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Guest HappyChap

New girl packed and gone... tooth paste gone from bath, borrowed shorts on chair back..... :(

I really don't know what was so special about her. She was average looking with an average body.

She brought some fun to the house!! Like a breath of fresh air.....

I wonder if N and K will just go back to the way they were before...i.e. little interaction and lots of moping around looking cool/glum/thoughtful/intense.....or whether Vika has managed to revitalise something.....

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Guest HappyChap

here's a vid of new girl when she was left on her own......N/K walking the dog I think...

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I wonder if N and K will just go back to the way they were before...i.e. little interaction and lots of moping around looking cool/glum/thoughtful/intense.....or whether Vika has managed to revitalise something.....

Very doubtful that girl has done anything like that for them. I have absolutely zero faith in this couple and I wish they would leave.

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Guest MaStErVoYeUr

New girl packed and gone... tooth paste gone from bath, borrowed shorts on chair back..... :(

I really don't know what was so special about her. She was average looking with an average body.

She brought some fun to the house!! Like a breath of fresh air.....

I wonder if N and K will just go back to the way they were before...i.e. little interaction and lots of moping around looking cool/glum/thoughtful/intense.....or whether Vika has managed to revitalise something.....

I wonder if N and K will just go back to the way they were before...i.e. little interaction and lots of moping around looking cool/glum/thoughtful/intense.....or whether Vika has managed to revitalise something.....

Very doubtful that girl has done anything like that for them. I have absolutely zero faith in this couple and I wish they would leave.

just a black screen on vid for me.. how can i view?
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It would seem that Nora has slept for almost 24 hours! Despite being my all time favourite RLC girl I have to say that she is just about the laziest girl I have ever seen!!!

Unless she has the most deadly illness known to man I cannot understand how anyone can sleep for the entire day. Having woken up she cannot mutter even the slightest thing to Kiko.

He is pathetically miserable again. Sad to say but this couple is in terminal decline.

They do nothing but watch the worst TV in the world or play with their mobile phones (who the hell communicates with them!). They do nothing, see almost no-one and have the conversation skills of deaf mutes who can't do sign language!

New girl gave both Nora and Kiko a reason to discover the pleasures of language and its use!!!!

Both of them have a serious deficiency in B12. This can be the only explanation for their lack of energy. Well lack of a decent meal could also be the cause!

I have been blinded by my admiration for how Nora looks and how she performs in bed (when not asleep or ignoring her pathetic partner!) but enough is enough. A new couple is needed in this house. It will take a week to clean the place before anyone else can move in but it would be worth the wait!!!

Rant over - PS Nora's ass is fucking great!!!  :)

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It's not by accident that Kiko is by himself in the bedroom playing with his phone, and Nora is in the living room on the computer.

Both are quiet.

Nora had tried to infuse a little excitement into their lives by granting Vika permission to share her husband with her.  But Kiko is NOT interested in girls, and now Nora is very disappointed that Vika is gone, and that her dud of a man has let her and Vika down. 

Even with Nora, he only does what is necessary and far too infrequently to keep her around.

And always in a dispassionate way. 

Never anything exciting or spontaneous. 

He doesn't foster or enflames a girls fantasy,.. There is no sweet feeling of her feeling like she is being taken. 

HE just doesn't care all that much for girls. 

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Guest HappyChap

My vote is for Vika to take over the apartment and Leora to be shipped in from Russia as she is on her own now!! Nora can visit every other day or so, and Kiko can come along if he wants to as a prop for the three girls....

Of course, it might actually be Nora that is causing all the glumness in the relationship - she wants to be attractive and sexy but can only do this in the context of a "performance" (on stage, as a model, in bed, etc...), so at all other times it's back to moodiness/silence.....very difficult to keep a steady emotional relationship going under those circumstances.

Also see my video entry under DOG thread.....maybe the dog is what Kiko really wants....

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