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guest come with boyfriend

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I don't know,.. But the new girl isn't that camera shy, in fact I think she likes the cameras.

you think she knows about the cameras? i still refuse to believe even that N/K know about it.


how can u be sure?

why would they hide in the small bedroom with no mics?

i thought they were changing their winter/summer clothes there..? i couldn't see what's going on there, though i remember her skyping with her family. I don't know. im still not sure.

Seriously, they're not stupid, they have signed contract to get this apartment so they're fully aware there are cameras, that's how they get it to live there for free.

You really think Nastya with all her showbiz and connections would agree so everyone could see her fucking kiko at night?

where this info about contracts and free living came from? at least i would expect them to see theirself on RLC. it just doesn't make sence. and everything else is not so obvious.


Do the people know about the cameras?

Yes, the people know about the cameras. Otherwise it would be illegal. 

Yeah i saw that.... I just don't believe them.  otherwise what would this policy say about those nude guests they have? are they on contract too? no way.

So far from what we've seen around all the apartments some guests will not show any skin or will hide from the cameras and some seem not to care much at all, so it's their choice.

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You really think Nastya with all her showbiz and connections would agree so everyone could see her fucking kiko at night?

where this info about contracts and free living came from? at least i would expect them to see theirself on RLC. it just doesn't make sence. and everything else is not so obvious.

Their "SHOWBIZ" doesn't bring them much revenue if they chose to live with cameras in a tiny apartment so go figure.

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Guest Kidamagasha

are you new on RLC??

the extremely shy couple before ariel and harvey had a "moving in" party, where they were showing the guests around and pointing out all the cameraes,  so they are all very much aware of the cameraes..

They were very much aware of the cameraes, they did everything to expose themselves as little as possible..

in fact I never saw the girl naked from the front..  if i was really lucky i managed to see a little nipple from the side but that was it.

in fact something i have noticed, nearly all new couples in the apartments usually spend 2-3 nights under the covers during "sexy" times before they begin exposing themselves.

Leora/paul  (first time under covers)

Lina/mark (seveal times under the covers)

Maya/stephan (first time in the bathtub with ligths turned off, only a candle lit).

the couple before maya (only saw them doing it once above covers, or in the bathtub with his back towards camera so never really saw anything).

But doesnt matter I have seen Nora pointing at the camera  in the living room several times while talking to Kiko

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Guest noraluver

So the girl is Kiko's sister and the lady his mom? And the boy?

The woman is kikos mom, with her dog, and she already knows the new guy Vanya.. maybe cousin? i dont know about him.

the girl isn't kiko's sister, she asked his mom where they came from in ukraine

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Yes, I can translate some of what's been said,..

Kiko:..'Well, we really put it over on them didn't we sis?"  "They actually thought that there was something going on between us,.. HAR HAR HAR"

"They should have known that there wouldn't be anything that exciting going on around here, and those acting classes sure did come in handy in this little farce of ours,.. HAR HAR HAR."

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