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Kamila & Kristy ~ General Chat for this Apartment May 01,2016. to May 31,2016.

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Is there know one brave enough to get at least a head shot of this so called ex?   If he is an ex then why does she even bother with the loser in the first place!!

Not worth the effort or the chances.::)

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mmm je miserais bien une petite pièce de monnaie sur le fait qu'il va y avoir de l'action de la chambre de Kristy ce soir... Personne ne s'attendait que Kami ait un rapport sexuel en direct devant les cam,... donc maintenant ca pourrait etre au tour de Kristy... Kami l'a fait donc il ne reste que Kristy...

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I have met well groomed men in fancy suits who turned out to be the biggest losers and pricks. Never judge a Book on it's cover.

I believe the Nazis were rather well dressed.  Good Point kris.

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The two act much more as if they are a couple as if not. ... He makes a very good second impression. .... Nice couple. ... 


mmm je miserais bien une petite pièce de monnaie sur le fait qu'il va y avoir de l'action de la chambre de Kristy ce soir... Personne ne s'attendait que Kami ait un rapport sexuel en direct devant les cam,... donc maintenant ca pourrait etre au tour de Kristy... Kami l'a fait donc il ne reste que Kristy...

As already mentioned, I do not think that the two will have sex there, ever. ... :( ... But, the two fit very well together, and so this apartment is at least not empty all the time. ... :) ... Now I would like to see a translation of all things they have discussed over the time. 

Ultimately, it will be seen whether RLC is going on with this concept in the long term or not. .... Let's see. ... At least once a development in a positive direction.


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ok news and mr box, we will see.... but remember our surpise with Kami and coke boy.....but it is true there is not a lot of chance taht happens.....

I am not sure that kamila had sex there. I only saw 2 min without anything shown definitely. ... It could be all played. ... And based on my view of this apartment, it seams to be more likely to me that nothing was real. Just my opinion. 

I like his visit a lot because it seams to be a real relationship. Even if she may said that they are separated. .... Even women can be wrong. ... ;)

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