bookmaster8 Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 Can't really compare the two. K&K have already had an established friendship so they are a lot more comfortable with each other. And if I remember correctly, the two of them even knew each other even before they moved into the Barcelona apt. Ilona and the other girls were strangers thrown together in a house. Obviously there's going to be a different kind of chemistry there, although I think remember someone saying Ilona either had one of her friends or tried to get one of her friends to stay with her. Maybe someone can shed more light on this. But regardless, that's not to say that K&K is "real" affection. It should be obvious to everyone that they are not going to have sex or get intimate (similar to Ilona and the girls there) and not even the closest of female friends play with each other tits and asses as much as they do. The affection between Nina & Kira or Carina & Sabrina is should be considered "real". The girls are simply having fun with each other. Nothing more to it than that. That's also not to say that people can't or shouldn't enjoy what they do any more less than before, because I know some of the K&K diehards are just willing to pounce on anyone that questions their affection. These all girl apartments are extremely different and niche compared to the real couples apartments, and thus should not be taken seriously or analyzed with any seriousness. Just enjoy the tits and the teasing if you want to or not. It's common knowledge now that Kami has a boyfriend. This right there should be a clear indicator there is no intimate affection between her and Kristi. Miscvoyeur, I guess I didn't do a good job of saying what I intended to. I did not mean to say that K&K are any "better" than the girls at the Barcelona house. I was simply trying to point out that, at this point in time, there is no comparison between the real affection of K&K and that of Ilona and Danaya. I do choose to use the word "real" when referring to the relationship between Kamila and Kristy because I don't believe that there is any doubt that these girls are extremely close friends. I think it is safe to say they love each other. That does not mean that they are "in love" with each other. They may or may not be. I don't know for certain. I don't believe that they must have the kind of lesbian sex that Nina and Kira have, or that Carina and Sabrina have, before you can say that their affection is "real". So, I guess we just disagree with the definition of the word "real". That's fine. I also did not mean to imply that Ilona and Danaya will never have "real" affection for each other. I'm simply saying that right now the feelings between those two young women is not even close to the same as K&K right now - At this time. That may change in the future. But, I will be surprised if it does because I don't think that Ilona will allow Danaya to get that close. But, who knows? I could be wrong. I think that Irma was in the process of breaking down Ilona's defenses against intimacy. The last week that Irma was there, I saw Ilona acting more and more "natural" and spontaneous. It was great to see. I think that it was because she was coming to trust that Irma would not hurt her and began opening up. I guess that same thing could happen with Danaya. But, I will be happily surprised if it does. I am not one of the Ilona "haters". I would love to see her drop some of her defenses and start acting more "genuine". I just think that the odds are against it. Anyway, if you still disagree with my interpretation of things, that's fine. We can have differences of opinion. That's what makes forum discussions interesting.
euromike69 Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 IT WAS A RAPID FIRE SCREENSHOT,,,THEY WERE JUST SECONDS APART,,,,,AND IF YOU ARE GONNA ASK ME ABOUT THE SAME PHOTOS,,,YOU MAY WANT TO GO TELL HOPE85 TOO,,,YOU CAN'T SINGLE ME OUT FOR POSTING 3 SIMILAR PHOTOS HERE AND YET I NEVER SEE ANYONE OF YOU GUYS TELLING HIM OR ASKING HIM WHY HE POST THE SAME THINGS EVERY DAY,OR POST PHOTOS TODAY AND GO BACK AND POST THE SAME PHOTOS TOMORROW. YOU HAVE TO BE FAIR IN YOUR CRITICISM,MY FRIEND CORBOBLANC. :hi: :hi: :hi: :yes: euromike, merci pour vos partages, mais pourquoi 3 mêmes photos de kamila?!! le forum se demande comment gagner de la place, mais si nous publions 15 fois la même scène, les administrateurs risques de de plus savoir comment gérer la lourdeur du forum, comme cet après midi ou cc était inaccessible!!! euromike, thank you for your shares, but why 3 same pictures kamila? !! Forum wonders how to save space, but if we publish 15 times the same scene, the directors of risks over how to handle the heaviness of the forum, as this afternoon or CC was inaccessible !!! :idk: :idk: ??? 1
menouscope2015 Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 Did someone record the sweet moments between K and K in Kristy's room ??
Tianran Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 damn that girl is fast, don't go pee you will miss it :yes: :yes: :yes: Damn I missed it!!!!!! :bang head: :bang head: :bang head:
Manzarek Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 Damn I missed it!!!!!! :bang head: :bang head: :bang head: I'm sorry to inform you my friend, if you weren't watching Kristy's room between your post and this one, you've missed it again! :shithappens:
Tianran Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 I'm sorry to inform you my friend, if you weren't watching Kristy's room between your post and this one, you've missed it again! :shithappens: What?! Are you serious or you are just trying to drive me crazy? Because I am crazy right now, I will never leave my sreen anymore.......
Manzarek Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 What?! Are you serious or you are just trying to drive me crazy? Because I am crazy right now, I will never leave my sreen anymore....... I'm serious buddy, I'm not playing with you! but I gotta say you have to be very lucky to catch her! the first one lasted 1min30 before she went to sleep and then she went for another minute when she woke up!
Thestarider Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 Manzarek, That sure is a fact, I don't think I have ever my life seen a girl go so fast, can you imagine making love to her, she would go many many times.
Manzarek Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 Manzarek, That sure is a fact, I don't think I have ever my life seen a girl go so fast, can you imagine making love to her, she would go many many times. the only other girl I could think of that could get off that fast was Anna! at first you wondered what she's doing, the next thing you know is that she came right in front of your eyes and you didn't have the time to watch properly and/or do anything about it!
euromike69 Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 Blame Kamila for making Kristy cum so fast,,just imagine if anyone of us was around Kamila 24/7 stroking and rubbing up against her,so when we finally went to our rooms to rub one out,while thinking about her,we would all cum in less than a minute too. :yes: :yes: :hi: :woohoo: :lmao: 1
moibidule Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: StnCld316, euromike69, Hope85, hflyer, PHN, catlakcocukn, WayToCool, snaky, bigskyfly, denizenkane, corboblanc, sulzer25059, phantomcapsnet, kzsjzkdjs, LeTchad... I want to thank you very much for your fantastic pictures (HD, gif...) of Kamila and Kristy. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: It's very kind of you, because, without you, I can't see them. So all the best for you! :nana: :nana: :nana: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: And special thanks to StnCld316, Manzarek, Brusshless, MCrestwood... They enjoy us with the must, wonderful movies! Warm regard
euromike69 Posted February 13, 2016 Posted February 13, 2016 KRISTY BROUGHT A GUY FRIEND/RELATIVE OVER 1
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