanations to your problems ( sexual or other kind of problems) or maybe you just criticise those who do the same thing, criticise. Maybe you are two posters on this forum to criticise those who criticise ... your idol (maybe) Paul. Maybe some posters has some problems, like many people. But Paul could not be the exception in the world and many can see he has some « weaknesses », you do agree or not. Do you know people in RLC accept the Cams. The posters could be "pathetic" lovers but they are not participants in RLC and RLC is there because there are many people interesting (a good thing or not). It's not the question. You are on this forum too and on RLC. Surely it’s because you make a study :trashcomputer:. Paul was not obliged to participate to .. your study. He can do what he wants but those who watch him can also have an opinion on his behavior or personality because he has accepted to be in front of cams and live. That’s NORMAL. I don't think Leora is really in love with Paul. I think she has to make the balance between what she wants and gains in RLC with Paul and what she misses or loses with him. And what to do without RLC with or without Paul. And what will be her future. Without RLC I don't think the couple will last for a long time. I think it's a not natural behavior. Without saying Paul is not normal, they are too much different on many points (points of interest (included sexuality but not only), skills or habits). If Eclipsed thinks he is a so interesting or normal guy for her, surely she has more common things with him and less differences. It's your right. It's not all about sexuality but you can not say Paul has a great skill in this area. And when you see Leora, it seems very difficult to stay like an iceberg but maybe an iceberg is less cold than Paul. And I think he is not very attentive with Leora and he has many bad habits. If a guy is not sexually interested, the less he can have with his girlfriend is to considerate her a bit more !! Computer, eating with elbows sticked to the table (with glue), walking special (...), never smile, never do anything like a big macho he is really, just put his feet under the table and wait, etc … But the most important thing for most people here is Leora, not Paul. Nobody is jealous. It’s the contrary. Many would like to see Leora with a more attentive guy because she is very attractive. Her sexuality for those sensitive to sexuality is obviously a great point but not only. Excuse me if I give my opinion, which is different from that given by the 2 (more ?!) posters that are normal and criticize those who criticize. It's just my opinion. I saw some forums in other areas where criticizing is nothing but bullshit but I think what is said here about Paul is reality. Maybe we can be more indulgent but don’t forget it’s about a website named Reallifecam. Other participants (guys or girls) on RLC could also be interesting (with their sexuality) for watchers even if we think they are not so normal too. Have a good sociological study. :clap:
Timewarp Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 I am fairly certain that ALL the men of RLC have been judged and criticized at some point. That is fine. What is comical, however are they "if I were there I would ..." or the "he doesn't know how to please a woman" comments. When I read those, I consider where these sentiments are being expressed and just smile with amusement.
Eclipsed Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions. As I said in previous posts my negative view of the posters is a reflection of the group in total, not each individual. It's based on the fact that the majority of these posts on this forum are Paul bashing. It's a bunch of people who are native English speakers pretending to understand a relationship they only see half of. I have seen in my time speculation without basis. I have seen people come and explain that she causes many of the fights and ill will with her commentary. It's promptly ignore and he's attacked for his sexual appetite. I have watched a conversation she had on the phone only to come here and read how she was actually happy and it must be a guy who can make her feel like a "real woman". She was talking to a friend, about casual things. Not one fucking time did she even mention her boyfriend yet 2 pages were filled with back and forth about how it MUST be a guy she wants to fuck. A couple other notes. While I do prefer lots of foreplay, assuming every girl does is moronic. It's also a bald faced lie. Plenty of girls get lubricated quickly and prefer penetration skipping foreplay steps. Just like how some guys last for an hour and some for 10 minutes, women are all different. She's only staying with him for the RLC benefits? Are you really this ignorant? How much do you really believe they are paying these people? Do you really think she's not capable of making more more somewhere else? She could easily for the same amount of work (IE none) make much more. I wouldn't trust a poll here, it's the idea that the majority of the people who come here come here for "porn". People bitch if a girl doesn't walk around naked, or hides changing clothing when she first comes in. They are only interested in sexuality, thus have a bias. That and I mean seriously, I had some creep on here message me offering to fuck me to show me what a "real man" could do. made some attempts to make it sound like he was intelligent but after getting ignored messaged me again with the same macho bullshit. Anyone who offers to fuck someone to "show them how a real man treats a woman" who they have never seen, who said they were married shows the kind of person I refer to, and sadly it's not a small minority. Now I don't know if they read here in particular, I do know they make mention of commentary from viewers so they obviously read this or another site.
JohnWatson Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 I didn't comment on his sexual prowess, just the fact that he doesn't pay her the attention she so obviously needs. She obviously needs a lot more sex than she's getting and you can see at times that the lack of attention she gets from him makes her unhappy.
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