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Voronezh - Split 13


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Wow, misc has some interesting combos there! Now that would make this place really cook. Instead of just same couples fucking same all the time, let's mix it up, lol! I thought that was the idea of this site! I want a fucking Caligula in both apartments. But then how can I get my story writing ever done?

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And now Jacky and Tobi are about to do their thing. I can't believe out of everybody there and all the possibilities of new hook ups, the only people that get any action are the same people that fuck all the time as it is. Oh well.

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That is the problem here in a nutshell. You either get these couples who will do no one else or you get singles that don't match well, not sexually compatible. You either need all singles and just roll the dice or couples that swing or go three way. Nina and Robert might be the only couple that swings and no one other than Petra wants to fuck with Robert.

They are wasting Christy's sexiness honestly. I don't know if VV is afraid to try her with a guy after Messa/Nastya debacle. But give her a try, VV. She will burn this place to the ground if she gets a good guy. A shame they couldn't convince Ivo's friend to come with her. They would have really heated the place up and Ivo's friend would need the ER for deep gashes on his back!

Jacky and Tobi are great sexually, and she is hot, but they are kind of snobs honestly, will only get along with their own friends.

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I go out to eat and come back and everything is changed Jacky is on the couch in Voro she have a fight with Tobi. Where did Christy go I can't find her in Tver? Can someone let me know what happen. I wish if they are going to play card that it would be better if they played for cloths.

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Wow, bean, I just came back also. WTF, now even Jacky is not fucking? What happened to her and Tobi. Well, that is their first fight in more than one week or so since he came. He is not the friendliest guy in the world, I will say that. A lot of russian men seem like aholes honestly. And where did Christy go she was playing poker earlier? And now we are back to stupid poker games?

Going from hero to zero in a hurry!!!

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I will never understand why the hell in Russia nearly everyone must smoke

In Russia not everyone smokes, I assure you.

Do not forget that the participants of the project is very specific.

Similarly, not all Russian constantly walking naked and fuck each other in front of webcams.  :shiteatinggrin:

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