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Site speed & other issues?


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I am curious to know if any of you are experiencing site speed issues? A few weeks ago it was a big problem, things seem to have gotten better, but I want to make sure that it's not just on my end. With the new theme a few issues were fixed, I also made some back end tweaks. There are still a few issues that I am working on (duplicate avatars, and duplicate logins), other than those are there any outstanding issues that we should address?

- Admin

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Since yesterday I experienced issues with the site.  its unoworkable for me.  not that it is slow. it just stops showing video.  then after a minute or two it will show couple seconds of the video and then stops again.

no idea what the hell is happening.  it was fine on thursday when i got my 3 months subscription but now and yesterday (friday) it's completely broken.  it was also fine previously in free mode.

im in australia and our internet is on 44th place in the world so its really bad.  I do wonder whether it is something on my end something on isp end or RLC fault.

youtube, game downloads, torrents work normally.

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Hi bannana. I believe you are talking about RLC. CamCaps is entirely separate from RLC.

RLC has problems from time to time; all sites do. This includes freezing, lots of circling (I hate that damn thing), blocky pixels regions, etc. This always happens when things start getting interesting.

Don't be afraid to clear your browser's cache and restart (not full reset) your router. This might help, especially when your honey pie is spread-eagled, stopped-action, blocky and obscured by Scooter dog or a pillow. You'll be busy resetting things. Think of it as a treatment to relieve high blood pressure. It will also help keep you from getting so infuriated that you smash your screen.

If you have problems with CamCaps, then let CC Admin or the mods know. CC has changed software and servers to meet new demands, and Admin is god tier when it comes to fixing technological problems that inevitably arise.

As for RLC, we can't help you with that except to pray that Scooter and the pillow stay out of the way.  :)

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You can try clearing your Temp Files and Cookies then reboot  and see if that clears it up.

I've tried that and it still didn't help.  I might as well forget looking at the pictures threads anymore.  It just started a little last night but now it is almost impossible to get the pictures to load.  Oh well

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