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Where are the Girls and What are they doing now ? ~ Part #1

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2 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said:

You mean just Football? Also it's GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAL.

Well I am american, Eric to me a football is not round :biggrin: We have 11 time high school soccer state championship team..... pretty good since they have only been playing soccer for 20 years in high school competitively here where I live. We have  a large immagrant population and they say SCORE when we get a goal, that is where it came from LOLOL

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Must remind everyone that the Moon and Ocean is in full command for Kam. So take a chill on are they gonna hook up... Kams womanly process is going forth. I find her dead weight when Kam is ready. BF or Kristy could be there instead of her borrowing Kristys bra(she sure as hell couldn't fit Kams) and wearing Kams clothes and lying in the way while Kam is cleaning.

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5 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Amber is in the bathroom looking oh so cute and adorable,,,she is like a much younger looking Kristy:heart:

What? she's nothing like Kristy. I seriously don't see what you guys see in this girl. She's pretty but that's all, I haven't seen her do one interesting thing since that first shower.

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9 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said:

What? she's nothing like Kristy. I seriously don't see what you guys see in this girl. She's pretty but that's all, I haven't seen her do one interesting thing since that first shower.

Calm down eric,,remember we are on your side here buddy,,,I said her body type looks like a younger Kristy,,,her boobies are not fully grown and perky like Kristy's yet,,she doesn't have a Buns of steel yet,,but she is a cutie pie though..that can't be denied,,you already know I love Kristy already,,after Rita she is my second favorite.::):heart::heart:

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Eric I would guess the same thing we see in all the Angels, just a lot of beauty and sometimes a little nudity :heart: I think she is very cute and makes Kami laugh a lot and be happy. To me that is worth a lot and she is quite unhappy most of the time by appearence

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